blob: 910bb23bbd394891ad768355390070a1e057a80f [file] [log] [blame]
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limitations under the License.
package producer
import (
var (
ErrTopicEmpty = errors.New("topic is nil")
ErrMessageEmpty = errors.New("message is nil")
ErrNotRunning = errors.New("producer not started")
type defaultProducer struct {
group string
client internal.RMQClient
state int32
options producerOptions
publishInfo sync.Map
callbackCh chan interface{}
interceptor primitive.Interceptor
func NewDefaultProducer(opts ...Option) (*defaultProducer, error) {
defaultOpts := defaultProducerOptions()
for _, apply := range opts {
srvs, err := internal.NewNamesrv(defaultOpts.Resolver)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "new Namesrv failed.")
if !defaultOpts.Credentials.IsEmpty() {
defaultOpts.Namesrv = srvs
producer := &defaultProducer{
group: defaultOpts.GroupName,
callbackCh: make(chan interface{}),
options: defaultOpts,
producer.client = internal.GetOrNewRocketMQClient(defaultOpts.ClientOptions, producer.callbackCh)
producer.interceptor = primitive.ChainInterceptors(producer.options.Interceptors...)
return producer, nil
func (p *defaultProducer) Start() error {
atomic.StoreInt32(&p.state, int32(internal.StateRunning))
p.client.RegisterProducer(, p)
return nil
func (p *defaultProducer) Shutdown() error {
atomic.StoreInt32(&p.state, int32(internal.StateShutdown))
return nil
func (p *defaultProducer) checkMsg(msgs ...*primitive.Message) error {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.state) != int32(internal.StateRunning) {
return ErrNotRunning
if len(msgs) == 0 {
return errors.New("message is nil")
if len(msgs[0].Topic) == 0 {
return errors.New("topic is nil")
return nil
func (p *defaultProducer) encodeBatch(msgs ...*primitive.Message) *primitive.Message {
if len(msgs) == 1 {
return msgs[0]
// encode batch
batch := new(primitive.Message)
batch.Topic = msgs[0].Topic
batch.Queue = msgs[0].Queue
if len(msgs) > 1 {
batch.Body = MarshalMessageBatch(msgs...)
batch.Batch = true
} else {
batch.Body = msgs[0].Body
batch.Flag = msgs[0].Flag
batch.TransactionId = msgs[0].TransactionId
return batch
func MarshalMessageBatch(msgs ...*primitive.Message) []byte {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
for _, msg := range msgs {
data := msg.Marshal()
return buffer.Bytes()
func (p *defaultProducer) SendSync(ctx context.Context, msgs ...*primitive.Message) (*primitive.SendResult, error) {
if err := p.checkMsg(msgs...); err != nil {
return nil, err
msg := p.encodeBatch(msgs...)
resp := primitive.NewSendResult()
if p.interceptor != nil {
primitive.WithMethod(ctx, primitive.SendSync)
producerCtx := &primitive.ProducerCtx{
CommunicationMode: primitive.SendSync,
BornHost: utils.LocalIP,
Message: *msg,
SendResult: resp,
ctx = primitive.WithProducerCtx(ctx, producerCtx)
err := p.interceptor(ctx, msg, resp, func(ctx context.Context, req, reply interface{}) error {
var err error
realReq := req.(*primitive.Message)
realReply := reply.(*primitive.SendResult)
err = p.sendSync(ctx, realReq, realReply)
return err
return resp, err
err := p.sendSync(ctx, msg, resp)
return resp, err
func (p *defaultProducer) sendSync(ctx context.Context, msg *primitive.Message, resp *primitive.SendResult) error {
retryTime := 1 + p.options.RetryTimes
var (
err error
if p.options.Namespace != "" {
msg.Topic = p.options.Namespace + "%" + msg.Topic
var producerCtx *primitive.ProducerCtx
for retryCount := 0; retryCount < retryTime; retryCount++ {
mq := p.selectMessageQueue(msg)
if mq == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("the topic=%s route info not found", msg.Topic)
addr := p.options.Namesrv.FindBrokerAddrByName(mq.BrokerName)
if addr == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("topic=%s route info not found", mq.Topic)
if p.interceptor != nil {
producerCtx = primitive.GetProducerCtx(ctx)
producerCtx.BrokerAddr = addr
producerCtx.MQ = *mq
res, _err := p.client.InvokeSync(ctx, addr, p.buildSendRequest(mq, msg), 3*time.Second)
if _err != nil {
err = _err
return p.client.ProcessSendResponse(mq.BrokerName, res, resp, msg)
return err
func (p *defaultProducer) SendAsync(ctx context.Context, f func(context.Context, *primitive.SendResult, error), msgs ...*primitive.Message) error {
if err := p.checkMsg(msgs...); err != nil {
return err
msg := p.encodeBatch(msgs...)
