blob: 0cff8ecba8cf00a881b4da2b7c83c338fb506d84 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package org.apache.roller.weblogger.ui.core.plugins;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.config.WebloggerConfig;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* Plugin management for UI layer plugins.
public final class UIPluginManagerImpl implements UIPluginManager {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UIPluginManagerImpl.class);
// singleton instance
private static UIPluginManagerImpl instance = null;
// list of configured WeblogEntryEditor classes
private Map editors = new LinkedHashMap();
// the default WeblogEntryEditor
WeblogEntryEditor defaultEditor = null;
static {
instance = new UIPluginManagerImpl();
// private to enforce singleton pattern
private UIPluginManagerImpl() {
// static singleton accessor
public static UIPluginManager getInstance() {
return instance;
public List getWeblogEntryEditors() {
// TODO: sort list of returned editors
return new ArrayList(this.editors.values());
public WeblogEntryEditor getWeblogEntryEditor(String id) {
WeblogEntryEditor editor = null;
// see if this editor is configured
editor = (id == null) ? null : (WeblogEntryEditor) this.editors.get(id);
if(editor == null) {
editor = this.defaultEditor;
return editor;
* Initialize the set of configured editors and define the default editor.
private void loadEntryEditorClasses() {
log.debug("Initializing entry editor plugins");
String editorStr = WebloggerConfig.getProperty("plugins.weblogEntryEditors");
if (editorStr != null) {
String[] editorList = StringUtils.stripAll(StringUtils.split(editorStr, ","));
for (int i=0; i < editorList.length; i++) {
log.debug("trying editor " + editorList[i]);
try {
Class editorClass = Class.forName(editorList[i]);
WeblogEntryEditor editor = (WeblogEntryEditor) editorClass.newInstance();
// looks okay, add it to the map
this.editors.put(editor.getId(), editor);
} catch(ClassCastException cce) {
log.error("It appears that your editor does not implement "+
"the WeblogEntryEditor interface", cce);
} catch(Exception e) {
log.error("Unable to instantiate editor ["+editorList[i]+"]", e);
if(this.editors.size() < 1) {
log.warn("No entry editors configured, this means that publishing "+
"entries will be impossible.");
// make sure the default editor is defined
String defaultEditorId = WebloggerConfig.getProperty("plugins.defaultEditor");
if(defaultEditorId != null) {
this.defaultEditor = (WeblogEntryEditor) this.editors.get(defaultEditorId);
if(this.defaultEditor == null) {
// someone didn't configure the default editor properly
// guess we'll just have to pick one for them
log.warn("Default editor was not properly configured, picking one at random instead.");
Object editor = this.editors.values().iterator().next();
this.defaultEditor = (WeblogEntryEditor) editor;