blob: 314a7ddc8da18f94ab9d7a20c6d9eb19ad4bac61 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache FlexJS 0.8.0
Apache FlexJS is a next-generation Flex SDK that provides the capability
to cross-compile MXML and AS applications to HTML/JS/CSS so they can run
in a browser without Flash.
This is the fifth release of Apache FlexJS. This release supports Maven.
It is an beta type of release. Expect to find lots of bugs and missing
New Features
- More complete Reflection implementation with access to static members, kept metadata and method parameters
- Added cross-platform registerClassAlias/getAliasByClass/getClassByAlias implementations (reflection package)
- Added support for interpreting XML literals as JSX by adding [JSX] metadata to a function.
Bug Fixes
-FLEX-35213 Assigned multi line CDATA section to InnerHtml bead causes exception
-FLEX-35212 [FlexJS] DataGrid requires a way to select it's row(s) automatically
-FLEX-35210 FlexJSStore and FlexJSStore_JQuery fail with javascript error on starting as of 09 DEC
-FLEX-35208 DateField is not closable without selecting one date in javascript mode
-FLEX-35207 DateChooser doesn't highlight current select date
-FLEX-35205 style properties are ignored in swf mode
-FLEX-35204 DateChooser and DateField doesn't work in swf mode
-FLEX-35201 TileLayout is not working in javascript mode
-FLEX-35192 [FalconJX] TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined with subclass of <js:View>
-FLEX-35200 Array.removeAt() is broken in javascript mode in 0.8 dev
-FLEX-35191 DateChooser and DateField don't align days correctly in javascript mode
-FLEX-35187 [FlexJS] 1px Left Offset Added to Containers
-FLEX-35176 Not able to build FlexJS project when local maven repo is on different disk drive than compiling project
-FLEX-35169 [FlexJS] ComboBox broken on JS side
-FLEX-35144 [FlexJS] Panel Broken
-FLEX-35137 [Bindable] doesn't work on swf side if referenced var is declared as private
-FLEX-35134 FalconJX 0.7.0 crash
-FLEX-35115 Method implementation error: getConditionalExpressionNodes in compiler/src/org/apache/flex/compiler/internal/tree/as/
-FLEX-35068 SWCs not created for XML
-FLEX-35061 var keyword "internal" scoping
-FLEX-35051 NullPointerException in FlexJS compiler
-FLEX-35041 Date property not working in FlexJS
-FLEX-34996 [FlexJS] Issue with VerticalColumnLayout Inside Panel
Apache FlexJS 0.7.0
- Support for XML contructors and literals as well as E4X.
See here for limitations:
- Node.js projects no longer need to call require() for built-in modules. The JavaScript require() calls are generated when these modules are used.
define APIs for Typed Node.js
- The node.swc for Node.js APIs has been expanded to include more APIs with types for ActionScript.
- Added -source-map compiler argument to generate source maps, which allow web browser debuggers to step through add breakpoints to the original ActionScript code instead of the generated JavaScript.
- SDK may be built with Maven.
- Improved compatibility of externc tool to parse more Google Closure Compiler externs.
Bug Fixes
-FLEX-35104 [FlexJS] Binding Problem in Flash
-FLEX-35089 FlexJS Circle not drawn in proper location when x-compiled for JavaScript
-FLEX-35058 Flex JS LICENCE and NOTICE doesn't follow ASF policy
Apache FlexJS 0.6.0
Apache FlexJS is a next-generation Flex SDK that provides the capability
to cross-compile MXML and AS applications to HTML/JS/CSS so they can run
in a browser without Flash.
This is the fourth release of Apache FlexJS. It is an beta type of release.
Expect to find lots of bugs and missing features.
Bug Fixes
-FLEX-35048 [FlexJS] Binding not works expectedly
-FLEX-35006 bug in mxmlc/compc/etc scripts when flexjs path contains spaces
Apache FlexJS 0.5.0
Apache FlexJS is a next-generation Flex SDK that provides the capability
to cross-compile MXML and AS applications to HTML/JS/CSS so they can run
in a browser without Flash.
This is the third release of Apache FlexJS. It is an beta type of release.
Expect to find lots of bugs and missing features.
Bug Fixes
-FLEX-34928 [FlexJS] First view in TabbedViewManager not laid out properly
Apache FlexJS 0.0.2
Apache FlexJS is a next-generation Flex SDK that provides the capability
to cross-compile MXML and AS applications to HTML/JS/CSS so they can run
in a browser without Flash.
This is the second release of Apache FlexJS. It is an 'alpha' type of release.
Expect to find lots of bugs and missing features.
Known Issues
Adobe Flash Builder Integration
Flash Builder will not generate correct MXML when generating a new Flex Project
that uses an Apache FlexJS SDK. It is recommended that you copy an the MXML
for the main application from one of the FlexJS example applications. More details
can be found on the Apache Flex Wiki at:
Examples and Compiler Warnings
Several of the Examples will have compiler warnings in the output and return
an exit code of 2. But they still be operational.
Building the Examples
There are several examples in the "examples" folder. Use "ant examples" from the
SDK's build.xml to build them. Building them individually may result in errors.
The DataBindingTest is the most up-to-date example and should allow both the SWF
version and cross-compiled version to select one of the stock symbols from
the drop down and hit a button to get a stock price. Some of other the examples
may not cross-compile or work correctly.
Java Version Mismatch
If you get an error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
org/apache/flex/compiler/clients/MXMLJSC : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 (or a
larger number), this indicates that FlexJS is trying to use Java 6 to compile cross-
compile the application. Check the path to Java specified in the js/bin/mxmlc or
js/bin/mxmlc.bat file. You may have to modify it to point to a Java 7 JDK. If the
error occurred when using one of the Flash Builder launch configurations, try
running the js/bin/mxmlc or js/bin/mxmlc.bat file from the command line.
"${project_loc}" Error
You may get the following error using one of the Flash Builder launch configurations:
Variable references empty selection: ${project_loc}
This indicates that Flash Builder cannot determine which project in the workspace is
the active project. Click on the project in the Package Explorer, or on a file in the
editor that belongs to that project before using the launch configuration.
Differences from Apache FlexJS 0.0.1 include:
New Features
-support for Move and Fade effects
-example using Google Maps
-support for Cordova Application, Camera, and Weinre
Bug Fixes
-FLEX-34258 Error cross-compiling on Windows
-FLEX-33887 "super" not converted to goog.base call when used in customer setter
-FLEX-33901 Need getQualifiedClassName and getQualifiedSuperClassName in JS
Please report new issues to our bugbase at:
The Apache Flex Project