blob: e98ede60aca180ba234f4387443b27c6737b35b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License. For additional information regarding
* copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
* directory of this distribution.
package org.apache.roller.weblogger.config;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.roller.util.RollerConstants;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.config.runtime.RuntimeConfigDefs;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.config.runtime.RuntimeConfigDefsParser;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos.RuntimeConfigProperty;
* This class acts as a convenience gateway for getting property values
* via the PropertiesManager. We do this because most calls to the
* PropertiesManager are just to get the value of a specific property and
* thus the caller doesn't need the full RuntimeConfigProperty object.
* We also provide some methods for converting to different data types.
public final class WebloggerRuntimeConfig {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WebloggerRuntimeConfig.class);
private static String RUNTIME_CONFIG = "/org/apache/roller/weblogger/config/runtimeConfigDefs.xml";
private static RuntimeConfigDefs configDefs = null;
// special case for our context urls
private static String relativeContextURL = null;
private static String absoluteContextURL = null;
// prevent instantiations
private WebloggerRuntimeConfig() {}
* Retrieve a single property from the PropertiesManager ... returns null
* if there is an error
public static String getProperty(String name) {
String value = null;
try {
PropertiesManager pmgr = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getPropertiesManager();
RuntimeConfigProperty prop = pmgr.getProperty(name);
if(prop != null) {
value = prop.getValue();
} catch(Exception e) {
log.warn("Trouble accessing property: "+name, e);
log.debug("fetched property ["+name+"="+value+"]");
return value;
* Retrieve a property as a boolean ... defaults to false if there is an error
public static boolean getBooleanProperty(String name) {
// get the value first, then convert
String value = WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getProperty(name);
if (value == null) {
return false;
return Boolean.valueOf(value);
* Retrieve a property as an int ... defaults to -1 if there is an error
public static int getIntProperty(String name) {
// get the value first, then convert
String value = WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getProperty(name);
if (value == null) {
return -1;
int intval = -1;
try {
intval = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch(Exception e) {
log.warn("Trouble converting to int: "+name, e);
return intval;
public static RuntimeConfigDefs getRuntimeConfigDefs() {
if(configDefs == null) {
// unmarshall the config defs file
try {
InputStream is =
RuntimeConfigDefsParser parser = new RuntimeConfigDefsParser();
configDefs = parser.unmarshall(is);
} catch(Exception e) {
// error while parsing :(
log.error("Error parsing runtime config defs", e);
return configDefs;
* Get the runtime configuration definitions XML file as a string.
* This is basically a convenience method for accessing this file.
* The file itself contains meta-data about what configuration
* properties we change at runtime via the UI and how to setup
* the display for editing those properties.
public static String getRuntimeConfigDefsAsString() {
log.debug("Trying to load runtime config defs file");
try {
InputStreamReader reader =
new InputStreamReader(WebloggerConfig.class.getResourceAsStream(RUNTIME_CONFIG));
StringWriter configString = new StringWriter();
char[] buf = new char[RollerConstants.EIGHT_KB_IN_BYTES];
int length = 0;
while((length = > 0) {
configString.write(buf, 0, length);
return configString.toString();
} catch(Exception e) {
log.error("Error loading runtime config defs file", e);
return "";
* Special method which sets the non-persisted absolute url to this site.
* This property is *not* persisted in any way.
public static void setAbsoluteContextURL(String url) {
absoluteContextURL = url;
* Get the absolute url to this site.
* This method will just return the value of the "site.absoluteurl"
* property if it is set, otherwise it will return the non-persisted
* value which is set by the InitFilter.
public static String getAbsoluteContextURL() {
// db prop takes priority if it exists
String absURL = getProperty("site.absoluteurl");
if(absURL != null && absURL.trim().length() > 0) {
return absURL;
return absoluteContextURL;
* Special method which sets the non-persisted relative url to this site.
* This property is *not* persisted in any way.
public static void setRelativeContextURL(String url) {
relativeContextURL = url;
public static String getRelativeContextURL() {
return relativeContextURL;
* Convenience method for Roller classes trying to determine if a given
* weblog handle represents the front page blog.
public static boolean isFrontPageWeblog(String weblogHandle) {
String frontPageHandle = getProperty("site.frontpage.weblog.handle");
return (frontPageHandle.equals(weblogHandle));
* Convenience method for Roller classes trying to determine if a given
* weblog handle represents the front page blog configured to render
* site-wide data.
public static boolean isSiteWideWeblog(String weblogHandle) {
boolean siteWide = getBooleanProperty("site.frontpage.weblog.aggregated");
return (isFrontPageWeblog(weblogHandle) && siteWide);