blob: 0bca81ff5d80484529ba037c47566ed9b95e8598 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import classes.B;
import interfaces.IA;
import interfaces.IB;
import interfaces.IC;
import interfaces.ID;
import interfaces.IE;
import interfaces.IF;
import org.apache.royale.core.SimpleApplication;
public class LanguageTests extends SimpleApplication implements IA, IE
public function LanguageTests()
var testResult:Boolean;
var testObject:Object;
var b:B = new B();
testResult = this instanceof SimpleApplication;
trace('this instanceof SimpleApplication - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this instanceof B;
trace('this instanceof classes.B - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = b instanceof classes.B;
trace('b instanceof classes.B - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = b instanceof classes.C;
trace('b instanceof classes.C - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = b instanceof interfaces.IC;
trace('b instanceof interfaces.IC - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = b instanceof interfaces.IF;
trace('b instanceof interfaces.IF - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this instanceof IA;
trace('this instanceof interfaces.IA - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this instanceof IB;
trace('this instanceof interfaces.IB - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this instanceof IC;
trace('this instanceof interfaces.IC - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this instanceof ID;
trace('this instanceof interfaces.ID - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this instanceof IE;
trace('this instanceof interfaces.IE - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this is SimpleApplication;
trace('this is SimpleApplication - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this is B;
trace('this is classes.B - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = b is classes.B;
trace('b is classes.B - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = b is classes.C;
trace('b is classes.C - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = b is interfaces.IC;
trace('b is interfaces.IC - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = b is interfaces.IF;
trace('b is interfaces.IF - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this is IA;
trace('this is interfaces.IA - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this is IB;
trace('this is interfaces.IB - false: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this is IC;
trace('this is interfaces.IC - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this is ID;
trace('this is interfaces.ID - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testResult = this is IE;
trace('this is interfaces.IE - true: ' + testResult.toString());
testObject = (this as SimpleApplication) ? this as SimpleApplication : 'null';
trace('this as SimpleApplication - [object ...]: ' + testObject.toString());
testObject = (this as B) ? this as B : 'null';
trace('this as classes.B - null: ' + testObject.toString());
testObject = (b as classes.B) ? b as classes.B : 'null';
trace('b as classes.B - [object ...]: ' + testObject.toString());
testObject = (b as classes.C) ? b as classes.C : 'null';
trace('b as classes.C - [object ...]: ' + testObject.toString());
testObject = (b as interfaces.IC) ? b as interfaces.IC : 'null';
trace('b as interfaces.IC - null: ' + testObject.toString());
testObject = (b as interfaces.IF) ? b as interfaces.IF : 'null';
trace('b as interfaces.IF - [object ...]: ' + testObject.toString());
testObject = (this as IA) ? this as IA : 'null';
trace('this as interfaces.IA - [object ...]: ' + testObject.toString());
testObject = (this as IB) ? this as IB : 'null';
trace('this as interfaces.IB - null: ' + testObject.toString());
testObject = (this as IC) ? this as IC : 'null';
trace('this as interfaces.IC - [object ...]: ' + testObject.toString());
testObject = (this as ID) ? this as ID : 'null';
trace('this as interfaces.ID - [object ...]: ' + testObject.toString());
testObject = (this as IE) ? this as IE : 'null';
trace('this as interfaces.IE - [object ...]: ' + testObject.toString());
try {
testObject = SimpleApplication(this);
trace('SimpleApplication(this) - [object ...]: ' + testObject.toString());
} catch (e:Error)
trace("This shouldn't show!");
try {
testObject = B(this);
trace("This shouldn't show!");
} catch (e:Error)
trace('B(this) - exception expected: ' + e.message);
try {
testObject = interfaces.IC(b);
trace("This shouldn't show!");
} catch (e:Error)
trace('IC(b) - exception expected: ' + e.message);
try {
testObject = interfaces.IF(b);
trace('IF(b) - [object ...]: ' + testObject.toString());
} catch (e:Error)
trace("This shouldn't show!");
addEventListener("foo", eventHandler);
if (hasEventListener("foo"))
trace("addEventListener worked");
trace("This shouldn't show!");
removeEventListener("foo", eventHandler);
if (!hasEventListener("foo"))
trace("removeEventListener worked");
trace("This shouldn't show!");
var n:Namespace = new Namespace("my_ns", "");
trace("Namespace.prefix (should be my_ns): ", n.prefix);
trace("Namespace.uri (should be ", n.uri);
var q:QName = new QName(n, "my_namespaced_property");
trace("QName.localName (should be my_namespaced_property): ", q.localName);
trace("QName.uri (should be ", q.uri);
var o:MyDynamicClass = new MyDynamicClass;
o[q] = "value_of_namespaced_property";
trace("Get namespaced property via []: ", o[q]);
trace("Get namespaced property via ::: ", o.n::my_namespaced_property);
trace("Get namespaced property via my_ns: ", o.my_ns::my_namespaced_property);
public function eventHandler(e:Event):void
namespace my_ns = "";
dynamic class MyDynamicClass
my_ns var my_namespaced_property:String;