blob: 6c41f7ce0c2ae97a647544b386292155ab800921 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include "utils/MQAdminUtils.h"
extern std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> multi_logger;
std::string MQAdminUtils::getRootPath()
std::string projectBasePath = std::getenv("PWD");
std::string path = projectBasePath;
path = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of("/"));
path = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of("/"));
path = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of("/"));
return path;
std::string MQAdminUtils::executeShellCommand(const std::string &command)
std::string output;
char buffer[128];
FILE *pipe = popen(command.c_str(), "r");
if (!pipe)
return "ERROR";
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pipe) != nullptr)
output += buffer;
multi_logger->info("{}", output);
return output;
std::string MQAdminUtils::createTopic(const std::string &topicName, const std::string &brokerAddr, const std::string &clusterName, const std::string &nameserver)
// use absolute path
std::string path = getRootPath();
std::string command = "sh " + path + "/common/bin/mqadmin updateTopic -t " + topicName;
if (!nameserver.empty())
command = command + " -n " + nameserver;
if (!brokerAddr.empty())
command = command + " -b " + brokerAddr;
if (!clusterName.empty())
command = command + " -c " + clusterName;
multi_logger->info("{}", command);
return executeShellCommand(command);
std::string MQAdminUtils::createDelayTopic(const std::string &topicName, const std::string &brokerAddr, const std::string &clusterName, const std::string &nameserver)
// use absolute path
std::string path = getRootPath();
std::string command = "sh " + path + "/common/bin/mqadmin updateTopic -t " + topicName;
if (!nameserver.empty())
command = command + " -n " + nameserver;
if (!brokerAddr.empty())
command = command + " -b " + brokerAddr;
if (!clusterName.empty())
command = command + " -c " + clusterName;
command = command + " -a " + "+message.type=DELAY";
multi_logger->info("{}", command);
return executeShellCommand(command);
std::string MQAdminUtils::createFIFOTopic(const std::string &topicName, const std::string &brokerAddr, const std::string &clusterName, const std::string &nameserver)
// use absolute path
std::string path = getRootPath();
std::string command = "sh " + path + "/common/bin/mqadmin updateTopic -t " + topicName;
if (!nameserver.empty())
command = command + " -n " + nameserver;
if (!brokerAddr.empty())
command = command + " -b " + brokerAddr;
if (!clusterName.empty())
command = command + " -c " + clusterName;
command = command + " -a " + "+message.type=FIFO";
multi_logger->info("{}", command);
return executeShellCommand(command);
std::string MQAdminUtils::createTransactionTopic(const std::string &topicName, const std::string &brokerAddr, const std::string &clusterName, const std::string &nameserver)
// use absolute path
std::string path = getRootPath();
std::string command = "sh " + path + "/common/bin/mqadmin updateTopic -t " + topicName;
if (!nameserver.empty())
command = command + " -n " + nameserver;
if (!brokerAddr.empty())
command = command + " -b " + brokerAddr;
if (!clusterName.empty())
command = command + " -c " + clusterName;
command = command + " -a " + "+message.type=TRANSACTION";
multi_logger->info("{}", command);
return executeShellCommand(command);
std::string MQAdminUtils::createOrderlyConsumerGroup(const std::string &consumerGroup, const std::string &brokerAddr, const std::string &clusterName, const std::string &nameserver)
// use absolute path
std::string path = getRootPath();
std::string command = "sh " + path + "/common/bin/mqadmin updateSubGroup -g " + consumerGroup;
if (!nameserver.empty())
command = command + " -n " + nameserver;
if (!brokerAddr.empty())
command = command + " -b " + brokerAddr;
if (!clusterName.empty())
command = command + " -c " + clusterName;
command = command + " -s true -o true -m false -d false ";
multi_logger->info("{}", command);
return executeShellCommand(command);
std::string MQAdminUtils::clusterList(const std::string &nameserver)
std::string path = getRootPath();
std::string command = "sh " + path + "/common/bin/mqadmin clusterlist";
if (!nameserver.empty())
command = command + " -n " + nameserver;
multi_logger->info("{}", command);
return executeShellCommand(command);