blob: 8828e002765aeb526105f20004a14558652c78c3 [file] [log] [blame]
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Feature: Test message property
Scenario: Message property beyond limit 128 ,expect throw exception
Given Create a "Normal" topic:"random-topic" if not exist
When Create a Producer, set the Endpoint(""), RequestTimeout:("10s"), Topic("random-topic")
And Create a message, including the Topic("random-topic"), Body("random-body"), and messageProperty("random-messageProperty")
And Set message "messageProperty" "129" times
And Send "a" messages "synchronous"
Then Check exceptions can be thrown
And Shutdown the producer and consumer if they are started
Scenario: The number of message properties equals limit 128, expect send and consume success
Given Create a "Normal" topic:"random-topic" if not exist, a "Concurrently" group:"random-group"
When Create a Producer, set the Endpoint(""), RequestTimeout:("10s"), Topic("random-topic")
And Create a PushConsumer, set the Endpoint(""), ConsumerGroup("random-group"), Tag("TagA"), Topic("random-topic"), MessageListener("default")
And Create a message, including the Topic("random-topic"), Body("random-body"), and messageProperty("random-messageProperty")
And Set message "messageProperty" "128" times
And Send "a" messages "synchronous"
Then Check all messages that can be consumed within 60s
And Shutdown the producer and consumer if they are started
Scenario: Message property equals 16KB, expect send and consume success
Given Create a "Normal" topic:"random-topic" if not exist, a "Concurrently" group:"random-group"
When Create a Producer, set the Endpoint(""), RequestTimeout:("10s"), Topic("random-topic")
And Create a PushConsumer, set the Endpoint(""), ConsumerGroup("random-group"), Tag("TagA"), Topic("random-topic"), MessageListener("default")
And Create a message, including the Topic("random-topic"), Body("random-body"), and messageProperty("size:16kB")
And Send "a" messages "synchronous"
Then Check all messages that can be consumed within 60s
And Shutdown the producer and consumer if they are started
Scenario: Message property beyond 16KB, expect throw exception
Given Create a "Normal" topic:"random-topic" if not exist
When Create a Producer, set the Endpoint(""), RequestTimeout:("10s"), Topic("random-topic")
And Create a message, including the Topic("random-topic"), Body("random-body"), and messageProperty("size:16kB+1")
And Send "a" messages "synchronous"
Then Check exceptions can be thrown
And Shutdown the producer and consumer if they are started
Scenario Outline: Message property contains invisible character \u0000 / use SystemKey UNIQ_KEY ,expect throw exception
Given Create a "Normal" topic:"random-topic" if not exist
When Create a Producer, set the Endpoint(""), RequestTimeout:("10s"), Topic("random-topic")
And Create a message, including the Topic("random-topic"), and messageProperty("<KeyContent>", "<ValueContent>")
And Send "a" messages "synchronous"
Then Check exceptions can be thrown
And Shutdown the producer and consumer if they are started
| KeyContent | ValueContent |
| \u0000 | value |
| UNIQ_KEY | value |
Scenario: Message property ,key and tag beyond 16KB ,expect throw exception
Given Create a "Normal" topic:"random-topic" if not exist
When Create a Producer, set the Endpoint(""), RequestTimeout:("10s"), Topic("random-topic")
And Create a message, including the Topic("random-topic"), Tag("size:4kB"), Key("size:4kB"), Value("size:4kB"), Body("size:4M"), msgKey("size:4kB+1")
And Send "a" messages "synchronous"
Then Check exceptions can be thrown
And Shutdown the producer and consumer if they are started
Scenario: Message property ,key and tag equals 16KB, expect send and consume success
Given Create a "Normal" topic:"random-topic" if not exist, a "Concurrently" group:"random-group"
When Create a Producer, set the Endpoint(""), RequestTimeout:("10s"), Topic("random-topic")
And Create a PushConsumer, set the Endpoint(""), ConsumerGroup("random-group"), Tag("TagA"), Topic("random-topic"), MessageListener("default")
And Create a message, including the Topic("random-topic"), Tag("size:4kB"), Key("size:4kB"), Value("size:4kB"), Body("size:4M"), msgKey("size:4kB")
And Send "a" messages "synchronous"
Then Check all messages that can be consumed within 60s
And Shutdown the producer and consumer if they are started
Scenario: Message property ,key and tag equals 64B, expect send and consume success
Given Create a "Normal" topic:"random-topic" if not exist, a "Concurrently" group:"random-group"
When Create a Producer, set the Endpoint(""), RequestTimeout:("10s"), Topic("random-topic")
And Create a message, including the Topic("random-topic"), Tag("size:64B"), Key("size:64B"), Value("size:64B"), Body("size:64B"), msgKey("size:64B")
And Send "a" messages "synchronous"
Then Check all messages that can be consumed within 60s
And Shutdown the producer and consumer if they are started
Scenario: Message property is the visible character, expect send and consume success
Given Create a "Normal" topic:"random-topic" if not exist, a "Concurrently" group:"random-group"
When Create a Producer, set the Endpoint(""), RequestTimeout:("10s"), Topic("random-topic")
And Create a PushConsumer, set the Endpoint(""), ConsumerGroup("random-group"), Tag("TagA"), Topic("random-topic"), MessageListener("default")
And Create a message, including the Topic("random-topic"), Tag("random-tag"), Key("中文"), Value("中文"), Body("random-body"), msgKey("random-msgkey")
And Set messageProperty "Key" to "_" and "Value" to "_"
And Set messageProperty "Key" to "%" and "Value" to "%"
And Set messageProperty "Key" to "。" and "Value" to "。"
And Set messageProperty "Key" to "|" and "Value" to "|"
And Set messageProperty "Key" to "&&" and "Value" to "&&"
And Set messageProperty "Key" to "🏷" and "Value" to "🏷"
And Send "a" messages "synchronous"
Then Check all messages that can be consumed within 60s
And Shutdown the producer and consumer if they are started