if p.interceptor != nil {
primitive.WithMethod(ctx, primitive.SendAsync)
return p.interceptor(ctx, msg, nil, func(ctx context.Context, req, reply interface{}) error {
return p.sendAsync(ctx, msg, f)
return p.sendAsync(ctx, msg, f)
func (p *defaultProducer) sendAsync(ctx context.Context, msg *primitive.Message, h func(context.Context, *primitive.SendResult, error)) error {
if p.options.Namespace != "" {
msg.Topic = p.options.Namespace + "%" + msg.Topic
mq := p.selectMessageQueue(msg)
if mq == nil {
return errors.Errorf("the topic=%s route info not found", msg.Topic)
addr := p.options.Namesrv.FindBrokerAddrByName(mq.BrokerName)
if addr == "" {
return errors.Errorf("topic=%s route info not found", mq.Topic)
ctx, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctx, 3*time.Second)
return p.client.InvokeAsync(ctx, addr, p.buildSendRequest(mq, msg), func(command *remote.RemotingCommand, err error) {
resp := primitive.NewSendResult()
if err != nil {
h(ctx, nil, err)
} else {
p.client.ProcessSendResponse(mq.BrokerName, command, resp, msg)
h(ctx, resp, nil)
func (p *defaultProducer) SendOneWay(ctx context.Context, msgs ...*primitive.Message) error {
if err := p.checkMsg(msgs...); err != nil {
return err
msg := p.encodeBatch(msgs...)
if p.interceptor != nil {
primitive.WithMethod(ctx, primitive.SendOneway)
return p.interceptor(ctx, msg, nil, func(ctx context.Context, req, reply interface{}) error {
return p.SendOneWay(ctx, msg)
return p.sendOneWay(ctx, msg)
func (p *defaultProducer) sendOneWay(ctx context.Context, msg *primitive.Message) error {
retryTime := 1 + p.options.RetryTimes
if p.options.Namespace != "" {
msg.Topic = p.options.Namespace + "%" + msg.Topic
var err error
for retryCount := 0; retryCount < retryTime; retryCount++ {
mq := p.selectMessageQueue(msg)
if mq == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("the topic=%s route info not found", msg.Topic)
addr := p.options.Namesrv.FindBrokerAddrByName(mq.BrokerName)
if addr == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("topic=%s route info not found", mq.Topic)
_err := p.client.InvokeOneWay(ctx, addr, p.buildSendRequest(mq, msg), 3*time.Second)
if _err != nil {
err = _err
return nil
return err
func (p *defaultProducer) tryCompressMsg(msg *primitive.Message) bool {
if msg.Compress {
return true
if msg.Batch {
return false
if len(msg.Body) < p.options.CompressMsgBodyOverHowmuch {
return false
compressedBody, e := utils.Compress(msg.Body, p.options.CompressLevel)
if e != nil {
return false
msg.Body = compressedBody
msg.Compress = true
return true
func (p *defaultProducer) buildSendRequest(mq *primitive.MessageQueue,
msg *primitive.Message) *remote.RemotingCommand {
if !msg.Batch && msg.GetProperty(primitive.PropertyUniqueClientMessageIdKeyIndex) == "" {
