blob: 0ee9ccc14fd8006511ae7eab937ea42a56434803 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package internal
import (
jsoniter ""
type FindBrokerResult struct {
BrokerAddr string
Slave bool
BrokerVersion int32
type (
// groupName of consumer
consumeType string
ServiceState int32
const (
StateCreateJust ServiceState = iota
type SubscriptionData struct {
ClassFilterMode bool `json:"classFilterMode"`
Topic string `json:"topic"`
SubString string `json:"subString"`
Tags utils.Set `json:"tagsSet"`
Codes utils.Set `json:"codeSet"`
SubVersion int64 `json:"subVersion"`
ExpType string `json:"expressionType"`
type producerData struct {
GroupName string `json:"groupName"`
func (p producerData) UniqueID() string {
return p.GroupName
type consumerData struct {
GroupName string `json:"groupName"`
CType consumeType `json:"consumeType"`
MessageModel string `json:"messageModel"`
Where string `json:"consumeFromWhere"`
SubscriptionDatas []*SubscriptionData `json:"subscriptionDataSet"`
UnitMode bool `json:"unitMode"`
func (c consumerData) UniqueID() string {
return c.GroupName
type heartbeatData struct {
ClientId string `json:"clientID"`
ProducerDatas utils.Set `json:"producerDataSet"`
ConsumerDatas utils.Set `json:"consumerDataSet"`
func NewHeartbeatData(clientID string) *heartbeatData {
return &heartbeatData{
ClientId: clientID,
ProducerDatas: utils.NewSet(),
ConsumerDatas: utils.NewSet(),
func (data *heartbeatData) encode() []byte {
d, err := jsoniter.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
rlog.Error("marshal heartbeatData error", map[string]interface{}{
rlog.LogKeyUnderlayError: err,
return nil
rlog.Debug("heartbeat: "+string(d), nil)
return d
const (
PropConsumeOrderly = "PROP_CONSUMEORDERLY"
PropConsumeType = "PROP_CONSUME_TYPE"
PropClientVersion = "PROP_CLIENT_VERSION"
PropConsumerStartTimestamp = "PROP_CONSUMER_START_TIMESTAMP"
type ProcessQueueInfo struct {
CommitOffset int64 `json:"commitOffset"`
CachedMsgMinOffset int64 `json:"cachedMsgMinOffset"`
CachedMsgMaxOffset int64 `json:"cachedMsgMaxOffset"`
CachedMsgCount int `json:"cachedMsgCount"`
CachedMsgSizeInMiB int64 `json:"cachedMsgSizeInMiB"`
TransactionMsgMinOffset int64 `json:"transactionMsgMinOffset"`
TransactionMsgMaxOffset int64 `json:"transactionMsgMaxOffset"`
TransactionMsgCount int `json:"transactionMsgCount"`
Locked bool `json:"locked"`
TryUnlockTimes int64 `json:"tryUnlockTimes"`
LastLockTimestamp int64 `json:"lastLockTimestamp"`
Dropped bool `json:"dropped"`
LastPullTimestamp int64 `json:"lastPullTimestamp"`
LastConsumeTimestamp int64 `json:"lastConsumeTimestamp"`
type ConsumeStatus struct {
PullRT float64 `json:"pullRT"`
PullTPS float64 `json:"pullTPS"`
ConsumeRT float64 `json:"consumeRT"`
ConsumeOKTPS float64 `json:"consumeOKTPS"`
ConsumeFailedTPS float64 `json:"consumeFailedTPS"`
ConsumeFailedMsgs int64 `json:"consumeFailedMsgs"`
type ConsumerRunningInfo struct {
Properties map[string]string
SubscriptionData map[*SubscriptionData]bool
MQTable map[primitive.MessageQueue]ProcessQueueInfo
StatusTable map[string]ConsumeStatus
func (info ConsumerRunningInfo) Encode() ([]byte, error) {
data, err := json.Marshal(info.Properties)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jsonData := fmt.Sprintf("{\"%s\":%s", "properties", string(data))
data, err = json.Marshal(info.StatusTable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jsonData = fmt.Sprintf("%s,\"%s\":%s", jsonData, "statusTable", string(data))
subs := make([]*SubscriptionData, len(info.SubscriptionData))
idx := 0
for k := range info.SubscriptionData {
subs[idx] = k
// make sure test case table
sort.Slice(subs, func(i, j int) bool {
sub1 := subs[i]
sub2 := subs[j]
if sub1.ClassFilterMode != sub2.ClassFilterMode {
return sub1.ClassFilterMode == false
com := strings.Compare(sub1.Topic, sub1.Topic)
if com != 0 {
return com > 0
com = strings.Compare(sub1.SubString, sub1.SubString)
if com != 0 {
return com > 0
if sub1.SubVersion != sub2.SubVersion {
return sub1.SubVersion > sub2.SubVersion
com = strings.Compare(sub1.ExpType, sub1.ExpType)
if com != 0 {
return com > 0
v1, _ := sub1.Tags.MarshalJSON()
v2, _ := sub2.Tags.MarshalJSON()
com = bytes.Compare(v1, v2)
if com != 0 {
return com > 0
v1, _ = sub1.Codes.MarshalJSON()
v2, _ = sub2.Codes.MarshalJSON()
com = bytes.Compare(v1, v2)
if com != 0 {
return com > 0
return true
data, err = json.Marshal(subs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jsonData = fmt.Sprintf("%s,\"%s\":%s", jsonData, "subscriptionSet", string(data))
tableJson := ""
keys := make([]primitive.MessageQueue, 0)
for k := range info.MQTable {
keys = append(keys, k)
sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
q1 := keys[i]
q2 := keys[j]
com := strings.Compare(q1.Topic, q2.Topic)
if com != 0 {
return com < 0
com = strings.Compare(q1.BrokerName, q2.BrokerName)
if com != 0 {
return com < 0
return q1.QueueId < q2.QueueId
for idx := range keys {
dataK, err := json.Marshal(keys[idx])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dataV, err := json.Marshal(info.MQTable[keys[idx]])
tableJson = fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s:%s", tableJson, string(dataK), string(dataV))
tableJson = strings.TrimLeft(tableJson, ",")
jsonData = fmt.Sprintf("%s,\"%s\":%s}", jsonData, "mqTable", fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", tableJson))
return []byte(jsonData), nil
func NewConsumerRunningInfo() *ConsumerRunningInfo {
return &ConsumerRunningInfo{
Properties: make(map[string]string),
SubscriptionData: make(map[*SubscriptionData]bool),
MQTable: make(map[primitive.MessageQueue]ProcessQueueInfo),
StatusTable: make(map[string]ConsumeStatus),