blob: f78ed9f2888806b26c0dedf0d65f83f4f50fa48b [file] [log] [blame]
* File Operations API
* This file contains the new backend File Operations API used for Xinha File
* Storage. It will serve as the documentation for others wishing to implement
* the backend in their own language, as well as the PHP implementation. The
* return data will come via the HTTP status in the case of an error, or JSON
* data when call has succeeded.
* Some examples of the URLS associated with this API:
* ** File Operations **
* ?file&rename&filename=''&newname=''
* ?file&copy&filename=''
* ?file&delete&filename=''
* ** Directory Operations **
* ?directory&listing
* ?directory&create&dirname=''
* ?directory&delete&dirname=''
* ?directory&rename&dirname=''&newname=''
* ** Image Operations **
* ?image&filename=''&[scale|rotate|convert]
* ** Upload **
* ?upload&filedata=[binary|text]&filename=''&replace=[true|false]
* @author Douglas Mayle <>
* @version 1.0
* @package PersistentStorage
* Config file
// Strip slashes if MQGPC is on
$to_clean = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_REQUEST, &$_COOKIE);
$cleaning =& $to_clean[array_pop($junk = array_keys($to_clean))];
unset($to_clean[array_pop($junk = array_keys($to_clean))]);
foreach(array_keys($cleaning) as $k)
$to_clean[] =& $cleaning[$k];
$cleaning[$k] = stripslashes($cleaning[$k]);
// Set the return headers for a JSON response.
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
//header('Content-type: application/json');
* Constants
* Since this is being used as part of a web interface, we'll set some rather
* conservative limits to keep from overloading the user or the backend.
* This is the maximum folder depth to present to the user
define('MAX_DEPTH', 10);
* This is the maximum number of file entries per folder to show to the user,
define('MAX_FILES_PER_FOLDER', 50);
* This array contains the default HTTP Response messages
$HTTP_ERRORS = array(
'HTTP_SUCCESS_OK' => array('code' => 200, 'message' => 'OK'),
'HTTP_SUCCESS_CREATED' => array('code' => 201, 'message' => 'Created'),
'HTTP_SUCCESS_ACCEPTED' => array('code' => 202, 'message' => 'Accepted'),
'HTTP_SUCCESS_NON_AUTHORITATIVE' => array('code' => 203, 'message' => 'Non-Authoritative Information'),
'HTTP_SUCCESS_NO_CONTENT' => array('code' => 204, 'message' => 'No Content'),
'HTTP_SUCCESS_RESET_CONTENT' => array('code' => 205, 'message' => 'Reset Content'),
'HTTP_SUCCESS_PARTIAL_CONTENT' => array('code' => 206, 'message' => 'Partial Content'),
'HTTP_REDIRECTION_MULTIPLE_CHOICES' => array('code' => 300, 'message' => 'Multiple Choices'),
'HTTP_REDIRECTION_PERMANENT' => array('code' => 301, 'message' => 'Moved Permanently'),
'HTTP_REDIRECTION_FOUND' => array('code' => 302, 'message' => 'Found'),
'HTTP_REDIRECTION_SEE_OTHER' => array('code' => 303, 'message' => 'See Other'),
'HTTP_REDIRECTION_NOT_MODIFIED' => array('code' => 304, 'message' => 'Not Modified'),
'HTTP_REDIRECTION_USE_PROXY' => array('code' => 305, 'message' => 'Use Proxy'),
'HTTP_REDIRECTION_UNUSED' => array('code' => 306, 'message' => '(Unused)'),
'HTTP_REDIRECTION_TEMPORARY' => array('code' => 307, 'message' => 'Temporary Redirect'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_BAD_REQUEST' => array('code' => 400, 'message' => 'Bad Request'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_UNAUTHORIZED' => array('code' => 401, 'message' => 'Unauthorized'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_PAYMENT_REQUIRED' => array('code' => 402, 'message' => 'Payment Required'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN' => array('code' => 403, 'message' => 'Forbidden'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_NOT_FOUND' => array('code' => 404, 'message' => 'Not Found'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED' => array('code' => 405, 'message' => 'Method Not Allowed'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_NOT_ACCEPTABLE' => array('code' => 406, 'message' => 'Not Acceptable'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED' => array('code' => 407, 'message' => 'Proxy Authentication Required'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT' => array('code' => 408, 'message' => 'Request Timeout'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_CONFLICT' => array('code' => 409, 'message' => 'Conflict'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_GONE' => array('code' => 410, 'message' => 'Gone'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_LENGTH_REQUIRED' => array('code' => 411, 'message' => 'Length Required'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_PRECONDITION_FAILED' => array('code' => 412, 'message' => 'Precondition Failed'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE' => array('code' => 413, 'message' => 'Request Entity Too Large'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE' => array('code' => 414, 'message' => 'Request-URI Too Long'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE' => array('code' => 415, 'message' => 'Unsupported Media Type'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_POSSIBLE' => array('code' => 416, 'message' => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable'),
