blob: 732320b3a3d1487e9de440ba24aa7fc34f6a8abe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "CCommon.h"
#include "CMessage.h"
#include "CMessageExt.h"
#include "CSendResult.h"
#include "CProducer.h"
#include "CPushConsumer.h"
#include "CPullConsumer.h"
#include "CMQException.h"
#include <boost/python.hpp>
using namespace boost::python;
typedef struct _PySendResult_ {
CSendStatus sendStatus;
long long offset;
const char *GetMsgId() {
return (const char *) msgId;
} PySendResult;
typedef struct _PyMQException_ {
int error;
int line;
const char *GetFile() {
return (const char *) file;
const char *GetMsg() {
return (const char *) msg;
const char *GetType() {
return (const char *) type;
} PyMQException;
typedef struct _PyMessageExt_ {
CMessageExt *pMessageExt;
} PyMessageExt;
typedef struct _PyUserData_ {
PyObject *pyObject;
void *pData;
} PyUserData;
typedef struct _PyCallback_ {
PyObject *successCallback;
PyObject *exceptionCallback;
} PyCallback;
#define PYCLI_BUILD_DATE "04-12-2018"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void *PyCreateMessage(const char *topic);
int PyDestroyMessage(void *msg);
int PySetMessageTopic(void *msg, const char *topic);
int PySetMessageTags(void *msg, const char *tags);
int PySetMessageKeys(void *msg, const char *keys);
int PySetMessageBody(void *msg, const char *body);
int PySetByteMessageBody(void *msg, const char *body, int len);
int PySetMessageProperty(void *msg, const char *key, const char *value);
int PySetMessageDelayTimeLevel(void *msg, int level);
const char *PyGetMessageTopic(PyMessageExt msgExt);
const char *PyGetMessageTags(PyMessageExt msgExt);
const char *PyGetMessageKeys(PyMessageExt msgExt);
const char *PyGetMessageBody(PyMessageExt msgExt);
const char *PyGetMessageProperty(PyMessageExt msgExt, const char *key);
const char *PyGetMessageId(PyMessageExt msgExt);
void *PyCreateProducer(const char *groupId);
CTransactionStatus PyLocalTransactionCheckerCallback(CProducer *producer, CMessageExt *msg, void *data);
CTransactionStatus PyLocalTransactionExecuteCallback(CProducer *producer, CMessage *msg, void *data);
void *PyCreateTransactionProducer(const char *groupId, PyObject *localTransactionCheckerCallback);
int PyDestroyProducer(void *producer);
int PyDestroyTransactionProducer(void *producer);
int PyStartProducer(void *producer);
int PyShutdownProducer(void *producer);
int PySetProducerNameServerAddress(void *producer, const char *namesrv);
int PySetProducerNameServerDomain(void *producer, const char *domain);
int PySetProducerInstanceName(void *producer, const char *instanceName);
int PySetProducerSessionCredentials(void *producer, const char *accessKey, const char *secretKey, const char *channel);
int PySetProducerCompressLevel(void *producer, int level);
int PySetProducerMaxMessageSize(void *producer, int size);
int PySetProducerLogPath(void *producer, const char *logPath);
int PySetProducerLogFileNumAndSize(void *producer, int fileNum, long fileSize);
int PySetProducerLogLevel(void *producer, CLogLevel level);
int PySetProducerSendMsgTimeout(void *producer, int timeout);
PySendResult PySendMessageSync(void *producer, void *msg);
int PySendMessageOneway(void *producer, void *msg);
void PySendSuccessCallback(CSendResult result, CMessage *msg, void *pyCallback);
void PySendExceptionCallback(CMQException e, CMessage *msg, void *pyCallback);
int PySendMessageAsync(void *producer, void *msg, PyObject *sendSuccessCallback, PyObject *sendExceptionCallback);
PySendResult PySendMessageOrderly(void *producer, void *msg, int autoRetryTimes, void *args, PyObject *queueSelector);
PySendResult PySendMessageOrderlyByShardingKey(void *producer, void *msg, const char *shardingKey);
PySendResult PySendMessageInTransaction(void *producer , void *msg, PyObject *localTransactionExecuteCallback , void *args);
int PyOrderlyCallbackInner(int size, CMessage *msg, void *args);
const char *PyGetSendResultMsgID(CSendResult &sendResult);
void *PyCreatePushConsumer(const char *groupId);
int PyDestroyPushConsumer(void *consumer);
int PyStartPushConsumer(void *consumer);
int PyShutdownPushConsumer(void *consumer);
int PySetPushConsumerNameServerAddress(void *consumer, const char *namesrv);
int PySetPushConsumerNameServerDomain(void *consumer, const char *domain);
int PySubscribe(void *consumer, const char *topic, const char *expression);
int PyRegisterMessageCallback(void *consumer, PyObject *pCallback, object args);
int PyRegisterMessageCallbackOrderly(void *consumer, PyObject *pCallback, object args);
int PythonMessageCallBackInner(CPushConsumer *consumer, CMessageExt *msg);
int PySetPushConsumerThreadCount(void *consumer, int threadCount);
int PySetPushConsumerMessageBatchMaxSize(void *consumer, int batchSize);
int PySetPushConsumerInstanceName(void *consumer, const char *instanceName);
int PySetPushConsumerSessionCredentials(void *consumer, const char *accessKey, const char *secretKey, const char *channel);
int PySetPushConsumerMessageModel(void *consumer, CMessageModel messageModel);
int PySetPushConsumerLogPath(void *consumer, const char *logPath);
int PySetPushConsumerLogFileNumAndSize(void *consumer, int fileNum, long fileSize);
int PySetPushConsumerLogLevel(void *consumer, CLogLevel level);
//push consumer
int PySetPullConsumerNameServerDomain(void *consumer, const char *domain);
const char *PyGetVersion();
#ifdef __cplusplus