blob: 6c4a5d514abf1c1402994f2b360b1380d2ab75fd [file] [log] [blame]
* ImageManager, list images, directories, and thumbnails.
* @author $Author:ray $
* @version $Id:ImageManager.php 709 2007-01-30 23:22:04Z ray $
* @package ImageManager
// uncomment to turn on debugging
// _ddtOn();
* ImageManager Class.
* @author $Author:ray $
* @version $Id:ImageManager.php 709 2007-01-30 23:22:04Z ray $
class ImageManager
* Configuration array.
var $config;
* Array of directory information.
var $dirs;
* Constructor. Create a new Image Manager instance.
* @param array $config configuration array, see
function ImageManager($config)
$this->config = $config;
* Get the images base directory.
* @return string base dir, see
function getImagesDir()
Return $this->config['images_dir'];
* Get the images base URL.
* @return string base url, see
function getImagesURL()
Return $this->config['images_url'];
function isValidBase()
return is_dir($this->getImagesDir());
* Get the tmp file prefix.
* @return string tmp file prefix.
function getTmpPrefix()
Return $this->config['tmp_prefix'];
* Get the sub directories in the base dir.
* Each array element contain
* the relative path (relative to the base dir) as key and the
* full path as value.
* @return array of sub directries
* <code>array('path name' => 'full directory path', ...)</code>
function getDirs()
$dirs = $this->_dirs($this->getImagesDir(),'/');
$this->dirs = $dirs;
return $this->dirs;
* Recursively travese the directories to get a list
* of accessable directories.
* @param string $base the full path to the current directory
* @param string $path the relative path name
* @return array of accessiable sub-directories
* <code>array('path name' => 'full directory path', ...)</code>
function _dirs($base, $path)
$base = Files::fixPath($base);
$dirs = array();
if($this->isValidBase() == false)
return $dirs;
$d = @dir($base);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))
//If it is a directory, and it doesn't start with
// a dot, and if is it not the thumbnail directory
&& substr($entry,0,1) != '.'
&& $this->isThumbDir($entry) == false)
$relative = Files::fixPath($path.$entry);
$fullpath = Files::fixPath($base.$entry);
$dirs[$relative] = $fullpath;
$dirs = array_merge($dirs, $this->_dirs($fullpath, $relative));
Return $dirs;
* Get all the files and directories of a relative path.
* @param string $path relative path to be base path.
* @return array of file and path information.
* <code>array(0=>array('relative'=>'fullpath',...), 1=>array('filename'=>fileinfo array(),...)</code>
* fileinfo array: <code>array('url'=>'full url',
* 'relative'=>'relative to base',
* 'fullpath'=>'full file path',
* 'image'=>imageInfo array() false if not image,
* 'stat' => filestat)</code>
function getFiles($path)
$files = array();
$dirs = array();
if($this->isValidBase() == false)
return array($files,$dirs);
$path = Files::fixPath($path);
$base = Files::fixPath($this->getImagesDir());
$fullpath = Files::makePath($base,$path);
$d = @dir($fullpath);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))
//not a dot file or directory
if(substr($entry,0,1) != '.')
&& $this->isThumbDir($entry) == false)
$relative = Files::fixPath($path.$entry);
$full = Files::fixPath($fullpath.$entry);
$count = $this->countFiles($full);
$dirs[$relative] = array('fullpath'=>$full,'entry'=>$entry,'count'=>$count);
else if(is_file($fullpath.$entry) && $this->isThumb($entry)==false && $this->isTmpFile($entry) == false)
$img = $this->getImageInfo($fullpath.$entry);
$file['url'] = Files::makePath($this->config['base_url'],$path).$entry;
$file['relative'] = $path.$entry;
$file['fullpath'] = $fullpath.$entry;
$file['image'] = $img;
$file['stat'] = stat($fullpath.$entry);
$files[$entry] = $file;
Return array($dirs, $files);
* Count the number of files and directories in a given folder
* minus the thumbnail folders and thumbnails.
function countFiles($path)
$total = 0;
$d = @dir($path);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))
//echo $entry."<br>";
if(substr($entry,0,1) != '.'
&& $this->isThumbDir($entry) == false
&& $this->isTmpFile($entry) == false
&& $this->isThumb($entry) == false)
return $total;
* Get image size information.
* @param string $file the image file
* @return array of getImageSize information,
* false if the file is not an image.
function getImageInfo($file)
Return @getImageSize($file);
* Check if the file contains the thumbnail prefix.
* @param string $file filename to be checked
* @return true if the file contains the thumbnail prefix, false otherwise.
function isThumb($file)
$len = strlen($this->config['thumbnail_prefix']);
Return true;
Return false;
* Check if the given directory is a thumbnail directory.
