blob: 786be15f61855d12d963c361d4a46b0718c589a5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project name="cordova-app" default="main">
<!-- this ANT script assumes you are in the following directory structure:
. /* run ANT here */
./src/<APP>.mxml /* The main application MXML tag */
./bin/js-debug /* The result of building APP.mxml via mxmlc, or
./target/javascript/bin/js-debug /* The result of building APP.mxml via maven
./app/<APP> /* The Cordova application directory
1. This ANT script will build the template Cordova app/APP if it does not
already exist.
2. This ANT script will compile the APP.mxml into bin/js-debug
3. This ANT script will remove ./app/<APP>/www contents are replace it with
the contents of bin/js-debug.
Optionally, you can run the Cordova application using ant run
<target name="main" depends="find.cordova.mac,create, copyfiles" description="Creates the Cordova app if needed, compiles the FlexJS app, copies the results to Cordova app">
<!-- Set up properties and conditions -->
<property environment="env"/>
<condition property="isWindows" value="windows">
<os family="windows" />
<condition property="projectdir" value="${user.dir}">
<isset property="projectdir" />
<condition property="target" value="target/javascript">
<available file="${projectdir}/target/javascript/bin/js-debug" type="dir" />
<property name="target" value="." />
<condition property="" value="android">
<isset property="" />
<condition property="platform.ios" value="ios">
<isset property="platform.ios" />
<!-- override with -Dappname=other-app-name -->
<basename property="" file="${projectdir}" />
<condition property="appname" value="${}">
<isset property="appname" />
<condition property="cordova.executable" value="cordova.cmd">
<isset property="isWindows" />
<property name="" value="${projectdir}/app/${appname}" />
<available file="${}" type="dir" property="app.dir.exists"/>
<target name="find.cordova.mac" unless="isWindows">
<condition property="cordova.executable" value="/usr/local/bin/cordova">
<available file="/usr/local/bin/cordova" type="file"/>
<condition property="cordova.path" value="/usr/local/bin">
<available file="/usr/local/bin/cordova" type="file"/>
<!-- Create the Cordova template project unless it already exists -->
<target name="makedir" unless="app.dir.exists">
<mkdir dir="${projectdir}/app" />
<target name="create" unless="app.dir.exists" depends="makedir" description="Creates the Cordova application template">
<!-- create the project -->
<exec executable="${cordova.executable}" dir="${projectdir}/app">
<env key="PATH" path="${env.PATH}:${cordova.path}"/>
<arg value="create" />
<arg value="${appname}" />
<arg value="org.apache.flex.examples.${appname}" />
<arg value="${appname}" />
<!-- Clean www directory -->
<target name="purge">
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
<fileset dir="${}/www" includes="**/*" />
<!-- Copy files from step above -->
<target name="copyfiles" depends="purge">
<echo message="Copying files from project" />
<copy todir="${}/www">
<fileset dir="${projectdir}/${target}/bin/js-debug" />
Check to see if the Android platform needs to be loaded.
<target name="">
<property name="android.platform" value="${projectdir}/app/${appname}/platforms/android" />
<available file="${android.platform}" type="dir" property="platform.loaded" />
<target name="" depends="" unless="platform.loaded">
<exec executable="${cordova.executable}" dir="${}">
<env key="PATH" path="${env.PATH}:${cordova.path}"/>
<arg value="platform" />
<arg value="add" />
<arg value="${}" />
Check to see if the iOS platform needs to be loaded.
<target name="check-platform.ios">
<property name="android.ios" value="${projectdir}/app/${appname}/platforms/ios" />
<available file="${ios.platform}" type="dir" property="platform.loaded" />
<target name="load-platform.ios" depends="check-platform.ios" unless="platform.loaded">
<exec executable="${cordova.executable}" dir="${}">
<env key="PATH" path="${env.PATH}:${cordova.path}"/>
<arg value="platform" />
<arg value="add" />
<arg value="${platform.ios}" />
Check to see if the Cordova File Plugin is needed and if so, load it.
<target name="check-fileplugin">
<property name="storage.file" value="${projectdir}/${target}/bin/js-debug/org/apache/flex/storage/IPermanentStorage.js" />
<available file="${storage.file}" type="file" property="file.plugin.needed" />
<target name="load-fileplugin" depends="find.cordova.mac,check-fileplugin" if="file.plugin.needed">
<echo message="Loading cordova file-plugin" />
<exec executable="${cordova.executable}" dir="${}">
<env key="PATH" path="${env.PATH}:${cordova.path}"/>
<arg value="plugin" />
<arg value="add" />
<arg value="cordova-plugin-file" />
Running the app on the platform
<target name="" depends="find.cordova.mac,,load-fileplugin" description="Runs the Cordova application on the specified platform">
<echo message="Launching ${appname} on platform ${}" />
<exec executable="${cordova.executable}" dir="${}">
<env key="PATH" path="${env.PATH}:${cordova.path}"/>
<arg value="run" />
<arg value="${}" />
<target name="run.ios" depends="find.cordova.mac,load-platform.ios,load-fileplugin" description="Runs the Cordova application on the specified platform">
<echo message="Launching ${appname} on platform ${platform.ios}" />
<exec executable="${cordova.executable}" dir="${}">
<env key="PATH" path="${env.PATH}:${cordova.path}"/>
<arg value="run" />
<arg value="${platform.ios}" />
Cleaning Tasks
<target name="clean" depends="purge" description="Removes files created during the build and copy">
<delete dir="${projectdir}/bin-debug" failonerror="false" />
<delete dir="${projectdir}/bin-release" failonerror="false" />
<target name="super-clean" depends="clean" description="Removes all files and directories except src and its contents">
<delete dir="${projectdir}/bin" />
<delete dir="${projectdir}/app" />