tree: ec1b483468741b6a6fc4111b483896da05d181da [path history] [tgz]
  1. credentials/
  2. example/
  3. metadata/
  4. pkg/
  5. protocol/
  6. client.go
  7. client_manager.go
  8. client_manager_mock.go
  9. client_manager_test.go
  10. client_mock.go
  11. client_options.go
  12. client_test.go
  13. config.go
  14. conn.go
  15. conn_options.go
  16. consumer.go
  17. error.go
  18. go.mod
  19. go.sum
  20. loadBalancer.go
  21. log.go
  22. message.go
  23. message_id.go
  24. message_id_codec.go
  25. message_id_codec_test.go
  26. metric.go
  27. metric_test.go
  28. producer.go
  29. producer_options.go
  30. producer_test.go
  31. publishing_message.go
  33. rpc_client.go
  34. rpc_client_mock.go
  35. rpc_client_options.go
  36. simple_consumer.go
  37. simple_consumer_options.go
  38. trace.go
  39. transaction.go
  40. user_agent.go

The Golang Implementation of Apache RocketMQ Client

Here is the golang implementation of the client for Apache RocketMQ.


We build the following protocols described in rocketmq-apis on top of gRPC-go, utilizing Protocol buffers to serialize and deserialize data in transmission.

Quick Start


With Go modules(Go 1.11+), simply add the following import to your code, and then go [build|run|test] will automatically fetch the necessary dependencies.

import ""

Otherwise, to install the golang package, run the following command:

go get -u