msg.WithProperty(primitive.PropertyUniqueClientMessageIdKeyIndex, primitive.CreateUniqID())
sysFlag := 0
if p.tryCompressMsg(msg) {
sysFlag = primitive.SetCompressedFlag(sysFlag)
v := msg.GetProperty(primitive.PropertyTransactionPrepared)
if v != "" {
tranMsg, err := strconv.ParseBool(v)
if err == nil && tranMsg {
sysFlag |= primitive.TransactionPreparedType
req := &internal.SendMessageRequestHeader{
Topic: mq.Topic,
QueueId: mq.QueueId,
SysFlag: sysFlag,
BornTimestamp: time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond),
Flag: msg.Flag,
Properties: msg.MarshallProperties(),
ReconsumeTimes: 0,
UnitMode: p.options.UnitMode,
Batch: msg.Batch,
cmd := internal.ReqSendMessage
if msg.Batch {
cmd = internal.ReqSendBatchMessage
reqv2 := &internal.SendMessageRequestV2Header{SendMessageRequestHeader: req}
return remote.NewRemotingCommand(cmd, reqv2, msg.Body)
return remote.NewRemotingCommand(cmd, req, msg.Body)
func (p *defaultProducer) selectMessageQueue(msg *primitive.Message) *primitive.MessageQueue {
topic := msg.Topic
v, exist := p.publishInfo.Load(topic)
if !exist {
data, changed, err := p.options.Namesrv.UpdateTopicRouteInfo(topic)
if err != nil && primitive.IsRemotingErr(err) {
return nil
p.client.UpdatePublishInfo(topic, data, changed)
v, exist = p.publishInfo.Load(topic)
if !exist {
data, changed, _ := p.options.Namesrv.UpdateTopicRouteInfoWithDefault(topic, p.options.CreateTopicKey, p.options.DefaultTopicQueueNums)
p.client.UpdatePublishInfo(topic, data, changed)
v, exist = p.publishInfo.Load(topic)
if !exist {
return nil
result := v.(*internal.TopicPublishInfo)
if result == nil || !result.HaveTopicRouterInfo {
return nil
if len(result.MqList) <= 0 {
rlog.Error("can not find proper message queue", nil)
return nil
return p.options.Selector.Select(msg, result.MqList)
func (p *defaultProducer) PublishTopicList() []string {
topics := make([]string, 0)
p.publishInfo.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
topics = append(topics, key.(string))
return true
return topics
func (p *defaultProducer) UpdateTopicPublishInfo(topic string, info *internal.TopicPublishInfo) {
if topic == "" || info == nil {
p.publishInfo.Store(topic, info)
func (p *defaultProducer) IsPublishTopicNeedUpdate(topic string) bool {
v, exist := p.publishInfo.Load(topic)
if !exist {
return true
info := v.(*internal.TopicPublishInfo)
return info.MqList == nil || len(info.MqList) == 0
func (p *defaultProducer) IsUnitMode() bool {
return false
type transactionProducer struct {
producer *defaultProducer
listener primitive.TransactionListener
// TODO: checkLocalTransaction
func NewTransactionProducer(listener primitive.TransactionListener, opts ...Option) (*transactionProducer, error) {
producer, err := NewDefaultProducer(opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "NewDefaultProducer failed.")
