blob: 6f25c577b658adf4b3e655d774d690773797cca7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.config.WebloggerConfig;
* Manages Roller Weblogger startup process.
public final class WebloggerStartup {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(WebloggerStartup.class);
private static boolean prepared = false;
private static DatabaseProvider dbProvider = null;
private static StartupException dbProviderException = null;
private static MailProvider mailProvider = null;
// non-instantiable
private WebloggerStartup() {}
* Is the Roller Weblogger app properly prepared to be bootstrapped?
public static boolean isPrepared() {
return prepared;
* Get a reference to the currently configured DatabaseProvider.
* @return DatabaseProvider The configured database provider.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the app has not been properly prepared yet.
public static DatabaseProvider getDatabaseProvider() {
if (dbProvider == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Roller Weblogger has not been prepared yet");
return dbProvider;
* Get a reference to the exception thrown while instantiating the
* database provider, if any.
* @return StartupException Exception from db provider, or null if no exception thrown.
public static StartupException getDatabaseProviderException() {
return dbProviderException;
* Get a reference to the currently configured MailProvider, if available.
* @return MailProvider The configured mail provider, or null if none configured.
public static MailProvider getMailProvider() {
return mailProvider;
* Does the app need to create the database tables?
public static boolean isDatabaseCreationRequired() {
return getDatabaseInstaller().isCreationRequired();
* Run database creation scripts.
public static List<String> createDatabase() throws StartupException {
DatabaseInstaller installer = getDatabaseInstaller();
try {
// any time we've successfully installed a db we are prepared
prepared = true;
} catch (StartupException se) {
throw new StartupException(se.getMessage(), se.getRootCause(), installer.getMessages());
return installer.getMessages();
* Does the app require any upgrading?
public static boolean isDatabaseUpgradeRequired() {
return getDatabaseInstaller().isUpgradeRequired();
* Run database upgrade work, optionally including upgrade scripts.
public static List<String> upgradeDatabase(boolean runScripts)
throws StartupException {
DatabaseInstaller installer = getDatabaseInstaller();
try {
// any time we've successfully upgraded a db we are prepared
prepared = true;
} catch (StartupException se) {
throw new StartupException(se.getMessage(), se.getRootCause(), installer.getMessages());
return installer.getMessages();
* Get a database installer.
* @return DatabaseInstaller A database installer.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the database provider has not been properly setup yet.
private static DatabaseInstaller getDatabaseInstaller() {
return new DatabaseInstaller(getDatabaseProvider(), new ClasspathDatabaseScriptProvider());
* Run the Roller Weblogger preparation sequence.
* This sequence is what prepares the core services of the application such
* as setting up the database and mail providers.
public static void prepare() throws StartupException {
// setup database provider
try {
dbProvider = new DatabaseProvider();
} catch(StartupException ex) {
dbProviderException = ex;
throw ex;
// setup mail provider, if configured
try {
mailProvider = new MailProvider();
} catch(StartupException ex) {
LOG.warn("Failed to setup mail provider, continuing anyways.\n"
+ "Reason: " + ex.getMessage());"The cause of setting up mail provider error was: ", ex);
// now we need to deal with database install/upgrade logic
if("manual".equals(WebloggerConfig.getProperty("installation.type"))) {
// if we are doing manual install then all that is needed is the
// app handled database upgrade work, not the db scripts
DatabaseInstaller dbInstaller = getDatabaseInstaller();
if (dbInstaller.isUpgradeRequired()) {
prepared = true;
} else {
// we are in auto install mode, so see if there is any work to do
DatabaseInstaller dbInstaller = getDatabaseInstaller();
if (!dbInstaller.isCreationRequired() &&
!dbInstaller.isUpgradeRequired()) {
prepared = true;