blob: b92066977c07e4302fb5fb7aecd54cc14a5144d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package spark.components
/* import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
import mx.core.IDataRenderer;
import mx.core.IInvalidating;
import mx.core.ILayoutElement;
import mx.managers.ILayoutManagerClient;
import mx.managers.LayoutManager;
import mx.utils.MatrixUtil;
import spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase;
import mx.core.IFactory;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
import mx.collections.IList;
import spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase;
import org.apache.royale.html.beads.ItemRendererFunctionBead;
import mx.core.IUIComponent;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
use namespace mx_internal; // for mx_internal property contentChangeDelta
import org.apache.royale.core.IBead;
import org.apache.royale.core.ISelectionModel;
import org.apache.royale.core.IItemRendererProvider;
import org.apache.royale.core.IStrandWithPresentationModel;
import org.apache.royale.core.IListPresentationModel;
import org.apache.royale.html.beads.models.ListPresentationModel;
* Dispatched when a renderer is added to this dataGroup.
* <code>event.renderer</code> is the renderer that was added.
* @eventType
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
[Event(name="rendererAdd", type="")] // not implemeneted
* Dispatched when a renderer is removed from this dataGroup.
* <code>event.renderer</code> is the renderer that was removed.
* @eventType
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
//[Event(name="rendererRemove", type="")]
// Excluded APIs
[Exclude(name="addChild", kind="method")]
[Exclude(name="addChildAt", kind="method")]
[Exclude(name="removeChild", kind="method")]
[Exclude(name="removeChildAt", kind="method")]
[Exclude(name="setChildIndex", kind="method")]
[Exclude(name="swapChildren", kind="method")]
[Exclude(name="swapChildrenAt", kind="method")]
[Exclude(name="numChildren", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="getChildAt", kind="method")]
[Exclude(name="getChildIndex", kind="method")]
// Other metadata
/* [ResourceBundle("components")]
* The DataGroup class is the base container class for data items.
* The DataGroup class converts data items to visual elements for display.
* While this container can hold visual elements, it is often used only
* to hold data items as children.
* <p>The DataGroup class takes as children data items or visual elements
* that implement the IVisualElement interface and are DisplayObjects.
* Data items can be simple data items such String and Number objects,
* and more complicated data items such as Object and XMLNode objects.
* While these containers can hold visual elements,
* they are often used only to hold data items as children.</p>
* <p>An item renderer defines the visual representation of the
* data item in the container.
* The item renderer converts the data item into a format that can
* be displayed by the container.
* You must pass an item renderer to a DataGroup container to render
* data items appropriately.</p>
* <p>To improve performance and minimize application size,
* the DataGroup container cannot be skinned.
* If you want to apply a skin, use the SkinnableDataContainer instead. </p>
* <p>The DataGroup container has the following default characteristics:</p>
* <table class="innertable">
* <tr><th>Characteristic</th><th>Description</th></tr>
* <tr><td>Default size</td><td>Large enough to display its children</td></tr>
* <tr><td>Minimum size</td><td>0 pixels</td></tr>
* <tr><td>Maximum size</td><td>10000 pixels wide and 10000 pixels high</td></tr>
* </table>
* @mxml
* <p>The <code>&lt;s:DataGroup&gt;</code> tag inherits all of the tag
* attributes of its superclass and adds the following tag attributes:</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;s:DataGroup
* <strong>Properties</strong>
* dataProvider="null"
* itemRenderer="null"
* itemRendererFunction="null"
* typicalItem="null"
* <strong>Events</strong>
* rendererAdd="<i>No default</i>"
* rendererRemove="<i>No default</i>"
* /&gt;
* </pre>
* @see spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer
* @see spark.components.Group
* @see spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer
* @see spark.skins.spark.DefaultComplexItemRenderer
* @includeExample examples/DataGroupExample.mxml
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public class DataGroup extends GroupBase implements IItemRendererProvider, IStrandWithPresentationModel
{ //implements IItemRendererOwner
* Constructor.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public function DataGroup()
typeNames = "DataGroup";
// _rendererUpdateDelegate = this;
* The presentation model for the list.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10.2
* @playerversion AIR 2.6
* @productversion Royale 0.9
* @royaleignorecoercion org.apache.royale.core.IListPresentationModel
public function get presentationModel():IBead
var presModel:IListPresentationModel = getBeadByType(IListPresentationModel) as IListPresentationModel;
if (presModel == null) {
presModel = new ListPresentationModel();
presModel.rowHeight = 18;
return presModel;
* @private
* flag to indicate whether a child in the item renderer has a non-zero layer, requiring child re-ordering.
/* private var _layeringFlags:uint = 0;
private static const LAYERING_ENABLED:uint = 0x1;
private static const LAYERING_DIRTY:uint = 0x2;
* @private
* The following variables are used to track free virtual item renderers.
* When an item renderer is created an entry is added to rendererToFactoryMap
* so when it's time to move the renderer to the freeRendererMap "free list",
* we can store it with the other renderers produced by the same factory (IFactory).
* The value of rendererToFactoryMap[renderer] is a factory, the value of
* freeRendererMap[factory] is the vector of free renderers produced by factory.
/* private var rendererToFactoryMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
private var freeRendererMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
private var addedVirtualRenderer:Boolean = false; // see createVirtualRendererForItem()
// Overridden properties
// baselinePosition
* @inheritDoc
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
/* override public function get baselinePosition():Number
if (!validateBaselinePosition())
return NaN;
if (numElements == 0)
return super.baselinePosition;
return getElementAt(0).baselinePosition + getElementAt(0).y;
// Properties
// typicalItem
/* private var _typicalItem:Object = null;
private var explicitTypicalItem:Object = null;
private var typicalItemChanged:Boolean = false;
private var typicalLayoutElement:ILayoutElement = null;
* Layouts use the preferred size of the <code>typicalItem</code>
* when fixed row or column sizes are required, but a specific
* <code>rowHeight</code> or <code>columnWidth</code> value is not set.
