blob: 2a77885fd3106b3336763ad71ac0a3da064f7734 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.apache.royale.externsjs.inspiretree.beads
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10.2
* @playerversion AIR 2.6
* @productversion Royale 0.9.8
import org.apache.royale.core.IBead;
import org.apache.royale.core.IBeadModel;
import org.apache.royale.core.IStrand;
import org.apache.royale.core.IStyledUIBase;
import org.apache.royale.core.Strand;
import org.apache.royale.externsjs.inspiretree.beads.models.InspireTreeModel;
import org.apache.royale.externsjs.inspiretree.supportClasses.IInspireTree;
public class InspireTreeIconBead extends Strand implements IBead
* constructor
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10.2
* @playerversion AIR 2.6
* @productversion Royale 0.9.7
public function InspireTreeIconBead()
private var _strand:IStrand;
* @copy org.apache.royale.core.IBead#strand
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10.2
* @playerversion AIR 2.6
* @productversion Royale 0.9.4
public function get strand():IStrand
return _strand;
* @copy org.apache.royale.core.IBead#strand
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10.2
* @playerversion AIR 2.6
* @productversion Royale 0.9.4
public function set strand(value:IStrand):void
_strand = value;
if(_typeIconsSet == "")
_typeIconsSet = "default";
(_strand as IEventDispatcher).addEventListener("initComplete", init);
private function init(event:Event):void
(_strand as IEventDispatcher).removeEventListener("initComplete", init);
var treeModel:InspireTreeModel = (_strand.getBeadByType(IBeadModel) as InspireTreeModel);
treeModel.addEventListener("checkboxModeChanged", updateHost);
treeModel.useCustomStyle = true;
private var _typeIconsSet:String = "";
public function get typeIconsSet():String
return _typeIconsSet;
[Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="default,custom,customClass,customClasses,none")]
* typeIconsSet property: tree should have parent and child icons or not
* default,custom,customClass,customClasses,none
public function set typeIconsSet(value:String):void
if(_typeIconsSet != value)
_typeIconsSet = value;
* ClassName assigned to the component when typeIconSet is set to 'customClass'.
private var _className:String = "";
public function get className():String{ return _className; }
public function set className(value:String):void
if(_className != value)
if(_strand && _typeIconsSet == 'customClass' && _className)
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_className);
_className = value;
if(_updateInProgress) return;
private var _parentIcon:String = "";
public function get parentIcon():String{ return _parentIcon; }
public function set parentIcon(value:String):void
if(_parentIcon != value)
//After initialization
if(_strand && _typeIconsSet == 'customClasses')
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_parentIcon);
_parentIcon = value;
if(_updateInProgress) return;
private var _parentOpenIcon:String = "";
public function get parentOpenIcon():String{ return _parentOpenIcon; }
public function set parentOpenIcon(value:String):void
if(_parentOpenIcon != value)
//After initialization
if(_strand && _typeIconsSet == 'customClasses')
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_parentOpenIcon);
_parentOpenIcon = value;
if(_updateInProgress) return;
private var _parentSelectedIcon:String = "";
public function get parentSelectedIcon():String{ return _parentSelectedIcon; }
public function set parentSelectedIcon(value:String):void
if(_parentSelectedIcon != value)
//After initialization
if(_strand && _typeIconsSet == 'customClasses')
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_parentSelectedIcon);
_parentSelectedIcon = value;
if(_updateInProgress) return;
private var _parentOpenSelectedIcon:String = "";
public function get parentOpenSelectedIcon():String{ return _parentOpenSelectedIcon; }
public function set parentOpenSelectedIcon(value:String):void
if(_parentOpenSelectedIcon != value)
//After initialization
if(_strand && _typeIconsSet == 'customClasses')
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_parentOpenSelectedIcon);
_parentOpenSelectedIcon = value;
if(_updateInProgress) return;
private var _childIcon:String = "";
public function get childIcon():String{ return _childIcon; }
public function set childIcon(value:String):void
if(_childIcon != value)
//After initialization
if(_strand && _typeIconsSet == 'customClasses')
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_childIcon);
_childIcon = value;
if(_updateInProgress) return;
private var _childSelectedIcon:String = "";
public function get childSelectedIcon():String{ return _childSelectedIcon; }
