blob: 28a4798667fa7e01dc12caef770f67fed2adbbc0 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "AsyncCallback.h"
#include "ConsumeType.h"
#include "CredentialsProvider.h"
#include "ExpressionType.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "MQMessageQueue.h"
#include "MessageListener.h"
#include "rocketmq/Executor.h"
#include "rocketmq/MessageModel.h"
class PushConsumerImpl;
class DefaultMQPushConsumer {
explicit DefaultMQPushConsumer(const std::string& group_name);
~DefaultMQPushConsumer() = default;
void start();
void shutdown();
void subscribe(const std::string& topic, const std::string& expression,
ExpressionType expression_type = ExpressionType::TAG);
void setConsumeFromWhere(ConsumeFromWhere policy);
void registerMessageListener(MessageListener* listener);
void setNamesrvAddr(const std::string& name_srv);
void setNameServerListDiscoveryEndpoint(const std::string& discovery_endpoint);
void setGroupName(const std::string& group_name);
void setConsumeThreadCount(int thread_count);
void setInstanceName(const std::string& instance_name);
int getProcessQueueTableSize();
void setUnitName(std::string unit_name);
const std::string& getUnitName() const;
void enableTracing(bool enabled);
bool isTracingEnabled();
* SDK of this version always uses asynchronous IO operation. As such, this
* function is no-op to keep backward compatibility.
void setAsyncPull(bool);
* Maximum number of messages passed to each callback.
* @param batch_size Batch size
void setConsumeMessageBatchMaxSize(int batch_size);
* Lifecycle of executor is managed by external application. Passed-in
* executor should remain valid after consumer start and before stopping.
* @param executor Executor pool used to invoke consume callback.
void setCustomExecutor(const Executor& executor);
* This function sets maximum number of message that may be consumed per
* second.
* @param topic Topic to control
* @param threshold Threshold before throttling is enforced.
void setThrottle(const std::string& topic, uint32_t threshold);
* Set abstract-resource-namespace, in which canonical name of topic, group
* remains unique.
* @param resource_namespace Abstract resource namespace.
void setResourceNamespace(const std::string& resource_namespace);
void setCredentialsProvider(CredentialsProviderPtr credentials_provider);
void setMessageModel(MessageModel message_model);
std::string groupName() const;
std::shared_ptr<PushConsumerImpl> impl_;