* Similarly virtual layouts use this item to define the size
* of layout elements that have not been scrolled into view.
* <p>The container uses the typical data item, and the associated item renderer,
* to determine the default size of the container children.
* By defining the typical item, the container does not have to size each child
* as it is drawn on the screen.</p>
* <p>Setting this property sets the <code>typicalLayoutElement</code> property
* of the layout.</p>
* <p>Restriction: if the <code>typicalItem</code> is an IVisualItem, it must not
* also be a member of the data Provider.</p>
* @default null
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
/* public function get typicalItem():Object
return _typicalItem;
} */
* @private
/* public function set typicalItem(value:Object):void
if (_typicalItem === value)
_typicalItem = explicitTypicalItem = value;
private function setTypicalLayoutElement(element:ILayoutElement):void
typicalLayoutElement = element;
if (layout)
layout.typicalLayoutElement = element;
* Call this method if some aspect of the <code>typicalItem</code>
* has changed that should be reflected by the layout.
* <p>This method is called automatically if the <code>typicalItem</code>
* is changed directly. That means if the property is set to a new value
* that is not "==" to current value.</p>
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 11
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
/* public function invalidateTypicalItemRenderer():void
typicalItemChanged = true;
private function initializeTypicalItem():void
if (_typicalItem === null)
var renderer:IVisualElement = createRendererForItem(_typicalItem, false);
var obj:DisplayObject = DisplayObject(renderer);
if (!obj)
setUpItemRenderer(renderer, 0, _typicalItem);
if (obj is IInvalidating)
* @private
* Create and validate a new item renderer (IR) for dataProvider[index].
* This method creates a new IR which is not a child of this DataGroup. It does not
* return the existing IR at the specified index and it does not cache the IRs it
* creates. This method is intended to be used by clients which need to measure
* virtual IRs that may not be visible/allocated.
/* mx_internal function createItemRendererFor(index:int):IVisualElement
if ((index < 0) || (dataProvider == null) || (index >= dataProvider.length))
return null;
const item:Object = dataProvider.getItemAt(index);
const renderer:IVisualElement = createRendererForItem(item);
setUpItemRenderer(renderer, index, item);
if (renderer is IInvalidating)
return renderer;
* @private
* Called before measure/updateDisplayList(), if useVirtualLayout=true, to guarantee
* that the typicalLayoutElement has been defined. If it hasn't, typicalItem is
* initialized to dataProvider[0] and layout.typicalLayoutElement is set.
/* private function ensureTypicalLayoutElement():void
if (layout.typicalLayoutElement)
const list:IList = dataProvider;
if (list && (list.length > 0))
_typicalItem = list.getItemAt(0);
// TextFlows are not shareable. Soft-link TextFlow class.
var isTextFlowClass:Boolean =
getQualifiedClassName(_typicalItem) ==
if (isTextFlowClass)
_typicalItem = _typicalItem["deepCopy"]();
// layout
//private var useVirtualLayoutChanged:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Sync the typicalLayoutElement var with this group's layout.
override public function set layout(value:Object):void
var oldLayout:LayoutBase = layout;
if (value == oldLayout)
if (oldLayout)
oldLayout.typicalLayoutElement = null;
oldLayout.removeEventListener("useVirtualLayoutChanged", layout_useVirtualLayoutChangedHandler);
// Changing the layout may implicitly change layout.useVirtualLayout
if (oldLayout && value && (oldLayout.useVirtualLayout != value.useVirtualLayout))
super.layout = value;
if (value)
// If typicalLayoutElement was specified for this DataGroup, then use
// it, otherwise use the layout's typicalLayoutElement, if any.
if (typicalLayoutElement)
value.typicalLayoutElement = typicalLayoutElement;
typicalLayoutElement = value.typicalLayoutElement;
value.addEventListener("useVirtualLayoutChanged", layout_useVirtualLayoutChangedHandler);
* @private
* If layout.useVirtualLayout changes, recreate the ItemRenderers. This can happen
* if the layout's useVirtualLayout property is changed directly, or if the DataGroup's
* layout is changed.
/* private function changeUseVirtualLayout():void
useVirtualLayoutChanged = true;
private function layout_useVirtualLayoutChangedHandler(event:Event):void
// itemRenderer
* @private
* Storage for the itemRenderer property.
private var _itemRenderer:IFactory;
//private var itemRendererChanged:Boolean;
* The item renderer to use for data items.
* The class must implement the IDataRenderer interface.
* If defined, the <code>itemRendererFunction</code> property
* takes precedence over this property.
* @default null
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public function get itemRenderer():IFactory
return _itemRenderer;
* @private
[SWFOverride(params="org.apache.royale.core.IFactory", altparams="mx.core.IFactory")]
public function set itemRenderer(value:IFactory):void
_itemRenderer = value;
/* removeDataProviderListener();
itemRendererChanged = true;
typicalItemChanged = true; */
// itemRendererFunction
* @private
* Storage for the itemRendererFunction property.
/* private var _itemRendererFunction:Function;
* Function that returns an item renderer IFactory for a
* specific item. You should define an item renderer function
* similar to this sample function:
* <pre>
* function myItemRendererFunction(item:Object):IFactory</pre>
* @default null
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public function get itemRendererFunction():Function // not implemeneted
var itemRendererFunctionBead:ItemRendererFunctionBead = getBeadByType(ItemRendererFunctionBead) as ItemRendererFunctionBead;
if (itemRendererFunctionBead)
return itemRendererFunctionBead.itemRendererFunction;
return null;
* @private
public function set itemRendererFunction(value:Function):void
var itemRendererFunctionBead:ItemRendererFunctionBead = getBeadByType(ItemRendererFunctionBead) as ItemRendererFunctionBead;
if (!itemRendererFunctionBead)
itemRendererFunctionBead = new ItemRendererFunctionBead();
itemRendererFunctionBead.itemRendererFunction = value;
// rendererUpdateDelegate
* @private
* Storage for the rendererUpdateDelegate property.