public function set childSelectedIcon(value:String):void
if(_childSelectedIcon != value)
//After initialization
if(_strand && _typeIconsSet == 'customClasses')
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_childSelectedIcon);
_childSelectedIcon = value;
if(_updateInProgress) return;
private var _minusIcon:String;
public function get minusIcon():String{ return _minusIcon; }
public function set minusIcon(value:String):void
if(_minusIcon != value)
//After initialization
if(_strand && _typeIconsSet == 'customClasses' && _minusIcon)
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_minusIcon);
_minusIcon = value;
if(_updateInProgress) return;
private var _plusIcon:String;
public function get plusIcon():String{ return _plusIcon; }
public function set plusIcon(value:String):void
if(_plusIcon != value)
//After initialization
if(_strand && _typeIconsSet == 'customClasses' && _plusIcon)
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_plusIcon);
_plusIcon = value;
if(_updateInProgress) return;
private var lastUID:String = "";
private function updateHost( init:Boolean = false, propertyChange:String=""):void
//var hostelement:Element = (_strand as StyledUIBase).element;
var checkboxMode:Boolean =(_strand.getBeadByType(IBeadModel) as InspireTreeModel).checkboxMode;
var existClasswithoutCB:Boolean = (_strand as IStyledUIBase).containsClass('withoutcheckbox') ? true : false;
if(checkboxMode && existClasswithoutCB)
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass('withoutcheckbox');
existClasswithoutCB = false;
if(_typeIconsSet == "custom")
var currentUID:String = (_strand as IInspireTree).uid;
if(lastUID == "") lastUID = currentUID;
if(lastUID != currentUID )
//If the uid has changed:
// 1- We remove the reference to the previous class from the component.
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass("itreecustom"+lastUID);
// 2- And we delete the styles associated with the previous uid and create the new ones.
var lastStyle:HTMLStyleElement = document.getElementById("itreecustom"+lastUID) as HTMLStyleElement;
var ruleHTML:String ="";
var selector:String = "itreecustom"+currentUID;
var arSelectors:Object = {};
if(!_parentIcon) ruleHTML=""; else ruleHTML="url(" + _parentIcon +")";
arSelectors["parentIcon"] = {prop:"parentIcon", selectorId:".inspire-tree." + selector + " .icon-folder::before", value:ruleHTML};
if(!_parentOpenIcon) ruleHTML=""; else ruleHTML="url(" + _parentOpenIcon +")";
arSelectors["parentOpenIcon"] = {prop:"parentOpenIcon", selectorId:".inspire-tree." + selector + " .icon-folder-open::before", value:ruleHTML};
if(!_parentSelectedIcon) ruleHTML=""; else ruleHTML="url(" + _parentSelectedIcon +")";
arSelectors["parentSelectedIcon"] = {prop:"parentSelectedIcon", selectorId:".inspire-tree." + selector + " .selected > .title-wrap .icon-folder::before", value:ruleHTML};
if(!_parentOpenSelectedIcon) ruleHTML=""; else ruleHTML="url(" + _parentOpenSelectedIcon +")";
arSelectors["parentOpenSelectedIcon"] = {prop:"parentOpenSelectedIcon", selectorId:".inspire-tree." + selector + " .selected > .title-wrap .icon-folder-open::before", value:ruleHTML};
if(!_childIcon) ruleHTML=""; else ruleHTML="url(" + _childIcon +")";
arSelectors["childIcon"] = {prop:"childIcon", selectorId:".inspire-tree." + selector + " .icon-file-empty::before", value:ruleHTML};
if(!_childSelectedIcon) ruleHTML=""; else ruleHTML="url(" + _childSelectedIcon +")";
arSelectors["childSelectedIcon"] = {prop:"childSelectedIcon", selectorId:".inspire-tree." + selector + " .selected > .title-wrap .icon-file-empty::before", value:ruleHTML};
if(!_minusIcon) ruleHTML=""; else ruleHTML="url(" + _minusIcon +")";
arSelectors["minusIcon"] = {prop:"minusIcon", selectorId:".inspire-tree." + selector + " .icon-collapse::before", value:ruleHTML};
if(!_plusIcon) ruleHTML=""; else ruleHTML="url(" + _plusIcon +")";
arSelectors["plusIcon"] = {prop:"plusIcon", selectorId:".inspire-tree." + selector + " .icon-expand::before", value:ruleHTML};
var style:HTMLStyleElement = document.getElementById(selector) as HTMLStyleElement;
ruleHTML ="";
style = document.createElement('style') as HTMLStyleElement;
style.type = 'text/css'; = selector;
propertyChange = "new";
for each(var prop:Object in arSelectors)
//Our CSS example icon "expand = plusIcon" '>' has a flip transformation applied, we need to override it.
var selectorString:String = prop.selectorId + " { background-image: " + prop.value + ";";
if( prop.prop == "plusIcon" && _plusIcon)
selectorString += " -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); " + " }";
selectorString += " }";
ruleHTML += selectorString + ' ';
style.innerHTML = ruleHTML;
//What is the difference between adding to the body and adding to the head?