'HTTP_CLIENT_EXPECTATION_FAILED' => array('code' => 417, 'message' => 'Expectation Failed'),
'HTTP_SERVER_INTERNAL' => array('code' => 500, 'message' => 'Internal Server Error'),
'HTTP_SERVER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED' => array('code' => 501, 'message' => 'Not Implemented'),
'HTTP_SERVER_BAD_GATEWAY' => array('code' => 502, 'message' => 'Bad Gateway'),
'HTTP_SERVER_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE' => array('code' => 503, 'message' => 'Service Unavailable'),
'HTTP_SERVER_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT' => array('code' => 504, 'message' => 'Gateway Timeout'),
'HTTP_SERVER_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION' => array('code' => 505, 'message' => 'HTTP Version not supported')
* This is a regular expression used to detect reserved or dangerous filenames.
* Most NTFS special filenames begin with a dollar sign ('$'), and most Unix
* special filenames begin with a period (.), so we'll keep them out of this
* list and just prevent those two characters in the first position. The rest
* of the special filenames are included below.
define('RESERVED_FILE_NAMES', 'pagefile\.sys|a\.out|core');
* This is a regular expression used to detect invalid file names. It's more
* strict than necessary, to be valid multi-platform, but not posix-strict
* because we want to allow unicode filenames. We do, however, allow path
* seperators in the filename because the file could exist in a subdirectory.
define('INVALID_FILE_NAME','^[.$]|^(' . RESERVED_FILE_NAMES . ')$|[?%*:|"<>]');
function main($arguments) {
$config = get_config(true);
// Trigger authentication if it's configured.
if ($config['capabilities']['user_storage'] && empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Xinha Persistent Storage"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
echo "You must login in order to use Persistent Storage";
if (!input_valid($arguments, $config['capabilities'])) {
if (!method_valid($arguments)) {
if (!dispatch($arguments)) {
main($_REQUEST + $_FILES);
// ************************************************************
// ************************************************************
// Helper Functions
// ************************************************************
// ************************************************************
* Take the call and properly dispatch it to the methods below. This method
* assumes valid input.
function dispatch($arguments) {
if (array_key_exists('file', $arguments)) {
if (array_key_exists('rename', $arguments)) {
if (!file_directory_rename($arguments['filename'], $arguments['newname'], working_directory())) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('copy', $arguments)) {
if (!$newentry = file_copy($arguments['filename'], working_directory())) {
echo json_encode($newentry);
return true;
if (array_key_exists('delete', $arguments)) {
if (!file_delete($arguments['filename'], working_directory())) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('directory', $arguments)) {
if (array_key_exists('listing', $arguments)) {
echo json_encode(directory_listing());
return true;
if (array_key_exists('create', $arguments)) {
if (!directory_create($arguments['dirname'], working_directory())) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('delete', $arguments)) {
if (!directory_delete($arguments['dirname'], working_directory())) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('rename', $arguments)) {
if (!file_directory_rename($arguments['dirname'], $arguments['newname'], working_directory())) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('image', $arguments)) {
if (array_key_exists('upload', $arguments)) {
store_uploaded_file($arguments['filename'], $arguments['filedata'], working_directory());
return true;
return false;
* Validation of the HTTP Method. For operations that make changes we require
* POST. To err on the side of safety, we'll only allow GET for known safe
* operations. This way, if the API is extended, and the method is not
* updated, we will not accidentally expose non-idempotent methods to GET.