//private var _rendererUpdateDelegate:IItemRendererOwner;
* @private
* The rendererUpdateDelgate is used to delegate item renderer
* updates to another component, usually the owner of the
* DataGroup within the context of data centric component such
* as List.
* The registered delegate must implement the IItemRendererOwner interface.
* @default null
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
/* mx_internal function get rendererUpdateDelegate():IItemRendererOwner
return _rendererUpdateDelegate;
* @private
/* mx_internal function set rendererUpdateDelegate(value:IItemRendererOwner):void
_rendererUpdateDelegate = value;
// dataProvider
/* private var _dataProvider:IList;
private var dataProviderChanged:Boolean;
* The data provider for this DataGroup.
* It must be an IList.
* <p>There are several IList implementations included in the
* Flex framework, including ArrayCollection, ArrayList, and
* XMLListCollection.</p>
* @default null
* @see #itemRenderer
* @see #itemRendererFunction
* @see mx.collections.IList
* @see mx.collections.ArrayCollection
* @see mx.collections.ArrayList
* @see mx.collections.XMLListCollection
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
* @royaleignorecoercion mx.collections.IList
public function get dataProvider():IList
return (model as ISelectionModel).dataProvider as IList;
* @royaleignorecoercion org.apache.royale.core.ISelectionModel
public function set dataProvider(value:IList):void
(model as ISelectionModel).dataProvider = value;
* @private
* Used below for sorting the virtualRendererIndices Vector.
/* private static function sortDecreasing(x:int, y:int):Number
return y - x;
} */
* @private
* Apply itemRemoved() to the renderer and dataProvider item at index.
/* private function removeRendererAt(index:int):void
// TODO (rfrishbe): we can't key off of the oldDataProvider for
// the item because it might not be there anymore (for instance,
// in a dataProvider reset where the new data is loaded into
// the dataProvider--the dataProvider doesn't actually change,
// but we still need to clean up).
// Because of this, we are assuming the item is either:
// 1. The data property if the item implements IDataRenderer
// and there is an itemRenderer or itemRendererFunction
// 2. The item itself
// Probably could fix above by also storing indexToData[], but that doesn't
// seem worth it. Sending in the wrong item here doesn't result in a big error...
// just the event with have the wrong item associated with it
const renderer:IVisualElement = indexToRenderer[index] as IVisualElement;
if (renderer)
var item:Object;
if (renderer is IDataRenderer && (itemRenderer != null || itemRendererFunction != null))
item = IDataRenderer(renderer).data;
item = renderer;
itemRemoved(item, index);
* @private
* Remove all of the item renderers, clear the indexToRenderer table, clear
* any cached virtual layout data, and clear the typical layout element. Note that
* this method does not depend on the dataProvider itself, see removeRendererAt().
/* private function removeAllItemRenderers():void
if (indexToRenderer.length == 0)
if (virtualRendererIndices && (virtualRendererIndices.length > 0))
for each (var index:int in virtualRendererIndices.concat().sort(sortDecreasing))
virtualRendererIndices.length = 0;
oldVirtualRendererIndices.length = 0;
const freeRenderers:Vector.<IVisualElement> = allFreeRenderers();
for each (var renderer:IVisualElement in freeRenderers)
super.removeChild(renderer as DisplayObject);
for (index = indexToRenderer.length - 1; index >= 0; index--)
indexToRenderer = []; // should be redundant
if (layout)
layout.typicalLayoutElement = null;
* <p>Given a data item, return the <code>toString()</code> representation
* of the data item for an item renderer to display.
* Null data items return the empty string. </p>
* @copy spark.components.IItemRendererOwner#itemToLabel()
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
/* public function itemToLabel(item:Object):String
if (item !== null)
return item.toString();
return " ";
* Return the indices of the item renderers visible within this DataGroup.
* <p>If <code>clipAndEnableScrolling</code> is <code>true</code>,
* return the indices of the <code>visible</code> = <code>true</code>
* ItemRenderers that overlap this DataGroup's <code>scrollRect</code>.
* That is, the ItemRenders
* that are at least partially visible relative to this DataGroup.
* If <code>clipAndEnableScrolling</code> is <code>false</code>,
* return a list of integers from
* 0 to <code>dataProvider.length</code> - 1.
* Note that if this DataGroup's owner is a
* Scroller, then <code>clipAndEnableScrolling</code> has been
* set to <code>true</code>.</p>
* <p>The corresponding item renderer for each returned index can be
* retrieved with the <code>getElementAt()</code> method,
* even if the layout is virtual</p>
* <p>The order of the items in the returned Vector is not guaranteed.</p>
* <p>Note that the VerticalLayout and HorizontalLayout classes provide bindable
* <code>firstIndexInView</code> and <code>lastIndexInView</code> properties
* which contain the same information as this method.</p>
* @return The indices of the visible item renderers.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
/* public function getItemIndicesInView():Vector.<int>
if (layout && layout.useVirtualLayout)
return (virtualRendererIndices) ? virtualRendererIndices.concat() : new Vector.<int>(0);
if (!dataProvider)
return new Vector.<int>(0);
const scrollR:Rectangle = scrollRect;
const dataProviderLength:int = dataProvider.length;
if (scrollR)
const visibleIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
const eltR:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
const perspectiveProjection:PerspectiveProjection = transform.perspectiveProjection;
for (var index:int = 0; index < dataProviderLength; index++)
var elt:IVisualElement = getElementAt(index);
if (!elt || !elt.visible)
// TODO (egeorgie): provide a generic getElementBounds() utility function
if (elt.hasLayoutMatrix3D && perspectiveProjection)
eltR.x = 0;
eltR.y = 0;
eltR.width = elt.getLayoutBoundsWidth(false);
eltR.height = elt.getLayoutBoundsHeight(false);
MatrixUtil.projectBounds(eltR, elt.getLayoutMatrix3D(), perspectiveProjection);
eltR.x = elt.getLayoutBoundsX();
eltR.y = elt.getLayoutBoundsY();
eltR.width = elt.getLayoutBoundsWidth();
eltR.height = elt.getLayoutBoundsHeight();
if (scrollR.intersects(eltR))
return visibleIndices;
const allIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(dataProviderLength);
for (index = 0; index < dataProviderLength; index++)
allIndices[index] = index;
return allIndices;
// Item -> Renderer mapping
* Return the item renderer factory for the specified item, if any. Prefer
* itemRendererFunction over itemRenderer.