* @param string $entry directory name
* @return true if it is a thumbnail directory, false otherwise
function isThumbDir($entry)
if($this->config['thumbnail_dir'] == false
|| strlen(trim($this->config['thumbnail_dir'])) == 0)
Return false;
Return ($entry == $this->config['thumbnail_dir']);
* Check if the given file is a tmp file.
* @param string $file file name
* @return boolean true if it is a tmp file, false otherwise
function isTmpFile($file)
$len = strlen($this->config['tmp_prefix']);
Return true;
Return false;
* For a given image file, get the respective thumbnail filename
* no file existence check is done.
* @param string $fullpathfile the full path to the image file
* @return string of the thumbnail file
function getThumbName($fullpathfile)
$path_parts = pathinfo($fullpathfile);
$thumbnail = $this->config['thumbnail_prefix'].$path_parts['basename'];
if( strlen(trim($this->config['thumbnail_dir'])) == 0 || $this->config['safe_mode'] == true)
Return Files::makeFile($path_parts['dirname'],$thumbnail);
$path = Files::makePath($path_parts['dirname'],$this->config['thumbnail_dir']);
Return Files::makeFile($path,$thumbnail);
* Similar to getThumbName, but returns the URL, base on the
* given base_url in
* @param string $relative the relative image file name,
* relative to the base_dir path
* @return string the url of the thumbnail
function getThumbURL($relative)
_ddt( __FILE__, __LINE__, "getThumbURL(): relative is '$relative'" );
$path_parts = pathinfo($relative);
$thumbnail = $this->config['thumbnail_prefix'].$path_parts['basename'];
if($path_parts['dirname']=='\\') $path_parts['dirname']='/';
if($this->config['safe_mode'] == true
|| strlen(trim($this->config['thumbnail_dir'])) == 0)
Return Files::makeFile($this->getImagesURL(),rawurlencode($thumbnail));
if(strlen(trim($this->config['thumbnail_dir'])) > 0)
$path = Files::makePath($path_parts['dirname'],$this->config['thumbnail_dir']);
$url_path = Files::makePath($this->getImagesURL(), $path);
_ddt( __FILE__, __LINE__, "getThumbURL(): url_path is '$url_path'" );
Return Files::makeFile($url_path,rawurlencode($thumbnail));
else //should this ever happen?
//error_log('ImageManager: Error in creating thumbnail url');
* For a given image file, get the respective resized filename
* no file existence check is done.
* @param string $fullpathfile the full path to the image file
* @param integer $width the intended width
* @param integer $height the intended height
* @param boolean $mkDir whether to attempt to make the resized_dir if it doesn't exist
* @return string of the resized filename
function getResizedName($fullpathfile, $width, $height, $mkDir = TRUE)
$path_parts = pathinfo($fullpathfile);
$thumbnail = $this->config['resized_prefix']."_{$width}x{$height}_{$path_parts['basename']}";
if( strlen(trim($this->config['resized_dir'])) == 0 || $this->config['safe_mode'] == true )
Return Files::makeFile($path_parts['dirname'],$thumbnail);
$path = Files::makePath($path_parts['dirname'],$this->config['resized_dir']);
if($mkDir && !is_dir($path))
Return Files::makeFile($path,$thumbnail);
* Check if the given path is part of the subdirectories
* under the base_dir.
* @param string $path the relative path to be checked
* @return boolean true if the path exists, false otherwise
function validRelativePath($path)
$dirs = $this->getDirs();
if($path == '/')
Return true;
//check the path given in the url against the
//list of paths in the system.
for($i = 0; $i < count($dirs); $i++)
$key = key($dirs);
//we found the path
if($key == $path)
Return true;
Return false;
* Process uploaded files, assumes the file is in
* $_FILES['upload'] and $_POST['dir'] is set.
* The dir must be relative to the base_dir and exists.
* If 'validate_images' is set to true, only file with
* image dimensions will be accepted.
* @return null
function processUploads()
if($this->isValidBase() == false)
$relative = null;
$relative = rawurldecode($_POST['dir']);
//check for the file, and must have valid relative path
if(isset($_FILES['upload']) && $this->validRelativePath($relative))
$this->_processFiles($relative, $_FILES['upload']);
* Process upload files. The file must be an
* uploaded file. If 'validate_images' is set to
* true, only images will be processed. Any duplicate
* file will be renamed. See Files::copyFile for details
* on renaming.
* @param string $relative the relative path where the file
* should be copied to.