* This method can only correctly validate the operation if the input is
* already known to be valid.
* @param array $arguments The arguments array received by the page.
* @return boolean Whether or not the HTTP method is correct for the given input.
function method_valid($arguments) {
// We assume that the only
if ($method == 'GET') {
if (array_key_exists('directory', $arguments) && array_key_exists('listing', $arguments)) {
return true;
return false;
if ($method == 'POST') {
return true;
return false;
* Validation of the user input. We'll verify what we receive from the user,
* and send an error in the case of malformed input.
* Some examples of the URLS associated with this API:
* ** File Operations **
* ?file&delete&filename=''
* ?file&copy&filename=''
* ?file&rename&filename=''&newname=''
* ** Directory Operations **
* ?directory&listing
* ?directory&create&dirname=''
* ?directory&delete&dirname=''
* ?directory&rename&dirname=''&newname=''
* ** Image Operations **
* ?image&filename=''&[scale|rotate|convert]
* ** Upload **
* ?upload&filedata=[binary|text]&filename=''&replace=[true|false]
* @param array $arguments The arguments array received by the page.
* @param array $capabilities The capabilities config array used to limit operations.
* @return boolean Whether or not the input received is valid.
function input_valid($arguments, $capabilities) {
// This is going to be really ugly code because it's basically a DFA for
// parsing arguments. To make things a little clearer, I'll put a
// pseudo-BNF for each block to show the decision structure.
// file[empty] filename[valid] (delete[empty] | copy[empty] | (rename[empty] newname[valid]))
if ($capabilities['file_operations'] &&
array_key_exists('file', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['file']) &&
array_key_exists('filename', $arguments) &&
!ereg(INVALID_FILE_NAME, $arguments['filename'])) {
if (array_key_exists('delete', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['delete']) &&
3 == count($arguments)) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('copy', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['copy']) &&
3 == count($arguments)) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('rename', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['rename']) &&
4 == count($arguments)) {
if (array_key_exists('newname', $arguments) &&
!ereg(INVALID_FILE_NAME, $arguments['newname'])) {
return true;
return false;
} elseif (array_key_exists('file', $arguments)) {
// This isn't necessary because we'll fall through to false, but I'd
// rather return earlier than later.
return false;
// directory[empty] (listing[empty] | (dirname[valid] (create[empty] | delete[empty] | (rename[empty] newname[valid]))))
if ($capabilities['directory_operations'] &&
array_key_exists('directory', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['directory'])) {
if (array_key_exists('listing', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['listing']) &&
2 == count($arguments)) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('dirname', $arguments) &&
!ereg(INVALID_FILE_NAME, $arguments['dirname'])) {
if (array_key_exists('create', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['create']) &&
3 == count($arguments)) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('delete', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['delete']) &&
3 == count($arguments)) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('rename', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['rename']) &&
4 == count($arguments)) {
if (array_key_exists('newname', $arguments) &&
!ereg(INVALID_FILE_NAME, $arguments['newname'])) {
return true;
return false;
} elseif (array_key_exists('directory', $arguments)) {
// This isn't necessary because we'll fall through to false, but I'd
// rather return earlier than later.