/* private function itemToRendererFactory(item:Object):IFactory
if (itemRendererFunction != null)
return itemRendererFunction(item);
return itemRenderer;
* Return a new renderer created with the specified factory and add an entry for it
* to rendererToFactoryMap so that we can free and allocate it later.
/* private function createRenderer(factory:IFactory):IVisualElement
const element:IVisualElement = factory.newInstance() as IVisualElement;
rendererToFactoryMap[element] = factory;
return element;
} */
* If a vector of free renderers exists for the specified factory, remove
* one and return it.
/* private function allocateRenderer(factory:IFactory):IVisualElement
const renderers:Vector.<IVisualElement> = freeRendererMap[factory] as Vector.<IVisualElement>;
if (renderers)
const element:IVisualElement = renderers.pop();
if (renderers.length == 0)
delete freeRendererMap[factory];
if (element)
return element;
return null;
* Add the specified renderer to the rendererToFactoryMap.
/* private function freeRenderer(renderer:IVisualElement):void
if (!renderer)
const factory:IFactory = rendererToFactoryMap[renderer];
if (!factory)
var freeRenderers:Vector.<IVisualElement> = freeRendererMap[factory];
if (!freeRenderers)
freeRenderers = new Vector.<IVisualElement>();
freeRendererMap[factory] = freeRenderers;
* @private
* Return a vector of all of the renderers in freeRendererMap.
/* private function allFreeRenderers():Vector.<IVisualElement>
const rv:Vector.<IVisualElement> = new Vector.<IVisualElement>();
for each (var v:Vector.<IVisualElement> in freeRendererMap)
for each (var e:IVisualElement in v)
return rv;
} */
* @private
* Reset the private free renderers data.
/* private function resetFreeRenderers():void
rendererToFactoryMap = new Dictionary(true);
freeRendererMap = new Dictionary();
* @private
* Throw an error which indicates that we were unable to create an item renderer
* for the specified dataProvide and we weren't able to use the item as an
* item renderer.
/* private function throwCreateRendererFailedError(item:Object):void
var err:String;
if (itemIsRenderer(item))
err = resourceManager.getString("components", "cannotDisplayVisualElement");
err = resourceManager.getString("components", "unableToCreateRenderer", [item]);
throw new Error(err);
* @private
* True if the specified dataProvider item would serve as a renderer.
/* private function itemIsRenderer(item:Object):Boolean
return (item is IVisualElement) && (item is DisplayObject);
* @private
* Create or reuse an item renderer for the specified dataProvider item. This method is
* used by getVirtualLayoutElementAt(), i.e. when useVirtualLayout=true.
* This method actually "returns" two values: the renderer itself and a flag that indicates
* if the renderer was newly added. The second value is actually just a variable. Each
* time this method is called it sets addedVirtualRenderer.
/* private function createVirtualRendererForItem(item:Object, failRTE:Boolean=true):IVisualElement
var renderer:IVisualElement = null;
const rendererFactory:IFactory = itemToRendererFactory(item);
if (rendererFactory)
renderer = allocateRenderer(rendererFactory); // use a free renderer
if (!renderer && rendererFactory)
renderer = createRenderer(rendererFactory);
addedVirtualRenderer = true;
if (!renderer && itemIsRenderer(item))
renderer = IVisualElement(item);
addedVirtualRenderer = true;
if (!renderer && failRTE)
return renderer;
* @private
* Create an item renderer for the specified dataProvider item. This method is used
* when useVirtualLayout=false.
/* private function createRendererForItem(item:Object, failRTE:Boolean=true):IVisualElement
var renderer:IVisualElement = null;
const rendererFactory:IFactory = itemToRendererFactory(item);
if (rendererFactory)
renderer = createRenderer(rendererFactory);
if (!renderer && itemIsRenderer(item))
renderer = IVisualElement(item);
if (!renderer && failRTE)
return renderer;
* @private
* If layout.useVirtualLayout=false, then ensure that there's one item
* renderer for every dataProvider item. This method is only intended to be
* called by commitProperties().
* Reuse as many of the IItemRenderer renderers in indexToRenders as possible.
