blob: 939167d73acbf7d93659bcc1a7e82bb8e71fce29 [file] [log] [blame]
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
import java.lang.reflect.Field
import java.util.regex.Matcher
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
allConditionsMet = true
baseDirectory = project.model.pomFile.parent
def checkTotalMemory(long requiredMaxMegs) {
print "Checking available memory: "
long curMaxMegs = (long) (Runtime.runtime.maxMemory() / (1024*1024))
if(curMaxMegs < requiredMaxMegs) {
println "Failed:"
println ""
println "Too little memory available. "
println "Please set the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to allow at least " + requiredMaxMegs + "MB of ram."
println "Example:"
if(os == "win") {
println "set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx" + requiredMaxMegs + "m"
} else {
println "export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx" + requiredMaxMegs + "m"
println ""
allConditionsMet = false
} else {
println "OK (" + curMaxMegs + " MB)"
def checkGeckoDriver() {
print "Checking Gecko WebDriver configuration: "
String webdriverGeckoDriverPath = geckoProperty
if(webdriverGeckoDriverPath == null || webdriverGeckoDriverPath.isEmpty()) {
println "Failed"
println ""
println "When running the 'with-ui-testsuite' profile it is mandatory to pass along the path to the Gecko Webdriver in the 'webdriver.gecko.driver' variable."
println "Get versions from:"
if(os == "win") {
println "Pass the location to the 'geckodriver.exe' executable by adding '-Dwebdriver.gecko.driver={path-to-geckodriver.exe}' to your maven build command"
} else {
println "Pass the location to the 'geckodriver' executable by adding '-Dwebdriver.gecko.driver={path-to-geckodriver}' to your maven build command"
println ""
allConditionsMet = false
// If the property is specified with surrounding double-quotes, remove them.
if(webdriverGeckoDriverPath.startsWith("\"") && webdriverGeckoDriverPath.endsWith("\"")) {
flashplayerDebuggerPath = webdriverGeckoDriverPath.substring(1, webdriverGeckoDriverPath.length() - 1)
File webdriverGeckoDriverFile = new File(webdriverGeckoDriverPath)
if(webdriverGeckoDriverFile.exists()) {
if(webdriverGeckoDriverFile.exists()) {
if(!webdriverGeckoDriverFile.isFile()) {
println "Failed: 'webdriver.gecko.driver' must point to a file"
allConditionsMet = false
def output = (webdriverGeckoDriverPath + " --version").execute().text
Matcher matcher = extractVersion(output)
if(matcher.size() > 0) {
def curVersion = matcher[0][1]
println "OK (Gecko Version " + curVersion + ")"
} else {
println "Failed"
println ""
println "not a valid Gecko WebDriver executable at " + webdriverGeckoDriverPath
allConditionsMet = false
} else {
println "Failed: File referenced by 'webdriver.gecko.driver' does not exist. " + webdriverGeckoDriverPath
allConditionsMet = false
Checks if a given version number is at least as high as a given reference version.
def checkVersionAtLeast(String current, String minimum) {
def currentSegments = current.tokenize('.')
def minimumSegments = minimum.tokenize('.')
def numSegments = Math.min(currentSegments.size(), minimumSegments.size())
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; ++i) {
def currentSegment = currentSegments[i].toInteger()
def minimumSegment = minimumSegments[i].toInteger()
if(currentSegment < minimumSegment) {
println current.padRight(14) + "FAILED (required " + minimum + ")"
return false
} else if(currentSegment > minimumSegment) {
println current.padRight(14) + "OK"
return true
def curNotShorter = currentSegments.size() >= minimumSegments.size()
if(curNotShorter) {
println current.padRight(14) + " OK"
} else {
println current.padRight(14) + " (required " + minimum + ")"
* Version extraction function/macro. It looks for occurrence of x.y or x.y.z
* in passed input text (likely output from `program --version` command if found).
* @param input
* @return
private Matcher extractVersion(input) {
def matcher = input =~ /(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?).*/
// Find out which OS and arch are bring used.
def osString =['os.type']
def osMatcher = osString =~ /(.*)/
if(osMatcher.size() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Currently unsupported OS")
os = osMatcher[0][1]
println "Detected OS: " + os
flashVersion =['flash.version']
println "Detected minimum Flash version: " + flashVersion
airVersion =['air.version']
println "Detected minimum Air version: " + airVersion
// Save the gecko property (Somehow the groovy maven plugin doesn't like overridden properties)
geckoProperty = properties['geckoProperty']
// Find out which profiles are enabled.
println "Enabled profiles:"
def distributionEnabled = false
def examplesEnabled = false
def manualtestsEnabled = false
def uiTestsuiteEnabled = false
def optionWithSwfEnabled = false
def activeProfiles = session.request.activeProfiles
for (def activeProfile : activeProfiles) {
if(activeProfile == "with-distribution") {
distributionEnabled = true
println "with-distribution"
} else if(activeProfile == "with-examples") {
examplesEnabled = true
println "with-examples"
} else if(activeProfile == "with-manualtests") {
manualtestsEnabled = true
println "with-manualtests"
} else if(activeProfile == "with-ui-testsuite") {
uiTestsuiteEnabled = true
println "with-ui-testsuite"
} else if(activeProfile == "option-with-swf") {
optionWithSwfEnabled = true
println "option-with-swf"
println ""
// - Windows:
// - Check the length of the path of the base dir as we're having issues with the length of paths being too long.
if(os == "win") {
File pomFile = project.model.pomFile
if(pomFile.absolutePath.length() > 100) {
println "On Windows we encounter problems with maximum path lengths. " +
"Please move the project to a place it has a shorter base path " +
"and run the build again."
allConditionsMet = false
// Do the actual checks depending on the enabled
// profiles.
if(examplesEnabled) {
// Check at least 1536MB of memory are available to the build.
if(uiTestsuiteEnabled) {
// Check if the gecko driver is configured and available in the right version.
if(distributionEnabled) {
/*if(!optionWithSwfEnabled) {
println "If the 'with-distribution' profile is enabled the 'option-with-swf' profile must be enabled too, as the distribution bundles both swf and js artifacts."
allConditionsMet = false
if(!allConditionsMet) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not all conditions met, see log for details.")
println ""
println "All known conditions met successfully."
println ""