blob: f10dcee571845b4c7471af3f034beb9c9b0a5642 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mx.rpc.remoting
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import mx.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage;
import mx.messaging.messages.IMessage;
import mx.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage;
import mx.resources.IResourceManager;
import mx.resources.ResourceManager;
import mx.rpc.AbstractOperation;
import mx.rpc.AbstractService;
import mx.rpc.AsyncDispatcher;
import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
import mx.rpc.Fault;
import mx.rpc.mxml.Concurrency;
import mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
use namespace mx_internal;
* An Operation used specifically by RemoteObjects. An Operation is an individual method on a service.
* An Operation can be called either by invoking the
* function of the same name on the service or by accessing the Operation as a property on the service and
* calling the <code>send()</code> method.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public class Operation extends AbstractOperation
// Constructor
* Creates a new Operation. This is usually done directly automatically by the RemoteObject
* when an unknown operation has been accessed. It is not recommended that a developer use this constructor
* directly.
* @param service The RemoteObject object defining the service.
* @param name The name of the service.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function Operation(remoteObject:AbstractService = null, name:String = null)
super(remoteObject, name);
argumentNames = [];
this.remoteObject = mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject(remoteObject);
// Properties
[Inspectable(enumeration="multiple,single,last", defaultValue="multiple", category="General")]
* The concurrency for this Operation. If it has not been explicitly set the setting from the RemoteObject
* will be used.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get concurrency():String
if (_concurrencySet)
return _concurrency;
return remoteObject.concurrency;
* @private
public function set concurrency(c:String):void
_concurrency = c;
_concurrencySet = true;
[Inspectable(defaultValue="true", category="General")]
* When this value is true, anonymous objects returned are forced to bindable objects.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override public function get makeObjectsBindable():Boolean
if (_makeObjectsBindableSet)
return _makeObjectsBindable;
return (service as mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject).makeObjectsBindable;
override public function set makeObjectsBindable(b:Boolean):void
_makeObjectsBindable = b;
_makeObjectsBindableSet = true;
* Whether this operation should show the busy cursor while it is executing.
* If it has not been explicitly set the setting from the RemoteObject
* will be used.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get showBusyCursor():Boolean
if (_showBusyCursorSet)
return _showBusyCursor;
return remoteObject.showBusyCursor;
public function set showBusyCursor(sbc:Boolean):void
_showBusyCursor = sbc;
_showBusyCursorSet = true;
private var _argumentNames:Array;
* An ordered list of the names of the arguments to pass to a method invocation. Since the arguments object is
* a hashmap with no guaranteed ordering, this array helps put everything together correctly.
* It will be set automatically by the MXML compiler, if necessary, when the Operation is used in tag form.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get argumentNames():Array
return _argumentNames;
public function set argumentNames(value:Array):void
_argumentNames = value;
// Private Variables
private var _concurrency:String;
private var _concurrencySet:Boolean;
private var _makeObjectsBindableSet:Boolean;
private var _showBusyCursor:Boolean;
private var _showBusyCursorSet:Boolean;
// Methods
* inheritDoc
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override public function send(... args:Array):AsyncToken
if (service != null)
if (remoteObject.convertParametersHandler != null)
args = remoteObject.convertParametersHandler(args);
if (operationManager != null)
return operationManager(args);
if (Concurrency.SINGLE == concurrency && activeCalls.hasActiveCalls())
var token:AsyncToken = new AsyncToken(null);
var m:String = resourceManager.getString(
"rpc", "pendingCallExists");
var fault:Fault = new Fault("ConcurrencyError", m);
var faultEvent:FaultEvent = FaultEvent.createEvent(fault, token);
new AsyncDispatcher(dispatchRpcEvent, [faultEvent], 10);
return token;
// We delay endpoint initialization until now because MXML codegen may set
// the destination attribute after the endpoint and will clear out the
// channelSet.
if (asyncRequest.channelSet == null && remoteObject.endpoint != null)
if (!args || (args.length == 0 && this.arguments))
if (this.arguments is Array)
args = this.arguments as Array;
args = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < argumentNames.length; ++i)
args[i] = this.arguments[argumentNames[i]];
var message:RemotingMessage = new RemotingMessage();
message.operation = name;
message.body = args;
message.source = (service as mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject).source;
return invoke(message);
* inheritDoc
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override public function cancel(id:String = null):AsyncToken
// if (showBusyCursor)
// {
// CursorManager.removeBusyCursor();
// }
return super.cancel(id);
override mx_internal function setService(ro:AbstractService):void
remoteObject = mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject(ro);
override mx_internal function invoke(message:IMessage, token:AsyncToken = null):AsyncToken
// if (showBusyCursor)
// {
// CursorManager.setBusyCursor();
// }
return super.invoke(message, token);
* Kill the busy cursor, find the matching call object and pass it back
override mx_internal function preHandle(event:MessageEvent):AsyncToken
// if (showBusyCursor)
// {
// CursorManager.removeBusyCursor();
// }
var wasLastCall:Boolean = activeCalls.wasLastCall(AsyncMessage(event.message).correlationId);
var token:AsyncToken = super.preHandle(event);
if (Concurrency.LAST == concurrency && !wasLastCall)
return null;
return token;
override mx_internal function processResult(message:IMessage, token:AsyncToken):Boolean
if (super.processResult(message, token))
if (remoteObject.convertResultHandler != null)
_result = remoteObject.convertResultHandler(_result, this);
return true;
return false;
override protected function resultHandler(event:MessageEvent):void
// fake an event that the service changed to force bindings to evaluate.
// The binding subsystem has trouble tracking the dynamically added
// operations.
if (remoteObject is mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject)
var document:Object = (remoteObject as mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject).getDocument();
(document as IEventDispatcher).dispatchEvent(ValueChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(document,
(remoteObject as mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject).getID(),
remoteObject, remoteObject));
// Variables
* @private
private var resourceManager:IResourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance();
mx_internal var remoteObject:mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject;