blob: df7cfc09e03b117c3dd787cb32ea5737ba035c0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package rocketmq
import (
func TestProducerConfig_String(t *testing.T) {
pConfig := ProducerConfig{}
pConfig.GroupID = "testGroup"
pConfig.NameServer = "localhost:9876"
pConfig.NameServerDomain = "domain1"
pConfig.InstanceName = "testProducer"
pConfig.LogC = &LogConfig{
Path: "/rocketmq/log",
FileNum: 16,
FileSize: 1 << 20,
Level: LogLevelDebug}
pConfig.SendMsgTimeout = 30
pConfig.CompressLevel = 4
pConfig.MaxMessageSize = 1024
pConfig.ProducerModel = CommonProducer
expect := "ProducerConfig=[GroupId: testGroup, NameServer: localhost:9876, NameServerDomain: domain1, InstanceName: testProducer, " +
"LogConfig: {Path:/rocketmq/log FileNum:16 FileSize:1048576 Level:Debug}, " +
"SendMsgTimeout: 30, CompressLevel: 4, MaxMessageSize: 1024, ProducerModel: CommonProducer, ]"
assert.Equal(t, expect, pConfig.String())
func TestPushConsumerConfig_String(t *testing.T) {
pcConfig := PushConsumerConfig{}
pcConfig.GroupID = "testGroup"
pcConfig.NameServer = "localhost:9876"
pcConfig.InstanceName = "testPushConsumer"
pcConfig.LogC = &LogConfig{
Path: "/rocketmq/log",
FileNum: 16,
FileSize: 1 << 20,
Level: LogLevelDebug}
pcConfig.ThreadCount = 4
pcConfig.MessageBatchMaxSize = 1024
expect := "PushConsumerConfig=[GroupId: testGroup, NameServer: localhost:9876, " +
"InstanceName: testPushConsumer, LogConfig: {Path:/rocketmq/log FileNum:16 FileSize:1048576 Level:Debug}, " +
"ThreadCount: 4, MessageBatchMaxSize: 1024, ]"
assert.Equal(t, expect, pcConfig.String())
pcConfig.NameServerDomain = "domain1"
expect = "PushConsumerConfig=[GroupId: testGroup, NameServer: localhost:9876, NameServerDomain: domain1, InstanceName: testPushConsumer, " +
"LogConfig: {Path:/rocketmq/log FileNum:16 FileSize:1048576 Level:Debug}, ThreadCount: 4, MessageBatchMaxSize: 1024, ]"
assert.Equal(t, expect, pcConfig.String())
pcConfig.MessageBatchMaxSize = 32
pcConfig.Model = Clustering
pcConfig.ConsumerModel = CoCurrently
pcConfig.MaxCacheMessageSize = 1024
pcConfig.MaxCacheMessageSizeInMB = 2048
expect = "PushConsumerConfig=[GroupId: testGroup, NameServer: localhost:9876, NameServerDomain: domain1, InstanceName: testPushConsumer, " +
"LogConfig: {Path:/rocketmq/log FileNum:16 FileSize:1048576 Level:Debug}, ThreadCount: 4," +
" MessageBatchMaxSize: 32, MessageModel: Clustering, ConsumerModel: CoCurrently," +
" MaxCacheMessageSize: 1024, MaxCacheMessageSizeInMB: 2048, ]"
assert.Equal(t, expect, pcConfig.String())
func TestPullConfig_String(t *testing.T) {
pConfig := PullConsumerConfig{}
pConfig.GroupID = "testGroup"
pConfig.NameServer = "localhost:9876"
pConfig.NameServerDomain = "domain1"
pConfig.InstanceName = "testProducer"
pConfig.LogC = &LogConfig{
Path: "/rocketmq/log",
FileNum: 16,
FileSize: 1 << 20,
Level: LogLevelDebug}
expect := "PushConsumerConfig=[GroupId: testGroup, NameServer: localhost:9876, NameServerDomain: domain1, InstanceName: testProducer, " +
"LogConfig: {Path:/rocketmq/log FileNum:16 FileSize:1048576 Level:Debug}, ]"
assert.Equal(t, expect, pConfig.String())
func TestSessionCredentials_String(t *testing.T) {
pConfig := SessionCredentials{}
pConfig.AccessKey = "AK"
pConfig.SecretKey = "SK"
pConfig.Channel = "Cloud"
expect := "[accessKey: AK, secretKey: SK, channel: Cloud]"
assert.Equal(t, expect, pConfig.String())
func TestSendResult_String(t *testing.T) {
pConfig := SendResult{}
pConfig.Status = SendOK
pConfig.MsgId = "MessageId"
pConfig.Offset = 100000
expect := "[status: SendOK, messageId: MessageId, offset: 100000]"
assert.Equal(t, expect, pConfig.String())
pConfig.Status = SendFlushDiskTimeout
expect = "[status: SendFlushDiskTimeout, messageId: MessageId, offset: 100000]"
assert.Equal(t, expect, pConfig.String())