return false;
// image[empty] filename[valid] ((scale[empty] dimensions[valid]) | (rotate[empty] angle[valid]) | (convert[empty] imagetype[valid]))
if ($capabilities['image_operations'] &&
array_key_exists('image', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['image']) &&
array_key_exists('filename', $arguments) &&
!ereg(INVALID_FILE_NAME, $arguments['filename']) &&
4 == count($arguments)) {
if (array_key_exists('scale', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['scale']) &&
!ereg(INVALID_FILE_NAME, $arguments['dimensions'])) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('rotate', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['rotate']) &&
!ereg(INVALID_FILE_NAME, $arguments['angle'])) {
return true;
if (array_key_exists('convert', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['convert']) &&
!ereg(INVALID_FILE_NAME, $arguments['imagetype'])) {
return true;
return false;
} elseif (array_key_exists('image', $arguments)) {
// This isn't necessary because we'll fall through to false, but I'd
// rather return earlier than later.
return false;
// upload[empty] filedata[binary|text] replace[true|false] filename[valid]?
if ($capabilities['upload_operations'] &&
array_key_exists('upload', $arguments) &&
empty($arguments['upload']) &&
array_key_exists('filedata', $arguments) &&
!empty($arguments['filedata']) &&
array_key_exists('replace', $arguments) &&
ereg('true|false', $arguments['replace'])) {
if (4 == count($arguments) &&
array_key_exists('filename', $arguments) &&
!ereg(INVALID_FILE_NAME, $arguments['filename'])) {
return true;
if (3 == count($arguments)) {
return true;
return false;
} elseif (array_key_exists('upload', $arguments)) {
// This isn't necessary because we'll fall through to false, but I'd
// rather return earlier than later.
return false;
return false;
* HTTP level error handling.
* @param integer $code The HTTP error code to return to the client. This defaults to 400.
* @param string $message Error message to send to the client. This defaults to the standard HTTP error messages.
function http_error_exit($error = 'HTTP_CLIENT_BAD_REQUEST', $message='') {
global $HTTP_ERRORS;
$message = !empty($message) ? $message : "HTTP/1.0 {$HTTP_ERRORS[$error]['code']} {$HTTP_ERRORS[$error]['message']}";
* Process the config and return the absolute directory we should be working with,
* @return string contains the path of the directory all file operations are limited to.
function working_directory() {
$config = get_config(true);
return realpath(getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config['storage_dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
* Check to see if the supplied filename is inside
function directory_contains($container_directory, $checkfile) {
// Get the canonical directory and canonical filename. We add a directory
// seperator to prevent the user from sidestepping into a sibling directory
// that starts with the same prefix. (e.g. from /home/john to
// /home/johnson)
$container_directory = realpath($container_directory) + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$checkfile = realpath($checkfile);
// Now that we have the canonical versions, we can do a string comparison
// to see if checkfile is inside of container_directory.
if (strlen($checkfile) <= strlen($container_directory)) {
// We don't consider the directory to be inside of itself. This
// prevents users from trying to perform operations on the container
// directory itself.
return false;
// PHP equivalent of string.startswith()
return substr($checkfile, 0, strlen($container_directory)) == $container_directory;
* Directory Operations
* {@internal *****************************************************************
* **************************************************************************}}
* Return a directory listing as a PHP array.
* @param string $directory The directory to return a listing of.
* @param integer $depth The private argument used to limit recursion depth.
* @return array representing the directory structure.
function directory_listing($directory='', $depth=1) {
// We return an empty array if the directory is empty
$result = array('$type'=>'folder');
// We won't recurse below MAX_DEPTH.
if ($depth > MAX_DEPTH) {
return $result;
$path = empty($directory) ? working_directory() : $directory;
// We'll open the directory to check each of the entries
if ($dir = opendir($path)) {
// We'll keep track of how many file we process.
