blob: 4614244a092b742affd24bada66d96a6091cf323 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "AsyncCallback.h"
#include "MQClient.h"
#include "MQMessageQueue.h"
#include "MQSelector.h"
#include "RocketMQClient.h"
#include "SendResult.h"
#include "SessionCredentials.h"
namespace rocketmq {
class DefaultMQProducerImpl;
class ROCKETMQCLIENT_API DefaultMQProducer {
DefaultMQProducer(const std::string& groupname);
virtual ~DefaultMQProducer();
virtual void start();
virtual void shutdown();
virtual SendResult send(MQMessage& msg, bool bSelectActiveBroker = false);
virtual SendResult send(MQMessage& msg, const MQMessageQueue& mq);
virtual SendResult send(MQMessage& msg, MessageQueueSelector* selector, void* arg);
virtual SendResult send(MQMessage& msg,
MessageQueueSelector* selector,
void* arg,
int autoRetryTimes,
bool bActiveBroker = false);
virtual SendResult send(std::vector<MQMessage>& msgs);
virtual SendResult send(std::vector<MQMessage>& msgs, const MQMessageQueue& mq);
virtual void send(MQMessage& msg, SendCallback* pSendCallback, bool bSelectActiveBroker = false);
virtual void send(MQMessage& msg, const MQMessageQueue& mq, SendCallback* pSendCallback);
virtual void send(MQMessage& msg, MessageQueueSelector* selector, void* arg, SendCallback* pSendCallback);
virtual void sendOneway(MQMessage& msg, bool bSelectActiveBroker = false);
virtual void sendOneway(MQMessage& msg, const MQMessageQueue& mq);
virtual void sendOneway(MQMessage& msg, MessageQueueSelector* selector, void* arg);
const std::string& getNamesrvAddr() const;
void setNamesrvAddr(const std::string& namesrvAddr);
void setSessionCredentials(const std::string& accessKey,
const std::string& secretKey,
const std::string& accessChannel);
const SessionCredentials& getSessionCredentials() const;
const std::string& getNamesrvDomain() const;
void setNamesrvDomain(const std::string& namesrvDomain);
const std::string& getNameSpace() const;
void setNameSpace(const std::string& nameSpace);
const std::string& getGroupName() const;
void setGroupName(const std::string& groupname);
const std::string& getInstanceName() const;
void setInstanceName(const std::string& instanceName);
* Log configuration interface, default LOG_LEVEL is LOG_LEVEL_INFO, default
* log file num is 3, each log size is 100M
void setLogLevel(elogLevel inputLevel);
elogLevel getLogLevel();
void setLogPath(const std::string& logPath);
void setLogFileSizeAndNum(int fileNum, long perFileSize); // perFileSize is MB unit
int getSendMsgTimeout() const;
void setSendMsgTimeout(int sendMsgTimeout);
* If msgBody size is large than compressMsgBodyOverHowmuch
* rocketmq cpp will compress msgBody according to compressLevel
int getCompressMsgBodyOverHowmuch() const;
void setCompressMsgBodyOverHowmuch(int compressMsgBodyOverHowmuch);
int getCompressLevel() const;
void setCompressLevel(int compressLevel);
int getMaxMessageSize() const;
void setMaxMessageSize(int maxMessageSize);
int getRetryTimes() const;
void setRetryTimes(int times);
int getRetryTimes4Async() const;
void setRetryTimes4Async(int times);
/** Set TcpTransport pull thread num, which dermine the num of threads to
* distribute network data,
* 1. its default value is CPU num, it must be setted before producer/consumer
* start, minimum value is CPU num;
* 2. this pullThread num must be tested on your environment to find the best
* value for RT of sendMsg or delay time of consume msg before you change it;
* 3. producer and consumer need different pullThread num, if set this num,
* producer and consumer must set different instanceName.
void setTcpTransportPullThreadNum(int num);
int getTcpTransportPullThreadNum() const;
/** Timeout of tcp connect, it is same meaning for both producer and consumer;
* 1. default value is 3000ms
* 2. input parameter could only be milliSecond, suggestion value is
* 1000-3000ms;
void setTcpTransportConnectTimeout(uint64_t timeout); // ms
uint64_t getTcpTransportConnectTimeout() const;
/** Timeout of tryLock tcpTransport before sendMsg/pullMsg, if timeout,
* returns NULL
* 1. paremeter unit is ms, default value is 3000ms, the minimun value is 1000ms
* suggestion value is 3000ms;
* 2. if configured with value smaller than 1000ms, the tryLockTimeout value
* will be setted to 1000ms
void setTcpTransportTryLockTimeout(uint64_t timeout); // ms
uint64_t getTcpTransportTryLockTimeout() const;
void setUnitName(std::string unitName);
const std::string& getUnitName() const;
DefaultMQProducerImpl* impl;
} // namespace rocketmq