blob: 714533f381b97786ce76332100491b8af650ee37 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Royale 0.9.10
- RoyaleUnit
- Added BDD-style expect() method for natural language assertions
- Added a number of new asserts, including checks for NaN, less than, greater than, less or equal, greater or equal, within range, is of type, throws exception, and matches regular expression.
- Emulation
- Various bug fixes ...
- Jewel
- Various bug fixes ...
Apache Royale 0.9.9
- Improvements/Additions in Basic/Jewel and Flex Emulation components
- New compiler options for better release optimizations
- Many other compiler improvements and bugfixes.
- Dozens of bugs reported, investigated, and squashed. For details of
closed bug reports see
Apache Royale 0.9.8
- Improvements/Additions in Basic/Jewel and Flex Emulation components
- Improvements/Fixes to RoyaleUnit
- Fixed some parity issues between maven and ant builds
- Additions and fixes in maven archetypes
- Improvements in source-maps (compiler)
- Improvements in support for js minification (compiler)
- Binding improvements (compiler, framework)
- Many other compiler improvements and bugfixes.
- Dozens of bugs reported, investigated, and squashed. For details of
closed bug reports see
Apache Royale 0.9.7
- Many additional components available.
- Emulations of many existing Apache Flex components are operational.
- Improvements to the Maven builds.
- Dozens of bugs reported, investigated, and squashed. For details of
closed bug reports see
Apache Royale 0.9.6
- Compiles faster
- Many additional components available.
- Emulations of many other components available.
- For applications targeting JavaScript, you can now incorporate the
vast resources available in existing, free JavaScript libraries.
- Dozens of bugs reported, investigated, and squashed. For details of
closed bug reports see
Apache Royale 0.9.4
This release contains:
-A new component set called Jewel.
-Components that will eventually emulate popular Apache Flex APIs, including RemoteObject.
-A version of Tour De Flex partially migrated to Apache Royale.
Apache Royale 0.9.2
This release contains:
- Virtual item renderer management for fixed row height vertical lists
- Improved Theme support. The compiler will copy all resources in "assets"
folder to target
- JSON deserialization to ActionScript objects
- JSON2ASVO utility to generate ActionScript Value Objects from a JSON result
Apache Royale 0.9.1
This release contains:
- Fixes to NPM packaging
- GitHubCommitsLogViewer example that provides the source code for a tutorial in the documentation
- NestedStringItemRenderer for displaying data from sub-objects in DataGrids
Apache Royale 0.9.0
Apache Royale is an SDK that provides the capability to cross-compile MXML
and ActionScript applications to HTML/JS/CSS so they can run in a browser
without Flash.
Apache Royale was previously released by the Apache Flex project. You can
see RELEASE_NOTES for earlier releases in the Apache Flex releases.
This RELEASE_NOTES file is used for the top-level source and binary package. The
individual folders (royale-compiler, royale-typedefs, royale-asjs) each have their own
RELEASE_NOTES file specific to the contents of those folders.
Please report new issues to our bugbase at:
The Apache Royale Project