/* private function createItemRenderers():void
if (!dataProvider)
if (layout && layout.useVirtualLayout)
// Add any existing renderers to the free list.
if (virtualRendererIndices != null &&
virtualRendererIndices.length > 0)
// The item renderers will be created lazily, at updateDisplayList() time
const dataProviderLength:int = dataProvider.length;
// Remove the renderers we're not going to need
for(var index:int = indexToRenderer.length - 1; index >= dataProviderLength; index--)
// Reset the existing renderers
for(index = 0; index < indexToRenderer.length; index++)
var item:Object = dataProvider.getItemAt(index);
var renderer:IVisualElement = indexToRenderer[index] as IVisualElement;
// If the (new) item is-a renderer and the old renderer is a different
// DisplayObject, then we can't reuse the old renderer.
if (renderer && (!itemIsRenderer(item) || (item == renderer)))
setUpItemRenderer(renderer, index, item);
itemAdded(item, index);
// Create new renderers
for (index = indexToRenderer.length; index < dataProviderLength; index++)
itemAdded(dataProvider.getItemAt(index), index);
* @private
/* override protected function commitProperties():void
// If the itemRenderer, itemRendererFunction, or useVirtualLayout properties changed,
// then recreate the item renderers from scratch. If just the dataProvider changed,
// and layout.useVirtualLayout=false, then reuse as many item renderers as possible,
// remove the extra ones, or create more as needed.
if (itemRendererChanged || useVirtualLayoutChanged || dataProviderChanged)
itemRendererChanged = false;
useVirtualLayoutChanged = false;
// SDK-29916: The layout's cache may be in sync with the old data provider.
// The layout will sync up its cache with the new data provider
// when the DataGroup validateSize() / validateDisplayList().
// By clearing the cache here, we make sure that any insert/remove
// events for the new dataProvider, that occur from this point on till
// validteSize() / validateDisplayList(), won't be mixed up with the
// stale layout cache state that reflects the old data provider.
if (layout)
// item renderers and the dataProvider listener have already been removed
// Don't reset the scroll positions until the new ItemRenderers have been
// created, see bug
if (dataProviderChanged)
dataProviderChanged = false;
verticalScrollPosition = horizontalScrollPosition = 0;
maskChanged = true;
// Need to create item renderers before calling super.commitProperties()
// GroupBase's commitProperties reattaches the mask
if (_layeringFlags & LAYERING_DIRTY)
if (layout && layout.useVirtualLayout)
if (typicalItemChanged)
typicalItemChanged = false;
* @private
* True if we are updating a renderer currently.
* We keep track of this so we can ignore any dataProvider collectionChange
* UPDATE events while we are updating a renderer just in case we try to update
* the rendererInfo of the same renderer twice. This can happen if setting the
* data in an item renderer causes the data to mutate and issue a propertyChange
* event, which causes an collectionChange.UPDATE event in the dataProvider. This
* can happen for components which are being treated as data because the first time
* they get set on the renderer, they get added to the display list, which may
* cause a propertyChange event (if there's a child with an ID in it, that causes
* a propertyChange event) or the data to morph in some way.
//private var renderersBeingUpdated:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Sets the renderer's data, owner and label properties.
* It does this by calling rendererUpdateDelegate.updateRenderer().
* By default, rendererUpdateDelegate points to ourselves, but if
* the "true owner" of the item renderer is a List, then the
* rendererUpdateDelegate points to that object. The
* rendererUpdateDelegate.updateRenderer() call is in charge of
* setting all the properties on the renderer, like owner, itemIndex,
* data, selected, etc... Note that data should be the last property
* set in this lifecycle.
/* private function setUpItemRenderer(renderer:IVisualElement, itemIndex:int, data:Object):void
if (!renderer)
// keep track of whether we are actively updating an renderers
// so we can ignore any collectionChange.UPDATE events
renderersBeingUpdated = true;
// Defer to the rendererUpdateDelegate
// to update the renderer. By default, the delegate is DataGroup
_rendererUpdateDelegate.updateRenderer(renderer, itemIndex, data);
// technically if this got called "recursively", this renderersBeingUpdated flag
// would be prematurely set to false, but in most cases, this check should be
// good enough.
renderersBeingUpdated = false;
} */
* @inheritDoc
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
/* public function updateRenderer(renderer:IVisualElement, itemIndex:int, data:Object):void
// set the owner
renderer.owner = this;
// Set the index
if (renderer is IItemRenderer)
IItemRenderer(renderer).itemIndex = itemIndex;
// set the label to the toString() of the data
if (renderer is IItemRenderer)
IItemRenderer(renderer).label = itemToLabel(data);
// always set the data last
if ((renderer is IDataRenderer) && (renderer !== data))
IDataRenderer(renderer).data = data;
* @private
* If the renderer at the specified index has a non-zero depth then: append it to
* layers.topLayerItems if depth > 0, or to layers.bottomLayerItems if depth < 0.
* Otherwise, if depth is zero (the default) then change the renderer's childIndex
* to insertIndex and increment insertIndex. The possibly incremented insertIndex is returned.
* See manageDisplayObjectLayers().
/* private function sortItemAt(index:int, layers:Object, insertIndex:int):int
const renderer:IVisualElement = getElementAt(index);
const layer:Number = renderer.depth;
if (layer != 0)
if (layer > 0)
if (layers.topLayerItems == null)
layers.topLayerItems = new Vector.<IVisualElement>();
if (layers.bottomLayerItems == null)
layers.bottomLayerItems = new Vector.<IVisualElement>();
return insertIndex;
super.setChildIndex(renderer as DisplayObject, insertIndex);
return insertIndex + 1;
} */
* @private
/* private function manageDisplayObjectLayers():void
_layeringFlags &= ~LAYERING_DIRTY;
var insertIndex:uint = 0;
const layers:Object = {topLayerItems:null, bottomLayerItems:null};
if (layout && layout.useVirtualLayout)
for each (var index:int in virtualRendererIndices)
insertIndex = sortItemAt(index, layers, insertIndex);
for (index = 0; index < numElements; index++)
insertIndex = sortItemAt(index, layers, insertIndex);
// itemRenderers should be both DisplayObjects and IVisualElements
const topLayerItems:Vector.<IVisualElement> = layers.topLayerItems;
const bottomLayerItems:Vector.<IVisualElement> = layers.bottomLayerItems;
var myItemRenderer:IVisualElement;
var keepLayeringEnabled:Boolean = false;
var len:int = numElements;
var i:int;
if (topLayerItems != null)
keepLayeringEnabled = true;
len = topLayerItems.length;
for (i=0;i<len;i++)
myItemRenderer = topLayerItems[i];
super.setChildIndex(myItemRenderer as DisplayObject, insertIndex++);
if (bottomLayerItems != null)
keepLayeringEnabled = true;
len = bottomLayerItems.length;
for (i=0;i<len;i++)
myItemRenderer = bottomLayerItems[i];
super.setChildIndex(myItemRenderer as DisplayObject, insertIndex++);
if (keepLayeringEnabled == false)
_layeringFlags &= ~LAYERING_ENABLED;
} */
// Layout item iteration
// Iterators used by Layout objects. For visual items, the layout item
// is the item itself. For data items, the layout item is the item renderer
// instance that is associated with the item.
