blob: d5c68eae4c62cb4fa271ba84fd0168eac6bdde59 [file] [log] [blame]
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<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsps/taglibs-struts2.jsp" %>
<p class="subtitle"><s:text name="configForm.subtitle"/></p>
<p><s:text name="configForm.prompt"/></p>
<s:form action="globalConfig!save" theme="bootstrap" cssClass="form-horizontal">
<s:hidden name="salt"/>
<s:iterator var="dg" value="globalConfigDef.displayGroups">
<h3><s:text name="%{#dg.key}"/></h3>
<s:iterator var="pd" value="#dg.propertyDefs">
<%-- special case for comment plugins --%>
<s:if test=" == 'users.comments.plugins'">
<s:checkboxlist label="%{getText(#pd.key)}" name="commentPlugins"
list="pluginsList" listKey="id" value="name" listValue="name"/>
<%-- special case for front page blog --%>
<s:elseif test=" == 'site.frontpage.weblog.handle'">
<s:select name="%{}" label="%{getText(#pd.key)}" value="%{properties[].value}"
list="weblogs" listKey="name" listValueKey="handle"/>
<%-- "string" type means use a simple textbox --%>
<s:elseif test="#pd.type == 'string'">
<s:textfield name="%{}" label="%{getText(#pd.key)}" size="35"
value="%{properties[].value} "/>
<%-- "text" type means use a full textarea --%>
<s:elseif test="#pd.type == 'text'">
<s:textarea name="%{}" label="%{getText(#pd.key)}" rows="#pd.rows" cols="#pd.cols"
value="%{properties[].value} "/>
<%-- "boolean" type means use a checkbox --%>
<s:elseif test="#pd.type == 'boolean'">
<s:if test="properties[].value == 'true'">
<s:checkbox name="%{}" label="%{getText(#pd.key)}"
fieldValue="true" checked="true" onchange="formChanged()"/>
<s:if test="properties[].value != 'true'">
<s:checkbox name="%{}" label="%{getText(#pd.key)}"
fieldValue="false" onchange="formChanged()"/>
<%-- "integer" use input type number --%>
<s:elseif test="#pd.type == 'integer'">
<div class="form-group ">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label"
for='globalConfig_<s:property value="#pd.nameWithUnderbars" />'>
<s:text name="%{#pd.key}"/>
<div class="col-sm-9 controls">
<input type="number" name='<s:property value="" />' size="35"
value='<s:property value="%{properties[].value}"/>'
id='globalConfig_<s:property value="#pd.nameWithUnderbars" />'
class="form-control integer" onkeyup="formChanged()"/>
<%-- "float" use input type number --%>
<s:elseif test="#pd.type == 'float'">
<div class="form-group ">
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label"
for='globalConfig_<s:property value="#pd.nameWithUnderbars" />'>
<s:text name="%{#pd.key}"/>
<div class="col-sm-9 controls">
<input type="number" name='<s:property value="" />' size="5"
value='<s:property value="properties[].value"/>'
id='globalConfig_<s:property value="#pd.nameWithUnderbars" />'
class="form-control float" onkeyup="formChanged()"/>
<%-- if it's something we don't understand then use textbox --%>
<s:textfield name="%{}" label="%{getText(#pd.key)}" size="35"
<img src="<s:url value='/roller-ui/images/spacer.png' />" alt="spacer" style="min-height: 1em"/>
<input id="saveButton" class="btn" type="submit" value="<s:text name=""/>"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function formChanged() {
var saveBookmarkButton = $('#saveButton:first');
var error = false;
$("input").each(function () {
var isInteger = $(this).hasClass("integer");
var isFloat = $(this).hasClass("float");
var isBoolean = $(this).hasClass("boolean");
if (isInteger || isFloat) {
if (isNaN(this.valueAsNumber)) {
$(this).css("background", "#FBB")
error = true;
} else if (isInteger && !Number.isInteger(this.valueAsNumber)) {
$(this).css("background", "#FBB")
error = true;
} else {
$(this).css("background", "white")
} else if (isFloat) {
if (isNaN(this.valueAsNumber)) {
$(this).css("background", "#FBB")
error = true;
} else {
$(this).css("background", "white")
} else if (isBoolean) {
// not sure why this is necessary, value does not track checked state?
$(this).prop("value", !(!$(this).prop("checked")));
saveBookmarkButton.attr("disabled", error);