blob: e1e5e608d0dd2676127753c43158c31b4f0adffa [file] [log] [blame]
$text = stripslashes($_POST['content']);
// Convert UTF-8 multi-bytes into decimal character entities. This is because
// aspell isn't fully utf8-aware - ticket:120 raises the possibility
// that this is not required (any more) and so you can turn it off
// with editor.config.SpellChecker.utf8_to_entities = false
if(!isset($_REQUEST['utf8_to_entitis']) || $_REQUEST['utf8_to_entities'])
$text = preg_replace('/([\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF])/e', "'&#' . utf8_ord('\$1') . ';'", $text);
$text = preg_replace('/([\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])/e', "'&#' . utf8_ord('\$1') . ';'", $text);
$text = preg_replace('/([\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])/e', "'&#' . utf8_ord('\$1') . ';'", $text);
function utf8_ord($chr)
case 1 :
return ord($chr);
case 2 :
$ord = ord($chr{1}) & 63;
$ord = $ord | ((ord($chr{0}) & 31) << 6);
return $ord;
case 3 :
$ord = ord($chr{2}) & 63;
$ord = $ord | ((ord($chr{1}) & 63) << 6);
$ord = $ord | ((ord($chr{0}) & 15) << 12);
return $ord;
case 4 :
$ord = ord($chr{3}) & 63;
$ord = $ord | ((ord($chr{2}) & 63) << 6);
$ord = $ord | ((ord($chr{1}) & 63) << 12);
$ord = $ord | ((ord($chr{0}) & 7) << 18);
return $ord;
default :
trigger_error('Character not utf-8', E_USER_ERROR);
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'aspell_setup.php');
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="spell-check-style.css" />';
// Lets define some values outside the condition below, in case we have an empty
// document.
$textarray = array();
$varlines = '<script type="text/javascript">var suggested_words = { ';
$infolines = 'var spellcheck_info = {';
$counter = 0;
$suggest_count = 0;
if (trim($text) != "")
if ($fd = fopen($temptext, 'w'))
$textarray = explode("\n", $text);
fwrite ($fd, "!\n");
foreach ($textarray as $key=>$value)
// adding the carat to each line prevents the use of aspell commands within the text...
fwrite($fd, "^$value\n");
chmod($temptext, 0777);
// next run aspell
$return = shell_exec($aspellcommand . ' 2>&1');
// echo $return;
$returnarray = explode("\n", $return);
$returnlines = count($returnarray);
$textlines = count($textarray);
$lineindex = -1;
$poscorrect = 0;
foreach ($returnarray as $key=>$value)
// if there is a correction here, processes it, else move the $textarray pointer to the next line
if (substr($value, 0, 1) == '&')
$correction = explode(' ', $value);
$word = $correction[1];
$suggest_count += $correction[2];
$absposition = substr($correction[3], 0, -1) - 1;
$position = $absposition + $poscorrect;
$niceposition = $lineindex.','.$absposition;
$suggstart = strpos($value, ':') + 2;
$suggestions = substr($value, $suggstart);
$suggestionarray = explode(', ', $suggestions);
$beforeword = substr($textarray[$lineindex], 0, $position);
$afterword = substr($textarray[$lineindex], $position + strlen($word));
$textarray[$lineindex] = $beforeword.'<span class="HA-spellcheck-error">'.$word.'</span>'.$afterword;
$suggestion_list = '';
foreach ($suggestionarray as $key=>$value)
$suggestion_list .= $value.',';
$suggestion_list = substr($suggestion_list, 0, strlen($suggestion_list) - 1);
$varlines .= '"'.$word.'":"'.$suggestion_list.'",';
$poscorrect = $poscorrect + 41;
elseif (substr($value, 0, 1) == '#')
$correction = explode(' ', $value);
$word = $correction[1];
$absposition = $correction[2] - 1;
$position = $absposition + $poscorrect;
$niceposition = $lineindex.','.$absposition;
$beforeword = substr($textarray[$lineindex], 0, $position);
$afterword = substr($textarray[$lineindex], $position + strlen($word));
$textarray[$lineindex] = $beforeword.$word.$afterword;
$textarray[$lineindex] = $beforeword.'<span class="HA-spellcheck-error">'.$word.'</span><span class="HA-spellcheck-suggestions">'.$word.'</span>'.$afterword;
// $poscorrect = $poscorrect;
$poscorrect = $poscorrect + 88 + strlen($word);
//print "Done with line $lineindex, next line...<br><br>";
$poscorrect = 0;
$lineindex = $lineindex + 1;
// This one isnt used for anything at the moment!
$return = 'failed to open!';
$infolines .= '"Language Used":"'.$lang.'",';
$infolines .= '"Mispelled words":"'.$counter.'",';
$infolines .= '"Total words suggested":"'.$suggest_count.'",';
$infolines .= '"Total Lines Checked":"'.$returnlines.'"';
$infolines .= '};';
$varlines = substr($varlines, 0, strlen($varlines) - 1);
echo $varlines.'};'.$infolines.'</script>';
echo '</head>
<body onload="window.parent.finishedSpellChecking();">';
foreach ($textarray as $key=>$value)
echo $value;
$dictionaries = str_replace(chr(10),",", shell_exec($aspelldictionaries));
$dictionaries = ereg_replace(",$","",$dictionaries);
echo '<div id="HA-spellcheck-dictionaries">'.$dictionaries.'</div>';
echo '</body></html>';