$count = 0;
// For each entry in the file
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
// Limit the number of files we process in this folder
$count += 1;
if ($count > MAX_FILES_PER_FOLDER) {
return $result;
// Ignore hidden files (this includes special files '.' and '..')
if (strlen($file) && ($file[0] == '.')) {
$filepath = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
if (filetype($filepath) == 'dir') {
// We'll recurse and add those results
$result[$file] = directory_listing($filepath, $depth + 1);
} else {
// We'll check to see if we can read any image information from
// the file. If so, we know it's an image, and we can return
// it's metadata.
$imageinfo = @getimagesize($filepath);
if ($imageinfo) {
$result[$file] = array('$type'=>'image','metadata'=>array(
} elseif ($extension = strrpos($file, '.')) {
$extension = substr($file, $extension);
if (($extension == '.htm') || ($extension == '.html')) {
$result[$file] = array('$type'=>'html');
} else {
$result[$file] = array('$type'=>'text');
} else {
$result[$file] = array('$type'=>'document');
return $result;
* Create a directory, limiting operations to the chroot directory.
* @param string $dirname The path to the directory, relative to $chroot.
* @param string $chroot Only directories inside this directory or its subdirectories can be affected.
* @return boolean Returns TRUE if successful, and FALSE otherwise.
function directory_create($dirname, $chroot) {
// If chroot is empty, then we will not perform the operation.
if (empty($chroot)) {
return false;
// We have to take the dirname of the parent directory first, since
// realpath just returns false if the directory doesn't already exist on
// the filesystem.
$createparent = realpath(dirname($chroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirname));
$createsub = basename($chroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirname);
// The bailout rules for directories that don't exist are complicated
// because of having to work around realpath. If the parent directory is
// the same as the chroot, it won't be contained. For this case, we'll
// check to see if the chroot and the parent are the same and allow it only
// if the sub portion of dirname is not-empty.
if (!directory_contains($chroot, $createparent) &&
!(($chroot == $createparent) && !empty($createsub))) {
return false;
return @mkdir($createparent . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $createsub);
* Delete a directory, limiting operations to the chroot directory.
* @param string $dirname The path to the directory, relative to $chroot.
* @param string $chroot Only directories inside this directory or its subdirectories can be affected.
* @return boolean Returns TRUE if successful, and FALSE otherwise.
function directory_delete($dirname, $chroot) {
// If chroot is empty, then we will not perform the operation.
if (empty($chroot)) {
return false;
// $dirname is relative to $chroot.
$dirname = realpath($chroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirname);
// Limit directory operations to the supplied directory.
if (!directory_contains($chroot, $dirname)) {
return false;
return @rmdir($dirname);
* File Operations
* {@internal *****************************************************************
* **************************************************************************}}
* Rename a file or directory, limiting operations to the chroot directory.
* @param string $filename The path to the file or directory, relative to $chroot.
* @param string $renameto The path to the renamed file or directory, relative to $chroot.
* @param string $chroot Only files and directories inside this directory or its subdirectories can be affected.
* @return boolean Returns TRUE if successful, and FALSE otherwise.
function file_directory_rename($filename, $renameto, $chroot) {
// If chroot is empty, then we will not perform the operation.
if (empty($chroot)) {
return false;
// $filename is relative to $chroot.
$filename = realpath($chroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename);
// We have to take the dirname of the renamed file or directory first,
// since realpath just returns false if the file or direcotry doesn't
// already exist on the filesystem.
$renameparent = realpath(dirname($chroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $renameto));
$renamefile = basename($chroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $renameto);
// Limit file operations to the supplied directory.
if (!directory_contains($chroot, $filename)) {
return false;
// The bailout rules for the renamed file or directory are more complicated
// because of having to work around realpath. If the renamed parent
// directory is the same as the chroot, it won't be contained. For this
// case, we'll check to see if they're the same and allow it only if the
// file portion of renameto is not-empty.
if (!directory_contains($chroot, $renameparent) &&
!(($chroot == $renameparent) && !empty($renamefile))) {
return false;
return @rename($filename, $renameparent . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $renamefile);
* Copy a file, limiting operations to the chroot directory.
