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<!DOCTYPE html
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<title>InsertSnippet for Xinha</title>
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<h1>InsertSnippet for Xinha</h1>
<p>Insert HTML fragments in your document.
In order to use your own snippets you have to add at least one parameter to your xinha_config:
xinha_config.InsertSnippet.snippets = Xinha.getPluginDir('InsertSnippet') + "/snippets.php";
The path above indicates the use of the provided backend. This parses a file that contains the snippets and
should have the following format:
&lt;!--Snippet ID--&gt;
Snippet content
&lt;!--/Snippet ID--&gt;
...and so on
You can use the snippets.html in the plugin folder or tell the backend where to find the file like this
with (xinha_config.InsertSnippet)
// define backend configuration for the plugin
$backend_data['snippets_file'] = '/file/containing/snippets.html';
require_once '../contrib/php-xinha.php';
<p style="font-size:80%">Raimund Meyer (</p>