return &transactionProducer{
producer: producer,
listener: listener,
}, nil
func (tp *transactionProducer) Start() error {
go primitive.WithRecover(func() {
return tp.producer.Start()
func (tp *transactionProducer) Shutdown() error {
return tp.producer.Shutdown()
// TODO: check addr
func (tp *transactionProducer) checkTransactionState() {
for ch := range tp.producer.callbackCh {
switch callback := ch.(type) {
case *internal.CheckTransactionStateCallback:
localTransactionState := tp.listener.CheckLocalTransaction(callback.Msg)
uniqueKey := callback.Msg.GetProperty(primitive.PropertyUniqueClientMessageIdKeyIndex)
if uniqueKey == "" {
uniqueKey = callback.Msg.MsgId
transactionId := callback.Msg.GetProperty(primitive.PropertyTransactionID)
if transactionId == "" {
transactionId = callback.Header.TransactionId
if transactionId == "" {
transactionId = callback.Msg.TransactionId
header := &internal.EndTransactionRequestHeader{
CommitLogOffset: callback.Header.CommitLogOffset,
TranStateTableOffset: callback.Header.TranStateTableOffset,
FromTransactionCheck: true,
MsgID: uniqueKey,
TransactionId: transactionId,
CommitOrRollback: tp.transactionState(localTransactionState),
req := remote.NewRemotingCommand(internal.ReqENDTransaction, header, nil)
req.Remark = tp.errRemark(nil)
err := tp.producer.client.InvokeOneWay(context.Background(), callback.Addr.String(), req,
if err != nil {
rlog.Error("send ReqENDTransaction to broker error", map[string]interface{}{
"callback": callback.Addr.String(),
"request": req.String(),
rlog.LogKeyUnderlayError: err,
rlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type %v", ch), nil)
func (tp *transactionProducer) SendMessageInTransaction(ctx context.Context, msg *primitive.Message) (*primitive.TransactionSendResult, error) {
msg.WithProperty(primitive.PropertyTransactionPrepared, "true")
msg.WithProperty(primitive.PropertyProducerGroup, tp.producer.options.GroupName)
rsp, err := tp.producer.SendSync(ctx, msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
localTransactionState := primitive.UnknowState
switch rsp.Status {
case primitive.SendOK:
if len(rsp.TransactionID) > 0 {
msg.WithProperty("__transactionId__", rsp.TransactionID)
transactionId := msg.GetProperty(primitive.PropertyUniqueClientMessageIdKeyIndex)
if len(transactionId) > 0 {
msg.TransactionId = transactionId
localTransactionState = tp.listener.ExecuteLocalTransaction(msg)
if localTransactionState != primitive.CommitMessageState {
rlog.Error("executeLocalTransaction but state unexpected", map[string]interface{}{
"localState": localTransactionState,
"message": msg,
case primitive.SendFlushDiskTimeout, primitive.SendFlushSlaveTimeout, primitive.SendSlaveNotAvailable:
localTransactionState = primitive.RollbackMessageState
tp.endTransaction(*rsp, err, localTransactionState)
transactionSendResult := &primitive.TransactionSendResult{
SendResult: rsp,
State: localTransactionState,
return transactionSendResult, nil
func (tp *transactionProducer) endTransaction(result primitive.SendResult, err error, state primitive.LocalTransactionState) error {
var msgID *primitive.MessageID
if len(result.OffsetMsgID) > 0 {
msgID, _ = primitive.UnmarshalMsgID([]byte(result.OffsetMsgID))
} else {
msgID, _ = primitive.UnmarshalMsgID([]byte(result.MsgID))
// 估计没有反序列化回来
brokerAddr := tp.producer.options.Namesrv.FindBrokerAddrByName(result.MessageQueue.BrokerName)
requestHeader := &internal.EndTransactionRequestHeader{
TransactionId: result.TransactionID,
CommitLogOffset: msgID.Offset,
TranStateTableOffset: result.QueueOffset,
MsgID: result.MsgID,
CommitOrRollback: tp.transactionState(state),
req := remote.NewRemotingCommand(internal.ReqENDTransaction, requestHeader, nil)
req.Remark = tp.errRemark(err)
return tp.producer.client.InvokeOneWay(context.Background(), brokerAddr, req, tp.producer.options.SendMsgTimeout)
func (tp *transactionProducer) errRemark(err error) string {
if err != nil {
return "executeLocalTransactionBranch exception: " + err.Error()
return ""
func (tp *transactionProducer) transactionState(state primitive.LocalTransactionState) int {
switch state {
case primitive.CommitMessageState:
return primitive.TransactionCommitType
case primitive.RollbackMessageState:
return primitive.TransactionRollbackType
case primitive.UnknowState:
return primitive.TransactionNotType
return primitive.TransactionNotType