//org.apache.royale.utils.css.addDynamicSelector adds the style tag in the header, I guess that's the right thing to do :) //document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style);
if(propertyChange == "new")
//if propertyChange != "" --> Update by change property, modify rule
else if(propertyChange != "")
var sheet:CSSStyleSheet = style.sheet as CSSStyleSheet;
var rulecss:Object;
var selectorItem:Object = arSelectors[propertyChange];
for(var idxrule:int = 0; idxrule< sheet.cssRules.length; idxrule++)
rulecss = sheet.cssRules[idxrule];
if(rulecss.selectorText == selectorItem.selectorId)
{["background-image"] = selectorItem.value;
if( selectorItem.prop == "plusIcon" && _plusIcon){["-webkit-transform"] = 'rotate(0deg)';["-ms-transform"] = 'rotate(0deg)';["transform"] = 'rotate(0deg)';
if( !(_strand as IStyledUIBase).containsClass(selector) )
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass(selector);
lastUID = currentUID;
else if(_typeIconsSet == "customClass")
if(_className != "")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass(_className);
else if(_typeIconsSet == "none")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass("noneicon");
else if(_typeIconsSet == 'customClasses')
if(_parentIcon != "" && (propertyChange == "" || propertyChange == "parentIcon") )
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass(_parentIcon);
if(_parentOpenIcon != "" && (propertyChange == "" || propertyChange == "parentOpenIcon") )
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass(_parentOpenIcon);
if(_parentSelectedIcon != "" && (propertyChange == "" || propertyChange == "parentSelectedIcon") )
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass(_parentSelectedIcon);
if(_parentOpenSelectedIcon != "" && (propertyChange == "" || propertyChange == "parentOpenSelectedIcon") )
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass(_parentOpenSelectedIcon);
if(_childIcon != "" && (propertyChange == "" || propertyChange == "childIcon") )
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass(_childIcon);
if(_childSelectedIcon != "" && (propertyChange == "" || propertyChange == "childSelectedIcon") )
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass(_childSelectedIcon);
if(_minusIcon != "" && (propertyChange == "" || propertyChange == "minusIcon") )
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass(_minusIcon);
if(_plusIcon != "" && (propertyChange == "" || propertyChange == "plusIcon") )
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass(_plusIcon);
if(!checkboxMode && !existClasswithoutCB)
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).addClass('withoutcheckbox');
private var _updateInProgress:Boolean = false;
* Allows all properties to be defined in a single object.
* It is recommended to use this function to set any icons after initialisation.
* @param collectionIcons A "property-Icon": "value-Icon" pair object is expected.
* A null value will be interpreted as if typeIconsSet='default'.
* Examples:
* setIcons( {typeIconsSet:'default'} );
* setIcons( {typeIconsSet:'none'} );
* setIcons( {typeIconsSet:'customClass', className:'className'} );
* setIcons( {typeIconsSet:'customClasses', parentIcon:'folderClosedIconCSSClass', parentOpenIcon:'folderOpenIconCSSClass',
* parentSelectedIcon:'folderSelectedClosedIconCSSClass', parentOpenSelectedIcon:'folderSelectedOpenIcon',
* childIcon:'defaultLeafIconCSSClass', childSelectedIcon:'defaultSelectedLeafIconCSSClass',
* minusIcon:'disclosureClosedIconCSSClass', plusIcon:'disclosureOpenIconCSSClass'} );
* setIcons( {typeIconsSet:'custom', parentIcon:'folderClosedIcon.svg', parentOpenIcon:'folderOpenIcon.svg',
* parentSelectedIcon:'folderSelectedClosedIcon.svg', parentOpenSelectedIcon:'folderSelectedOpenIcon',
* childIcon:'defaultLeafIcon.svg', childSelectedIcon:'defaultSelectedLeafIcon.svg',
* minusIcon:'disclosureClosedIcon.svg', plusIcon:'disclosureOpenIcon.svg'} );
public function setIcons(collectionIcons:Object = null):void
_updateInProgress = true;
var prop:Object = {typeIconsSet:_typeIconsSet, className:_className, parentIcon:_parentIcon, parentOpenIcon:_parentOpenIcon,