* @private
/* override public function get numElements():int
return dataProvider ? dataProvider.length : 0;
* @private
* Maps from renderer index (same as dataProvider index) to the item renderer itself.
private var indexToRenderer:Array = [];
* @private
* The set of layout element indices requested with getVirtualElementAt()
* during updateDisplayList(), and the set of "old" indices that were requested
* in the previous pass. These vectors are used by finishVirtualLayout()
* to distinguish IRs that can be recycled or discarded. The virtualRendererIndices
* vector is used in various places to iterate over all of the virtual renderers.
/* private var virtualRendererIndices:Vector.<int> = null;
private var oldVirtualRendererIndices:Vector.<int> = null;
* @private
* During a virtual layout, virtualLayoutUnderway is true. This flag is used
* to defeat calls to invalidateSize(), which occur when IRs are lazily validated.
* See invalidateSize() and updateDisplayList().
//private var virtualLayoutUnderway:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Called before super.updateDisplayList() if layout.useVirtualLayout=true.
* Also called by createItemRenderers to ready existing renderers
* to be recycled by the following call to finishVirtualLayout.
* Copies virtualRendererIndices to oldRendererIndices, clears virtualRendererIndices
* (which will be repopulated by subsequence getVirtualElementAt() calls), and
* calls ensureTypicalElement().
/* private function startVirtualLayout():void
// lazily create the virtualRendererIndices vectors
if (!virtualRendererIndices)
virtualRendererIndices = new Vector.<int>();
if (!oldVirtualRendererIndices)
oldVirtualRendererIndices = new Vector.<int>();
// Copy the contents virtualRendererIndices to oldVirtualRendererIndices
// and then clear virtualRendererIndices
oldVirtualRendererIndices.length = 0;
for each (var index:int in virtualRendererIndices)
virtualRendererIndices.length = 0;
// Ensure that layout.typicalLayoutElement is set
* @private
* Called after super.updateDisplayList() finishes. Also called by
* createItemRenderers to recycle existing renderers that were added
* to oldVirtualRendererIndices by the preceeding call to
* startVirtualLayout.
* Discard the ItemRenderers that aren't needed anymore, i.e. the ones
* not explicitly requested with getVirtualElementAt() during the most
* recent super.updateDisplayList().
* Discarded IRs may be added to the freeRenderers list per the rules
* defined in getVirtualElementAt(). If any visible renderer has a non-zero
* depth we resort all of them with manageDisplayObjectLayers().
/* private function finishVirtualLayout():void
if (oldVirtualRendererIndices.length == 0)
// Remove the old ItemRenderers that aren't new ItemRenderers and if
// recycling is possible, add them to the freeRenderers list.
for each (var vrIndex:int in oldVirtualRendererIndices)
// Skip renderers that are still in view.
if (virtualRendererIndices.indexOf(vrIndex) != -1)
// Remove previously "in view" IR from the item=>IR table
var elt:IVisualElement = indexToRenderer[vrIndex] as IVisualElement;
delete indexToRenderer[vrIndex];
// Free or remove the IR.
var item:Object = (dataProvider.length > vrIndex) ? dataProvider.getItemAt(vrIndex) : null;
if ((item != elt) && (elt is IDataRenderer))
// IDataRenderer(elt).data = null; see
elt.includeInLayout = false;
elt.visible = false;
else if (elt)
dispatchEvent(new RendererExistenceEvent(RendererExistenceEvent.RENDERER_REMOVE, false, false, elt, vrIndex, item));
// If there are any visible renderers whose depth property is non-zero
// then use manageDisplayObjectLayers to resort the children list. Note:
// we're assuming that the layout has set the bounds of any elements that
// were allocated but aren't actually visible to 0x0.
var depthSortRequired:Boolean = false;
for each (vrIndex in virtualRendererIndices)
elt = indexToRenderer[vrIndex] as IVisualElement;
if (!elt || !elt.visible || !elt.includeInLayout)
if ((elt.width == 0) || (elt.height == 0))
if (elt.depth != 0)
depthSortRequired = true;
if (depthSortRequired)
* @private
* This function exists for applications that need to control their footprint by
* allowing currently unused IRs to be garbage collected. It is not used by the SDK.
/* mx_internal function clearFreeRenderers():void
} */
* @private
* During virtual layout getLayoutElementAt() eagerly validates lazily
* created (or recycled) IRs. We don't want changes to those IRs to
* invalidate the size of this UIComponent.
/* override public function invalidateSize():void
if (!virtualLayoutUnderway)
* @private
* Make sure there's a valid typicalLayoutElement for virtual layout.
/* override protected function measure():void
if (layout && layout.useVirtualLayout)
} */
* @private
* Manages the state required by virtual layout.
/* override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
if (layout && layout.useVirtualLayout)
virtualLayoutUnderway = true;
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
if (virtualLayoutUnderway)
virtualLayoutUnderway = false;
* @private
* Returns the ItemRenderer being used for the data provider item at the specified index.