* @param string $filename The path to the file, relative to $chroot.
* @param string $chroot Only files inside this directory or its subdirectories can be affected.
* @return boolean Returns TRUE if successful, and FALSE otherwise.
function file_copy($filename, $chroot) {
// If chroot is empty, then we will not perform the operation.
if (empty($chroot)) {
return false;
// $filename is relative to $chroot.
$filename = realpath($chroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename);
// Limit file operations to the supplied directory.
if (!directory_contains($chroot, $filename)) {
return false;
// The PHP copy function blindly copies over existing files. We don't wish
// this to happen, so we have to perform the copy a bit differently. If we
// do a check to make sure the file exists, there's always the chance of a
// race condition where someone else creates the file in between the check
// and the copy. The only safe way to ensure we don't overwrite an
// existing file is to call fopen in create-only mode (mode 'x'). If it
// succeeds, the file did not exist before, and we've successfully created
// it, meaning we own the file. After that, we can safely copy over our
// own file.
for ($count=1; $count<MAX_FILES_PER_FOLDER; ++$count) {
if (strpos(basename($filename), '.')) {
$extpos = strrpos($filename, '.');
$copyname = substr($filename, 0, $extpos) . '_' . $count . substr($filename, $extpos);
} else {
// There's no extension, we we'll just add our copy count.
$copyname = $filename . '_' . $count;
if ($file = @fopen($copyname, 'x')) {
// We've successfully created a file, so it's ours. We'll close
// our handle.
if (!@fclose($file)) {
// There was some problem with our file handle.
return false;
// Now we copy over the file we created.
if (!@copy($filename, $copyname)) {
// The copy failed, even though we own the file, so we'll clean
// up by removing the file and report failure.
file_delete($filename, $chroot);
return false;
return array(basename($copyname)=>array('$type'=>'image'));
return false;
* Delete a file, limiting operations to the chroot directory.
* @param string $filename The path to the file, relative to $chroot.
* @param string $chroot Only files inside this directory or its subdirectories can be affected.
* @return boolean Returns TRUE if successful, and FALSE otherwise.
function file_delete($filename, $chroot) {
// If chroot is empty, then we will not perform the operation.
if (empty($chroot)) {
return false;
// $filename is relative to $chroot.
$filename = realpath($chroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename);
// Limit file operations to the supplied directory.
if (!directory_contains($chroot, $filename)) {
return false;
return @unlink($filename);
* Upload Operations
* {@internal *****************************************************************
* **************************************************************************}}
function store_uploaded_file($filename, $filedata, $chroot) {
// If chroot is empty, then we will not perform the operation.
if (empty($chroot)) {
return false;
// If the filename is empty, it was possibly supplied as part of the
// upload.
$filename = empty($filename) ? $filedata['name'] : $filename;
// We have to take the dirname of the parent directory first, since
// realpath just returns false if the directory doesn't already exist on
// the filesystem.
$uploadparent = realpath(dirname($chroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename));
$uploadfile = basename($chroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename);
// The bailout rules for directories that don't exist are complicated
// because of having to work around realpath. If the parent directory is
// the same as the chroot, it won't be contained. For this case, we'll
// check to see if the chroot and the parent are the same and allow it only
// if the sub portion of dirname is not-empty.
if (!directory_contains($chroot, $uploadparent) &&
!(($chroot == $uploadparent) && !empty($uploadfile))) {
return false;
$target_path = $uploadparent . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $uploadfile;
if (is_array($filedata)) {
// We've received the file as an upload, so it's been saved to a temp
// directory. We'll move it to where it belongs.
if(move_uploaded_file($filedata['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
return true;
} elseif ($file = @fopen($target_path, 'w')) {
// We've received the file as data. We'll create/open the file and
// save the data.
@fwrite($file, $filedata);
return true;
return false;