blob: 88c86d3721aa84e3d7318f5b6a97f78438821c06 [file] [log] [blame]
* ExtendedFileManager images.php file. Shows folders and files.
* Authors: Wei Zhuo, Afru, Krzysztof Kotowicz, Raimund Meyer
* Version: Updated on 08-01-2005 by Afru
* Version: Updated on 04-07-2006 by Krzysztof Kotowicz
* Version: Updated on 29-10-2006 by Raimund Meyer
* Version: Updated on 20-01-2008 by Raimund Meyer
* Package: ExtendedFileManager (EFM 1.4)
if(isset($_REQUEST['mode'])) $insertMode=$_REQUEST['mode'];
if(!isset($insertMode)) $insertMode="image";
$backend_url_enc = htmlspecialchars( $IMConfig['backend_url'] );
//default path is /
$relative = '/';
$manager = new ExtendedFileManager($IMConfig, $insertMode);
//process any file uploads
//process any file renames
//process paste
$pasteStatus = (isset($_GET['paste'])) ? $manager->processPaste() : false;
$refreshFile = ($IMConfig['allow_delete'] && $manager->deleteFiles()) ? true : false;
$refreshDir = false;
//process any directory functions
if(($IMConfig['allow_delete'] && $manager->deleteDirs()) || $manager->processNewDir() || $pasteStatus || $renameStatus )
$refreshDir = true;
//check for any sub-directory request
//check that the requested sub-directory exists
//and valid
$path = rawurldecode($_REQUEST['dir']);
$relative = $path;
$afruViewType = (isset($_REQUEST['viewtype'])) ? $afruViewType=$_REQUEST['viewtype'] : '';
if($afruViewType!="thumbview" && $afruViewType!="listview")
//get the list of files and directories
$list = $manager->getFiles($relative);
/* ================= OUTPUT/DRAW FUNCTIONS ======================= */
* Draw folders and files. Changed by Afru
function drawDirs_Files($list, &$manager)
global $relative, $afruViewType, $IMConfig, $insertMode,$backend_url_enc;
switch ($afruViewType) {
case 'listview':
$maxNameLength = 30;
<table class="listview" id="listview">
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Size</th><th>Image Size</th><th>Date Modified</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr></thead>
// start of foreach for draw listview folders .
foreach($list[0] as $path => $dir)
{ ?>
<td><span style="width:20px;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>icons/folder_small.gif" alt="" /></span>
<a href="<?php print $backend_url_enc; ?>__function=images&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;dir=<?php echo rawurlencode($path); ?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" onclick="updateDir('<?php echo $path; ?>')" title="<?php echo $dir['entry']; ?>">
if(strlen($dir['entry'])>$maxNameLength) echo substr($dir['entry'],0,$maxNameLength)."..."; else echo $dir['entry'];
<td colspan="2" >Folder</td>
<td ><?php echo date($IMConfig['date_format'],$dir['stat']['mtime']); ?></td>
<td class="actions" >
<a href="<?php print $backend_url_enc; ?>__function=images&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;dir=<?php echo $relative; ?>&amp;deld=<?php echo rawurlencode($path); ?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" title="Trash" onclick="return confirmDeleteDir('<?php echo $dir['entry']; ?>', <?php echo $dir['count']; ?>);" style="border:0px;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_trash.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Trash" border="0" /></a>
<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_rename']) { ?>
<a href="#" title="Rename" onclick="renameDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_rename.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Rename" border="0" /></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_cut_copy_paste']) { ?>
<a href="#" title="Cut" onclick="copyDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>','move'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_cut.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Cut" /></a>
<a href="#" title="Copy" onclick="copyDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>','copy'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_copy.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Copy" /></a>
<?php } ?>
} // end of foreach for draw listview folders .
// start of foreach for draw listview files .
