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package org.apache.roller.weblogger.ui.struts2.util;
* A Roller specific version of the struts2 Preparable interface.
* We only have this because we don't want to use the struts2 Preparable IF due
* to the fact that it is meant to be called much earlier in the interceptor
* stack, namely before our custom interceptors have been processed. While
* that may make sense in some cases, typically we want to prepare things based
* on the user or weblog that we are working on, so it's often of more use for
* us to prepare *after* our custom interceptors have been processed.
* So, this duplicate of the struts2 Preparable interface is here so that we
* can leave the default struts2 prepare() logic in place for any actions we
* may define that want to use that, but also provide a prepare option that is
* executed at the very end of our interceptor stack, just before the action
* method is executed. This way our custom prepare method can make use of
* anything our custom interceptors provide.
public interface UIActionPreparable {
void myPrepare();