blob: 6a76abda1b7cef2fc69f0eae27e519e82867dc4f [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is auto-generated, don't edit it. Thanks.
namespace RocketMQ\Eventbridge\SDK\Models;
use AlibabaCloud\Tea\Model;
use RocketMQ\Eventbridge\SDK\Models\UpdateApiDestinationRequest\httpApiParameters;
class UpdateApiDestinationRequest extends Model {
protected $_name = [
'apiDestinationName' => 'apiDestinationName',
'connectionName' => 'connectionName',
'description' => 'description',
'httpApiParameters' => 'httpApiParameters',
'invocationRateLimitPerSecond' => 'invocationRateLimitPerSecond',
public function validate() {}
public function toMap() {
$res = [];
if (null !== $this->apiDestinationName) {
$res['apiDestinationName'] = $this->apiDestinationName;
if (null !== $this->connectionName) {
$res['connectionName'] = $this->connectionName;
if (null !== $this->description) {
$res['description'] = $this->description;
if (null !== $this->httpApiParameters) {
$res['httpApiParameters'] = null !== $this->httpApiParameters ? $this->httpApiParameters->toMap() : null;
if (null !== $this->invocationRateLimitPerSecond) {
$res['invocationRateLimitPerSecond'] = $this->invocationRateLimitPerSecond;
return $res;
* @param array $map
* @return UpdateApiDestinationRequest
public static function fromMap($map = []) {
$model = new self();
$model->apiDestinationName = $map['apiDestinationName'];
$model->connectionName = $map['connectionName'];
$model->description = $map['description'];
$model->httpApiParameters = httpApiParameters::fromMap($map['httpApiParameters']);
$model->invocationRateLimitPerSecond = $map['invocationRateLimitPerSecond'];
return $model;
* @description The name of the API destination. The name must be 2 to 127 characters in length. This parameter is required.
* @example api-destination-name
* @var string
public $apiDestinationName;
* @description The name of the connection. The name must be 2 to 127 characters in length. Before you configure this parameter, you must call the CreateConnection operation to create a connection. Then, set this parameter to the name of the connection that you created. This parameter is required.
* @example connection-name
* @var string
public $connectionName;
* @description The description of the API destination. The description can be up to 255 characters in length.
* @var string
public $description;
* @description The parameters that are configured for the API destination. This parameter is required.
* @var httpApiParameters
public $httpApiParameters;
* @description TODO
* @var int
public $invocationRateLimitPerSecond;