blob: d833f36da8b2b6eb7570577419a62465d16c5a2f [file] [log] [blame]
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package consumer
import (
. ""
func TestNewLocalFileOffsetStore(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given some test cases", t, func() {
type testCase struct {
clientId string
group string
expectedResult *localFileOffsetStore
cases := []testCase{
clientId: "",
group: "testGroup",
expectedResult: &localFileOffsetStore{
group: "testGroup",
path: filepath.Join(_LocalOffsetStorePath, "/testGroup/offset.json"),
}, {
clientId: "",
group: "",
expectedResult: &localFileOffsetStore{
group: "",
path: filepath.Join(_LocalOffsetStorePath, "/"),
}, {
clientId: "",
group: "testGroup",
expectedResult: &localFileOffsetStore{
group: "testGroup",
path: filepath.Join(_LocalOffsetStorePath, "/"),
for _, value := range cases {
result := NewLocalFileOffsetStore(value.clientId,*localFileOffsetStore)
value.expectedResult.OffsetTable = result.OffsetTable
So(result, ShouldResemble, value.expectedResult)
func TestLocalFileOffsetStore(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given a local store with a starting value", t, func() {
localStore := NewLocalFileOffsetStore("", "testGroup")
type offsetCase struct {
queue *primitive.MessageQueue
setOffset int64
expectedOffset int64
mq := &primitive.MessageQueue{
Topic: "testTopic",
BrokerName: "default",
QueueId: 1,
Convey("test update", func() {
Convey("when increaseOnly is false", func() {
cases := []offsetCase{
queue: mq,
setOffset: 3,
expectedOffset: 3,
}, {
queue: mq,
setOffset: 1,
expectedOffset: 1,
for _, value := range cases {
localStore.update(value.queue, value.setOffset, false)
offset, _ := localStore.readWithException(value.queue, _ReadFromMemory)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, value.expectedOffset)
Convey("when increaseOnly is true", func() {
localStore.update(mq, 0, false)
cases := []offsetCase{
queue: mq,
setOffset: 3,
expectedOffset: 3,
}, {
queue: mq,
setOffset: 1,
expectedOffset: 3,
for _, value := range cases {
localStore.update(value.queue, value.setOffset, true)
offset, _ := localStore.readWithException(value.queue, _ReadFromMemory)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, value.expectedOffset)
Convey("test persist", func() {
localStore.update(mq, 1, false)
offset, _ := localStore.readWithException(mq, _ReadFromMemory)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, 1)
queues := []*primitive.MessageQueue{mq}
offset, _ = localStore.readWithException(mq, _ReadFromStore)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, 1)
offset, _ = localStore.readWithException(mq, _ReadMemoryThenStore)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, 1)
func TestRemoteBrokerOffsetStore(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given a remote store with a starting value", t, func() {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
namesrv := internal.NewMockNamesrvs(ctrl)
rmqClient := internal.NewMockRMQClient(ctrl)
remoteStore := NewRemoteOffsetStore("testGroup", rmqClient, namesrv)
type offsetCase struct {
queue *primitive.MessageQueue
setOffset int64
expectedOffset int64
mq := &primitive.MessageQueue{
Topic: "testTopic",
BrokerName: "default",
QueueId: 1,
Convey("test update", func() {
Convey("when increaseOnly is false", func() {
cases := []offsetCase{
queue: mq,
setOffset: 3,
expectedOffset: 3,
}, {
queue: mq,
setOffset: 1,
expectedOffset: 1,
for _, value := range cases {
remoteStore.update(value.queue, value.setOffset, false)
offset, _ := remoteStore.readWithException(value.queue, _ReadFromMemory)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, value.expectedOffset)
Convey("when increaseOnly is true", func() {
remoteStore.update(mq, 0, false)
cases := []offsetCase{
queue: mq,
setOffset: 3,
expectedOffset: 3,
}, {
queue: mq,
setOffset: 1,
expectedOffset: 3,
for _, value := range cases {
remoteStore.update(value.queue, value.setOffset, true)
offset, _ := remoteStore.readWithException(value.queue, _ReadFromMemory)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, value.expectedOffset)
Convey("test persist", func() {
queues := []*primitive.MessageQueue{mq}
ret := &remote.RemotingCommand{
Code: internal.ResSuccess,
ExtFields: map[string]string{
"offset": "1",
rmqClient.EXPECT().InvokeSync(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(ret, nil).MaxTimes(2)
offset, _ := remoteStore.readWithException(mq, _ReadFromStore)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, 1)
offset, _ = remoteStore.readWithException(mq, _ReadFromMemory)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, -1)
offset, _ = remoteStore.readWithException(mq, _ReadMemoryThenStore)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("test remove", func() {
remoteStore.update(mq, 1, false)
offset, _ := remoteStore.readWithException(mq, _ReadFromMemory)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, 1)
offset, _ = remoteStore.readWithException(mq, _ReadFromMemory)
So(offset, ShouldEqual, -1)