foreach($list[1] as $entry => $file)
<a href="#" class="thumb" style="cursor: pointer;vertical-align:middle;" ondblclick="this.onclick();;" onclick="selectImage('<?php echo $file['relative'];?>', '<?php echo preg_replace('#\..{3,4}$#', '', $entry); ?>', <?php echo $file['image'][0];?>, <?php echo $file['image'][1]; ?>);return false;" title="<?php echo $entry; ?> - <?php echo Files::formatSize($file['stat']['size']); ?>" <?php if ($insertMode == 'image') { ?> onmouseover="showPreview('<?php echo $file['relative'];?>')" onmouseout="showPreview(window.parent.document.getElementById('f_url').value)" <?php } ?> >
<span style="width:20px;vertical-align:middle;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url']; if(is_file('icons/'.$file['ext'].'_small.gif')) echo "icons/".$file['ext']."_small.gif"; else echo $IMConfig['default_listicon']; ?>" alt="" style="border:none;" /></span><span style="vertical-align:middle;">
if(strlen($entry)>$maxNameLength) echo substr($entry,0,$maxNameLength)."..."; else echo $entry;
<td><?php echo Files::formatSize($file['stat']['size']); ?></td>
<td><?php if($file['image'][0] > 0){ echo $file['image'][0].'x'.$file['image'][1]; } ?></td>
<td ><?php echo date($IMConfig['date_format'],$file['stat']['mtime']); ?></td>
<td class="actions">
<?php if($IMConfig['img_library'] && $IMConfig['allow_edit_image'] && $file['image'][0] > 0) { ?>
<a href="javascript:;" title="Edit" onclick="editImage('<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>');"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_pencil.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Edit" border="0" /></a>
<?php } ?>
<a href="<?php print $backend_url_enc; ?>__function=images&amp;dir=<?php echo $relative; ?>&amp;delf=<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" title="Trash" onclick="return confirmDeleteFile('<?php echo $entry; ?>');"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_trash.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Trash" border="0" /></a>
<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_rename']) { ?>
<a href="#" title="Rename" onclick="renameFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_rename.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Rename" border="0" /></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_cut_copy_paste']) { ?>
<a href="#" title="Cut" onclick="copyFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($entry);?>','move'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_cut.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Cut" /></a>
<a href="#" title="Copy" onclick="copyFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($entry);?>','copy'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_copy.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Copy" /></a>
<?php } ?>
}//end of foreach of draw listview files
case 'thumbview': // thumbview is default
// start of foreach for draw thumbview folders.
foreach($list[0] as $path => $dir)
{ ?>
<div class="dir_holder">
<a class="dir" href="<?php print $backend_url_enc;?>__function=images&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;dir=<?php echo rawurlencode($path); ?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" onclick="updateDir('<?php echo $path; ?>')" title="<?php echo $dir['entry']; ?>"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/folder.gif" height="80" width="80" alt="<?php echo $dir['entry']; ?>" /></a>
<div class="fileName">
<?php if(strlen($dir['entry']) > $maxFolderNameLength)
echo substr($dir['entry'], 0, $maxFolderNameLength) . "...";
echo $dir['entry']; ?>
<div class="edit">
<a href="<?php print $backend_url_enc;?>__function=images&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;dir=<?php echo $relative; ?>&amp;deld=<?php echo rawurlencode($path); ?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" title="Trash" onclick="return confirmDeleteDir('<?php echo $dir['entry']; ?>', <?php echo $dir['count']; ?>);"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_trash.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Trash" /></a>
<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_rename']) { ?>
<a href="#" title="Rename" onclick="renameDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_rename.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Rename" border="0" /></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_cut_copy_paste']) { ?>
<a href="#" title="Cut" onclick="copyDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>','move'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_cut.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Cut" /></a>
<a href="#" title="Copy" onclick="copyDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>','copy'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_copy.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Copy" /></a>
<?php } ?>
} // end of foreach for draw thumbview folders.
// start of foreach for draw thumbview files.
foreach($list[1] as $entry => $file)
$thisFileNameLength = $maxFileNameLength;
<div class="thumb_holder" id="holder_<?php echo asc2hex($entry) ?>">
<a href="#" class="thumb" style="cursor: pointer;" ondblclick="this.onclick();;" onclick="selectImage('<?php echo $file['relative'];?>', '<?php echo preg_replace('#\..{3,4}$#', '', $entry); ?>', <?php echo $file['image'][0];?>, <?php echo $file['image'][1]; ?>);return false;" title="<?php echo $entry; ?> - <?php echo Files::formatSize($file['stat']['size']); ?>">
<img src="<?php print $manager->getThumbnail($file['relative']); ?>" alt="<?php echo $entry; ?> - <?php echo Files::formatSize($file['stat']['size']); ?>" />
<div class="fileName">
if(strlen($entry) > $thisFileNameLength + 3) echo strtolower(substr($entry,0,$thisFileNameLength))."..."; else echo $entry;
<div class="edit">
<?php if($IMConfig['img_library'] && $IMConfig['allow_edit_image'] && $file['image'][0] > 0 )
{ ?>
<a href="javascript:;" title="Edit" onclick="editImage('<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>');"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_pencil.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Edit" /></a>
<?php $thisFileNameLength -= 3; } ?>
<a href="<?php print $backend_url_enc; ?>__function=images&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;dir=<?php echo $relative; ?>&amp;delf=<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" title="Trash" onclick="return confirmDeleteFile('<?php echo $entry; ?>');"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_trash.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Trash" /></a>
<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_rename']) { ?>
<a href="#" title="Rename" onclick="renameFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_rename.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Rename" /></a>
<?php $thisFileNameLength -= 3; } ?>
<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_cut_copy_paste']) { ?>
<a href="#" title="Cut" onclick="copyFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($entry);?>','move'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_cut.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Cut" /></a>
<a href="#" title="Copy" onclick="copyFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($entry);?>','copy'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_copy.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Copy" /></a>
<?php $thisFileNameLength -= 6; } ?>
}//end of foreach of draw thumbview files
}//end of function drawDirs_Files
* No directories and no files.
