blob: fb2e2a4862dfa0f4e0dceb8c9ebe0a36a55aad7c [file] [log] [blame]
Running the CordovaCameraExample on an Android Device
From Flash Builder or the command line, run the Royale Compiler, to build the HTML/JavaScript version of your app.
% cd ~/dev/royale-asjs/examples/CordovaCameraExample
% ant all
The ANT script will build the application and then create the Cordova template in the app/CordovaCameraExample directory.
Now install the Android platform:
% cd app/CordovaCameraExample
% cordova platform add android
Now install the plugin:
% cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
Once this is complete, you can connect your Android device to your computer and run it:
EITHER (if still in the Cordova app/CordovaCameraExample directory):
% cordova run
OR (return to top-level example directory):
% cd royale-asjs/examples/royale/CordovaCameraExample
% ant run
Or run on the simulator
% cordova emulate android