parentSelectedIcon:_parentSelectedIcon, parentOpenSelectedIcon:_parentOpenSelectedIcon,
childIcon:_childIcon, childSelectedIcon:_childSelectedIcon,
minusIcon:_minusIcon, plusIcon:_plusIcon};
if(collectionIcons == null)
collectionIcons = prop;
if(collectionIcons.hasOwnProperty('typeIconsSet')) prop.typeIconsSet = collectionIcons.typeIconsSet;
if(collectionIcons.hasOwnProperty('className')) prop.className = collectionIcons.className;
if(collectionIcons.hasOwnProperty('parentIcon')) prop.parentIcon = collectionIcons.parentIcon;
if(collectionIcons.hasOwnProperty('parentOpenIcon')) prop.parentOpenIcon = collectionIcons.parentOpenIcon;
if(collectionIcons.hasOwnProperty('parentSelectedIcon')) prop.parentSelectedIcon = collectionIcons.parentSelectedIcon;
if(collectionIcons.hasOwnProperty('parentOpenSelectedIcon')) prop.parentOpenSelectedIcon = collectionIcons.parentOpenSelectedIcon;
if(collectionIcons.hasOwnProperty('childIcon')) prop.childIcon = collectionIcons.childIcon;
if(collectionIcons.hasOwnProperty('childSelectedIcon')) prop.childSelectedIcon = collectionIcons.childSelectedIcon;
if(collectionIcons.hasOwnProperty('minusIcon')) prop.minusIcon = collectionIcons.minusIcon;
if(collectionIcons.hasOwnProperty('plusIcon')) prop.plusIcon = collectionIcons.plusIcon;
//Change of configuration type
if(collectionIcons.typeIconsSet != _typeIconsSet)
//Revert the configuration associated with the previous typeIconsSet
//If the component has not yet been initialised for the first time...
className = prop.className;
parentIcon = prop.parentIcon;
parentOpenIcon = prop.parentOpenIcon;
parentSelectedIcon = prop.parentSelectedIcon;
parentOpenSelectedIcon = prop.parentOpenSelectedIcon;
childIcon = prop.childIcon;
childSelectedIcon = prop.childSelectedIcon;
minusIcon = prop.minusIcon;
plusIcon = prop.plusIcon;
typeIconsSet = prop.typeIconsSet;
}else if(_typeIconsSet == 'custom' && lastUID != "")
(_strand as IEventDispatcher).removeEventListener("onCreationComplete", updateHost);
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass("itreecustom"+lastUID);
var lastStyle:HTMLStyleElement = document.getElementById("itreecustom"+lastUID) as HTMLStyleElement;
else if(_typeIconsSet == 'customClasses')
if(_parentIcon != "")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_parentIcon);
if(_parentOpenIcon != "")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_parentOpenIcon);
if(_parentSelectedIcon != "")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_parentSelectedIcon);
if(_parentOpenSelectedIcon != "")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_parentOpenSelectedIcon);
if(_childIcon != "")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_childIcon);
if(_childSelectedIcon != "")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_childSelectedIcon);
if(_minusIcon != "")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_minusIcon);
if(_plusIcon != "")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_plusIcon);
else if(_typeIconsSet == 'customClass')
if(_className != "")
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass(_className);
else if(_typeIconsSet == 'none')
(_strand as IStyledUIBase).removeClass("noneicon");
//Apply the new configuration
if(prop.typeIconsSet == 'default' || prop.typeIconsSet == 'none' || prop.typeIconsSet == 'customClass')
parentIcon = "";
parentOpenIcon = "";
parentSelectedIcon = "";
parentOpenSelectedIcon = "";
childIcon = "";
childSelectedIcon = "";
minusIcon = "";
plusIcon = "";
else //'custom' - 'customClasses'
if(prop.typeIconsSet == 'custom' && _typeIconsSet != 'custom')
(_strand as IEventDispatcher).addEventListener("onCreationComplete", updateHost);
//If we have not changed theSet type, one of the properties has been changed.
parentIcon = prop.parentIcon;
parentOpenIcon = prop.parentOpenIcon;
parentSelectedIcon = prop.parentSelectedIcon;
parentOpenSelectedIcon = prop.parentOpenSelectedIcon;
childIcon = prop.childIcon;
childSelectedIcon = prop.childSelectedIcon;
minusIcon = prop.minusIcon;
plusIcon = prop.plusIcon;
_typeIconsSet = prop.typeIconsSet;
_updateInProgress = false;
public class InspireTreeIconBead