function drawNoResults()
<div class="noResult">No Files Found</div>
* No directories and no files.
function drawErrorBase(&$manager)
<div class="error"><span>Invalid base directory:</span> <?php echo $manager->getImagesDir(); ?></div>
* Utility to convert ascii string to hex
function asc2hex ($temp)
$data = '';
$len = strlen($temp);
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) $data.=sprintf("%02x",ord(substr($temp,$i,1)));
return $data;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title>File List</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>assets/imagelist.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>assets/dialog.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var _backend_url = "<?php print $IMConfig['backend_url']; ?>";
Xinha =;
function hideMessage()
var topDoc =;
var messages = topDoc.getElementById('messages');
if (messages)
{ = "none";
init = function()
<?php if ($afruViewType == 'listview')
print "var d = new dragTableCols('listview');";
if(isset($uploadStatus) && !is_numeric($uploadStatus) && !is_bool($uploadStatus))
echo "alert(i18n('$uploadStatus'));";
else if(isset($uploadStatus) && $uploadStatus==false)
echo 'alert(i18n("Unable to upload File. \nEither Maximum file size [$max_size='.($insertMode == 'image' ? $IMConfig['max_filesize_kb_image'] : $IMConfig['max_filesize_kb_link'] ).'$ KB] exceeded or\nFolder doesn\'t have write permission."));';
if(isset($renameStatus) && !is_numeric($renameStatus) && !is_bool($renameStatus))
echo 'alert(i18n("'.$renameStatus.'"));';
else if(isset($renameStatus) && $renameStatus===false)
echo 'alert(i18n("Unable to rename file. File of the same name already exists or\nfolder doesn\'t have write permission."));';
if (isset($pasteStatus) && is_numeric($pasteStatus))
switch ($pasteStatus)
case 100 :
$pasteStatus = 'Source file/folder not found.';
case 101 :
$pasteStatus = 'Copy failed.\nMaybe folder doesn\'t have write permission.';
case 102 :
$pasteStatus = 'Could not create destination folder.';
case 103 :
$pasteStatus = 'File pasted OK.';
case 104 :
$pasteStatus = 'Destination file/folder already exists.';
if(isset($pasteStatus) && !is_bool($pasteStatus))
echo 'alert(i18n("'.$pasteStatus.'"));';
var topDoc =;
//we need to refesh the drop directory list
//save the current dir, delete all select options
//add the new list, re-select the saved dir.
$dirs = $manager->getDirs();
var selection = topDoc.getElementById('dirPath');
var currentDir = selection.options[selection.selectedIndex].text;
while(selection.length > 0)
{ selection.remove(0); }
selection.options[selection.length] = new Option("/","<?php echo rawurlencode('/'); ?>");
<?php foreach($dirs as $relative=>$fullpath) { ?>
selection.options[selection.length] = new Option("<?php echo $relative; ?>","<?php echo rawurlencode($relative); ?>");
<?php } ?>
for(var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++)
var thisDir = selection.options[i].text;
if(thisDir == currentDir)
selection.selectedIndex = i;
<?php } ?>
function editImage(image)
var url = "<?php print $IMConfig['backend_url']; ?>__function=editor&img="+image+"&mode=<?php print $insertMode ?>";
Dialog(url, function(param)
if (!param) { // user must have pressed Cancel
return false;
} else
return true;
}, null);
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>assets/images.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>assets/popup.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Koto: why emptying? commented out
<?php if(isset($diskInfo)) echo 'updateDiskMesg(i18n(\''.$diskInfo.'\'));'; ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>assets/dragTableCols.js"></script>
<?php if ($manager->isValidBase() == false) { drawErrorBase($manager); }
elseif(count($list[0]) > 0 || count($list[1]) > 0) { ?>
<?php drawDirs_Files($list, $manager); ?>
<?php } else { drawNoResults(); } ?>