* Note that if the layout is virtual, ItemRenderers that are scrolled
* out of view may be reused.
* @param index The index of the data provider item.
* @return The ItemRenderer being used for the data provider item
* If the index is invalid, or if a data provider was not specified, then
* return <code>null</code>.
* If the layout is virtual and the specified item is not in view, then
* return <code>null</code>.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
/* public function getElementAt(index:int):IVisualElement
if ((index < 0) || (index >= indexToRenderer.length))
return null;
return indexToRenderer[index];
} */
* @private
/* override public function getVirtualElementAt(index:int, eltWidth:Number=NaN, eltHeight:Number=NaN):IVisualElement
if ((index < 0) || (dataProvider == null) || (index >= dataProvider.length))
return null;
var elt:IVisualElement = indexToRenderer[index];
if (virtualLayoutUnderway)
if (virtualRendererIndices.indexOf(index) == -1)
var item:Object;
addedVirtualRenderer = false; // set by createVirtualRendererForItem()
if (!elt)
item = dataProvider.getItemAt(index);
elt = createVirtualRendererForItem(item);
elt.visible = true;
elt.includeInLayout = true;
indexToRenderer[index] = elt;
setUpItemRenderer(elt, index, item);
// No need to set the data and label in the IR again.
// The collectionChangeHandler will handle updates to data.
// We have the renderer now. getVirtualElement() is called from within layout's
// updateDisplayList(). This means it hasn't gone through a fully baked validation
// pass yet. To get it in to a valid state, we want to first force a
// commitProperties() and measure() to run on our item renderer.
if (elt is ILayoutManagerClient)
LayoutManager.getInstance().validateClient(elt as ILayoutManagerClient, true);
// Now, we can resume normal layout updateDisplayList() code. The layout
// could directly run this setLayoutBoundsSize() for us, but as legacy,
// getVirtualElementAt() calls this on behalf of the layout system
// if eltWidth and eltHeight are both NaN
if (!isNaN(eltWidth) || !isNaN(eltHeight))
elt.setLayoutBoundsSize(eltWidth, eltHeight);
if (addedVirtualRenderer)
dispatchEvent(new RendererExistenceEvent(RendererExistenceEvent.RENDERER_ADD, false, false, elt, index, item));
return elt;
* @private
* Returns the index of the data provider item
* that the specified item renderer
* is being used for, or -1 if there is no such item.
* Note that if the layout is virtual, ItemRenderers that are scrolled
* out of view may be reused.
* @param element The item renderer.
* @return The index of the data provider item.
* If <code>renderer</code> is <code>null</code>, or if the <code>dataProvider</code>
* property was not specified, then return -1.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
/* override public function getElementIndex(element:IVisualElement):int
if ((dataProvider == null) || (element == null))
return -1;
return indexToRenderer.indexOf(element);
* @private
/* override public function invalidateLayering():void
* @private
* Set the itemIndex of the IItemRenderer at index to index. See resetRenderersIndices.
/* private function resetRendererItemIndex(index:int):void
var renderer:IItemRenderer = indexToRenderer[index] as IItemRenderer;
if (renderer)
renderer.itemIndex = index;
* @private
* Recomputes every renderer's index.
* This is useful when an item gets added that may change the renderer's
* index. In turn, this index may cuase the renderer to change appearance,
* like when alternatingItemColors is used.
/* private function resetRenderersIndices():void
if (indexToRenderer.length == 0)
if (layout && layout.useVirtualLayout)
for each (var index:int in virtualRendererIndices)
const indexToRendererLength:int = indexToRenderer.length;
for (index = 0; index < indexToRendererLength; index++)
// TODO (rfrishbe): could make this more optimal by only re-computing a subset of the visible
// item renderers, but it's probably not worth it
* Adds the itemRenderer for the specified dataProvider item to this DataGroup.
* This method is called as needed by the DataGroup implementation,
* it should not be called directly.
* @param item The item that was added, the value of dataProvider[index].
* @param index The index where the dataProvider item was added.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
/* mx_internal function itemAdded(item:Object, index:int):void
if (layout)
if (layout && layout.useVirtualLayout)
// Increment all of the indices in virtualRendererIndices that are >= index.
if (virtualRendererIndices)
const virtualRendererIndicesLength:int = virtualRendererIndices.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < virtualRendererIndicesLength; i++)
const vrIndex:int = virtualRendererIndices[i];
if (vrIndex >= index)
virtualRendererIndices[i] = vrIndex + 1;
indexToRenderer.splice(index, 0, null); // shift items >= index to the right
// virtual ItemRenderer itself will be added lazily, by updateDisplayList()
var myItemRenderer:IVisualElement = createRendererForItem(item);
indexToRenderer.splice(index, 0, myItemRenderer);
addItemRendererToDisplayList(myItemRenderer as DisplayObject, index);
setUpItemRenderer(myItemRenderer, index, item);
dispatchEvent(new RendererExistenceEvent(
RendererExistenceEvent.RENDERER_ADD, false, false,
myItemRenderer, index, item));
* Removes the itemRenderer for the specified dataProvider item from this DataGroup.
* This method is called as needed by the DataGroup implementation,
* it should not be called directly.
* @param item The item that is being removed.
