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package consumer
import (
type consumerOptions struct {
* Backtracking consumption time with second precision. Time format is
* 20131223171201<br>
* Implying Seventeen twelve and 01 seconds on December 23, 2013 year<br>
* Default backtracking consumption time Half an hour ago.
ConsumeTimestamp string
// The socket timeout in milliseconds
ConsumerPullTimeout time.Duration
// Concurrently max span has no effect on sequential consumption
ConsumeConcurrentlyMaxSpan int
// Flow control threshold on queue level, each message queue will cache at most 1000 messages by default,
// Consider the {PullBatchSize}, the instantaneous value may exceed the limit
PullThresholdForQueue int64
// Limit the cached message size on queue level, each message queue will cache at most 100 MiB messages by default,
// Consider the {@code pullBatchSize}, the instantaneous value may exceed the limit
// The size of a message only measured by message body, so it's not accurate
PullThresholdSizeForQueue int
// Flow control threshold on topic level, default value is -1(Unlimited)
// The value of {@code pullThresholdForQueue} will be overwrote and calculated based on
// {@code pullThresholdForTopic} if it is't unlimited
// For example, if the value of pullThresholdForTopic is 1000 and 10 message queues are assigned to this consumer,
// then pullThresholdForQueue will be set to 100
PullThresholdForTopic int
// Limit the cached message size on topic level, default value is -1 MiB(Unlimited)
// The value of {@code pullThresholdSizeForQueue} will be overwrote and calculated based on
// {@code pullThresholdSizeForTopic} if it is't unlimited
// For example, if the value of pullThresholdSizeForTopic is 1000 MiB and 10 message queues are
// assigned to this consumer, then pullThresholdSizeForQueue will be set to 100 MiB
PullThresholdSizeForTopic int
// Message pull Interval
PullInterval time.Duration
// Batch consumption size
ConsumeMessageBatchMaxSize int
// Batch pull size
PullBatchSize int32
// Whether update subscription relationship when every pull
PostSubscriptionWhenPull bool
// Max re-consume times. -1 means 16 times.
// If messages are re-consumed more than {@link #maxReconsumeTimes} before Success, it's be directed to a deletion
// queue waiting.
MaxReconsumeTimes int32
// Suspending pulling time for cases requiring slow pulling like flow-control scenario.
SuspendCurrentQueueTimeMillis time.Duration
// Maximum amount of time a message may block the consuming thread.
ConsumeTimeout time.Duration
ConsumerModel MessageModel
Strategy AllocateStrategy
ConsumeOrderly bool
FromWhere ConsumeFromWhere
Interceptors []primitive.Interceptor
// TODO traceDispatcher
MaxTimeConsumeContinuously time.Duration
AutoCommit bool
RebalanceLockInterval time.Duration
Resolver primitive.NsResolver
func defaultPushConsumerOptions() consumerOptions {
opts := consumerOptions{
ClientOptions: internal.DefaultClientOptions(),
Strategy: AllocateByAveragely,
MaxTimeConsumeContinuously: time.Duration(60 * time.Second),
RebalanceLockInterval: 20 * time.Second,
MaxReconsumeTimes: -1,
ConsumerModel: Clustering,
AutoCommit: true,
Resolver: primitive.NewHttpResolver("DEFAULT"),
opts.ClientOptions.GroupName = "DEFAULT_CONSUMER"
return opts
type Option func(*consumerOptions)
func defaultPullConsumerOptions() consumerOptions {
opts := consumerOptions{
ClientOptions: internal.DefaultClientOptions(),
Resolver: primitive.NewHttpResolver("DEFAULT"),
opts.ClientOptions.GroupName = "DEFAULT_CONSUMER"
return opts
func WithConsumerModel(m MessageModel) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.ConsumerModel = m
func WithConsumeFromWhere(w ConsumeFromWhere) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.FromWhere = w
func WithConsumerOrder(order bool) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.ConsumeOrderly = order
func WithConsumeMessageBatchMaxSize(consumeMessageBatchMaxSize int) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.ConsumeMessageBatchMaxSize = consumeMessageBatchMaxSize
// WithChainConsumerInterceptor returns a ConsumerOption that specifies the chained interceptor for consumer.
// The first interceptor will be the outer most, while the last interceptor will be the inner most wrapper
// around the real call.
func WithInterceptor(fs ...primitive.Interceptor) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.Interceptors = append(options.Interceptors, fs...)
// WithGroupName set group name address
func WithGroupName(group string) Option {
return func(opts *consumerOptions) {
if group == "" {
opts.GroupName = group
func WithInstance(name string) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.InstanceName = name
// WithNamespace set the namespace of consumer
func WithNamespace(namespace string) Option {
return func(opts *consumerOptions) {
opts.Namespace = namespace
func WithVIPChannel(enable bool) Option {
return func(opts *consumerOptions) {
opts.VIPChannelEnabled = enable
// WithRetry return a Option that specifies the retry times when send failed.
// TODO: use retry middleware instead
func WithRetry(retries int) Option {
return func(opts *consumerOptions) {
opts.RetryTimes = retries
func WithCredentials(c primitive.Credentials) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.ClientOptions.Credentials = c
// WithMaxReconsumeTimes set MaxReconsumeTimes of options, if message reconsume greater than MaxReconsumeTimes, it will
// be sent to retry or dlq topic. more info reference by examples/consumer/retry.
func WithMaxReconsumeTimes(times int32) Option {
return func(opts *consumerOptions) {
opts.MaxReconsumeTimes = times
func WithStrategy(strategy AllocateStrategy) Option {
return func(opts *consumerOptions) {
opts.Strategy = strategy
func WithPullBatchSize(batchSize int32) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.PullBatchSize = batchSize
func WithRebalanceLockInterval(interval time.Duration) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.RebalanceLockInterval = interval
func WithAutoCommit(auto bool) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.AutoCommit = auto
func WithSuspendCurrentQueueTimeMillis(suspendT time.Duration) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.SuspendCurrentQueueTimeMillis = suspendT
func WithPullInterval(interval time.Duration) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.PullInterval = interval
// WithNsResolver set nameserver resolver to fetch nameserver addr
func WithNsResolver(resolver primitive.NsResolver) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.Resolver = resolver
// WithNameServer set NameServer address, only support one NameServer cluster in alpha2
func WithNameServer(nameServers primitive.NamesrvAddr) Option {
return func(options *consumerOptions) {
options.Resolver = primitive.NewPassthroughResolver(nameServers)
// WithNameServerDomain set NameServer domain
func WithNameServerDomain(nameServerUrl string) Option {
return func(opts *consumerOptions) {
opts.Resolver = primitive.NewHttpResolver("DEFAULT", nameServerUrl)