* @param array $file the uploaded file from $_FILES
* @return boolean true if the file was processed successfully,
* false otherwise
function _processFiles($relative, $file)
Return false;
Return false;
Return false;
if($this->config['validate_images'] == true)
$imgInfo = @getImageSize($file['tmp_name']);
Return false;
$valid_extensions = $this->config['allowed_image_extensions'];
$afruext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file['name'], "."), 1));
if(!in_array($afruext, $valid_extensions))
Return 'Cannot upload $extension='.$afruext.'$ Files. Permission denied.';
//now copy the file
$path = Files::makePath($this->getImagesDir(),$relative);
$result = Files::copyFile($file['tmp_name'], $path, $file['name']);
//no copy error
Return true;
//delete tmp files.
Return false;
* Get the URL of the relative file.
* basically appends the relative file to the
* base_url given in
* @param string $relative a file the relative to the base_dir
* @return string the URL of the relative file.
function getFileURL($relative)
Return Files::makeFile($this->getImagesURL(),$relative);
* Get the fullpath to a relative file.
* @param string $relative the relative file.
* @return string the full path, .ie. the base_dir + relative.
function getFullPath($relative)
Return Files::makeFile($this->getImagesDir(),$relative);;
* Get the default thumbnail.
* @return string default thumbnail, empty string if
* the thumbnail doesn't exist.
function getDefaultThumb()
// FIXME: hack
Return $this->config['default_thumbnail'];
Return $this->config['default_thumbnail'];
Return '';
* Get the thumbnail url to be displayed.
* If the thumbnail exists, and it is up-to-date
* the thumbnail url will be returns. If the
* file is not an image, a default image will be returned.
* If it is an image file, and no thumbnail exists or
* the thumbnail is out-of-date (i.e. the thumbnail
* modified time is less than the original file)
* then a thumbs.php?img=filename.jpg is returned.
* The thumbs.php url will generate a new thumbnail
* on the fly. If the image is less than the dimensions
* of the thumbnails, the image will be display instead.
* @param string $relative the relative image file.
* @return string the url of the thumbnail, be it
* actually thumbnail or a script to generate the
* thumbnail on the fly.
function getThumbnail($relative)
global $IMConfig;
_ddt( __FILE__, __LINE__, "getThumbnail(): top with '$relative'" );
$fullpath = Files::makeFile($this->getImagesDir(),$relative);
//not a file???
Return $this->getDefaultThumb();
$imgInfo = @getImageSize($fullpath);
//not an image
Return $this->getDefaultThumb();
//the original image is smaller than thumbnails,
//so just return the url to the original image.
if ($imgInfo[0] <= $this->config['thumbnail_width']
&& $imgInfo[1] <= $this->config['thumbnail_height'])
Return $this->getFileURL($relative);
$thumbnail = $this->getThumbName($fullpath);
//check for thumbnails, if exists and
// it is up-to-date, return the thumbnail url
if(filemtime($thumbnail) >= filemtime($fullpath))
_ddt( __FILE__, __LINE__, "getThumbnail(): returning url '" . $this->getThumbURL($relative) . "'" );
Return $this->getThumbURL($relative);
//well, no thumbnail was found, so ask the thumbs.php
//to generate the thumbnail on the fly.
Return $IMConfig['backend_url'] . '__function=thumbs&img='.rawurlencode($relative);
* Delete and specified files.
* @return boolean true if delete, false otherwise
function deleteFiles()
* Delete and specified directories.
* @return boolean true if delete, false otherwise
function deleteDirs()
return $this->_delDir(rawurldecode($_GET['deld']));
Return false;
* Delete the relative file, and any thumbnails.
* @param string $relative the relative file.
* @return boolean true if deleted, false otherwise.
function _delFile($relative)
$fullpath = Files::makeFile($this->getImagesDir(),$relative);
//check that the file is an image
if($this->config['validate_images'] == true)
return false; //hmmm not an Image!!???
$thumbnail = $this->getThumbName($fullpath);
Return Files::delFile($thumbnail);
Return false;
* Delete directories recursively.
* @param string $relative the relative path to be deleted.
* @return boolean true if deleted, false otherwise.
function _delDir($relative)
$fullpath = Files::makePath($this->getImagesDir(),$relative);
if($this->countFiles($fullpath) <= 0)
return Files::delFolder($fullpath,true); //delete recursively.
Return false;
* Create new directories.
* If in safe_mode, nothing happens.
* @return boolean true if created, false otherwise.
function processNewDir()
if($this->config['safe_mode'] == true)
Return false;
if(isset($_GET['newDir']) && isset($_GET['dir']))
$newDir = rawurldecode($_GET['newDir']);
$dir = rawurldecode($_GET['dir']);
$path = Files::makePath($this->getImagesDir(),$dir);
$fullpath = Files::makePath($path, Files::escape($newDir));
Return false;
Return Files::createFolder($fullpath);