* @param index The index of the item that is being removed.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
/* mx_internal function itemRemoved(item:Object, index:int):void
if (layout)
// Decrement all of the indices in virtualRendererIndices that are > index
// Remove the one (at vrItemIndex) that equals index.
if (virtualRendererIndices && (virtualRendererIndices.length > 0))
var vrItemIndex:int = -1; // location of index in virtualRendererIndices
const virtualRendererIndicesLength:int = virtualRendererIndices.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < virtualRendererIndicesLength; i++)
const vrIndex:int = virtualRendererIndices[i];
if (vrIndex == index)
vrItemIndex = i;
else if (vrIndex > index)
virtualRendererIndices[i] = vrIndex - 1;
if (vrItemIndex != -1)
virtualRendererIndices.splice(vrItemIndex, 1);
// Remove the old renderer at index (if any) from indexToRenderer[], from the
// DataGroup, and clear its data property (if any).
const oldRenderer:IVisualElement = indexToRenderer[index];
if (indexToRenderer.length > index)
indexToRenderer.splice(index, 1);
if (oldRenderer)
dispatchEvent(new RendererExistenceEvent(
RendererExistenceEvent.RENDERER_REMOVE, false, false, oldRenderer, index, item));
if (oldRenderer is IDataRenderer && oldRenderer !== item)
IDataRenderer(oldRenderer).data = null;
var child:DisplayObject = oldRenderer as DisplayObject;
if (child)
} */
* @private
/* private function addItemRendererToDisplayList(child:DisplayObject, index:int = -1):void
const childParent:Object = child.parent;
const overlayCount:int = _overlay ? _overlay.numDisplayObjects : 0;
const childIndex:int = (index != -1) ? index : super.numChildren - overlayCount;
if (childParent == this)
super.setChildIndex(child, childIndex - 1);
if (childParent is DataGroup)
if ((_layeringFlags & LAYERING_ENABLED) ||
(child is IVisualElement && (child as IVisualElement).depth != 0))
super.addChildAt(child, childIndex);
* @private
/* private function addDataProviderListener():void
if (_dataProvider)
_dataProvider.addEventListener(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, dataProvider_collectionChangeHandler, false, 0, true);
} */
* @private
/* private function removeDataProviderListener():void
if (_dataProvider)
_dataProvider.removeEventListener(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, dataProvider_collectionChangeHandler);
} */
* @private
* Called when contents within the dataProvider changes. We will catch certain
* events and update our children based on that.
* @param event The collection change event
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
/* mx_internal function dataProvider_collectionChangeHandler(event:CollectionEvent):void
switch (event.kind)
case CollectionEventKind.ADD:
// items are added
// figure out what items were added and where
// for virtualization also figure out if items are now in view
adjustAfterAdd(event.items, event.location);
case CollectionEventKind.REPLACE:
// items are replaced
adjustAfterReplace(event.items, event.location);
case CollectionEventKind.REMOVE:
// items are added
// figure out what items were removed
// for virtualization also figure out what items are now in view
adjustAfterRemove(event.items, event.location);
case CollectionEventKind.MOVE:
// one item is moved
adjustAfterMove(event.items[0], event.location, event.oldLocation);
case CollectionEventKind.REFRESH:
// from a filter or sort...let's just reset everything
dataProviderChanged = true;
case CollectionEventKind.RESET:
// reset everything
dataProviderChanged = true;
case CollectionEventKind.UPDATE:
// if a renderer is currently being updated, let's
// just ignore any UPDATE events.
if (renderersBeingUpdated)
//update the renderer's data and data-dependant
for (var i:int = 0; i < event.items.length; i++)
var pe:PropertyChangeEvent = event.items[i];
if (pe)
var index:int = dataProvider.getItemIndex(pe.source);
var renderer:IVisualElement = indexToRenderer[index];
setUpItemRenderer(renderer, index, pe.source);
* @private
/* private function adjustAfterAdd(items:Array, location:int):void
var length:int = items.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < length; i++)
itemAdded(items[i], location + i);
// the order might have changed, so we might need to redraw the other
// renderers that are order-dependent (for instance alternatingItemColor)
* @private
/* private function adjustAfterRemove(items:Array, location:int):void
var length:int = items.length;
for (var i:int = length-1; i >= 0; i--)
itemRemoved(items[i], location + i);
// the order might have changed, so we might need to redraw the other
// renderers that are order-dependent (for instance alternatingItemColor)
* @private
/* private function adjustAfterMove(item:Object, location:int, oldLocation:int):void
itemRemoved(item, oldLocation);
itemAdded(item, location);
* @private
/* private function adjustAfterReplace(items:Array, location:int):void
var length:int = items.length;
for (var i:int = length-1; i >= 0; i--)
itemRemoved(items[i].oldValue, location + i);
for (i = length-1; i >= 0; i--)
itemAdded(items[i].newValue, location);
// Methods: Access to overridden methods of base classes
* @private
* This method allows access to the base class's implementation
* of removeChild() (UIComponent's version), which can be useful since components
* can override removeChild() and thereby hide the native implementation. For
* instance, we override removeChild() here to throw an RTE to discourage people
* from using this method. We need this method so we can remove children
* that were previously attached to another DataGroup (see addItemToDisplayList).
/* private function _removeChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
return super.removeChild(child);
* @private
/* override public function addChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
throw(new Error(resourceManager.getString("components", "addChildDataGroupError")));
* @private
/* override public function addChildAt(child:DisplayObject, index:int):DisplayObject
throw(new Error(resourceManager.getString("components", "addChildAtDataGroupError")));
* @private
/* override public function removeChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
throw(new Error(resourceManager.getString("components", "removeChildDataGroupError")));
* @private
/* override public function removeChildAt(index:int):DisplayObject
throw(new Error(resourceManager.getString("components", "removeChildAtDataGroupError")));
* @private
/* override public function setChildIndex(child:DisplayObject, index:int):void
throw(new Error(resourceManager.getString("components", "setChildIndexDataGroupError")));
} */
* @private
/* override public function swapChildren(child1:DisplayObject, child2:DisplayObject):void
throw(new Error(resourceManager.getString("components", "swapChildrenDataGroupError")));
} */
* @private
/* override public function swapChildrenAt(index1:int, index2:int):void
throw(new Error(resourceManager.getString("components", "swapChildrenAtDataGroupError")));
} */