blob: 6142b4285be03fae5d7dd9c014c8ba2138f56025 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include "Org.Apache.REEF.ClrDriver.h"
using namespace std;;
typedef jint(JNICALL *JNI_CreateJavaVM_FN)(JavaVM **pvm, void **penv, void *args);
LPCTSTR JVM_DLL1 = L"\\jre\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll";
LPCTSTR JVM_DLL2 = L"\\jre\\bin\\client\\jvm.dll";
const char* JNI_CreateJavaVM_Func_Name = "JNI_CreateJavaVM";
const char* JavaOptionClassPath = "-classpath";
const char* JavaMainMethodSignature = "([Ljava/lang/String;)V";
const char* JavaStringClassPath = "java/lang/String";
const int maxPathBufSize = 16 * 1024;
const char ClassPathSeparatorCharForWindows = ';';
const char* launcherClass = "org.apache.reef.runtime.common.REEFLauncher";
const char* JavaMainMethodName = "main";
const char* JavaClassPath = "-Djava.class.path=";
typedef enum {
ErrSuccess = 0,
ErrGetEnvironmentVariable = 1,
ErrLoadLibraryJVM = 2,
ErrGetProcAddress = 3,
ErrCreateJavaVM = 4,
ErrFindClassEntry = 5,
ErrGetStaticMethodID = 6,
ErrFindClassString = 7,
ErrNewObjectArray = 8,
} ErrorEnum;
// figure out where jvm options end, entry class method and its parameters begin
void GetCounts(
int cArgs,
int& optionCount,
int& firstOptionOrdinal,
int& argCount,
int& firstArgOrdinal)
bool option = true;
optionCount = 0;
firstOptionOrdinal = 2;
argCount = 0;
firstArgOrdinal = -1;
for (int i = firstOptionOrdinal; i < cArgs; i++) {
if (option && 0 == strcmp(argv[i], launcherClass)) {
option = false;
firstArgOrdinal = i;
if (option) {
else {
// Set JVM option. JNI does not support unicode
void SetOption(JavaVMOption *option, char *src)
size_t len = strlen(src) + 1;
char* pszOption = new char[len];
strcpy_s(pszOption, len, src);
option->optionString = pszOption;
option->extraInfo = nullptr;
// Jni does not expand * and *.jar
// We need to do it ourselves.
char *ExpandJarPaths(char *jarPaths)
String^ ClassPathSeparatorStringForWindows = ";";
const int StringBuilderInitalSize = 1024 * 16;
System::Text::StringBuilder^ sb = gcnew System::Text::StringBuilder(StringBuilderInitalSize);
sb->Append(gcnew String(JavaClassPath));
String^ pathString = gcnew String(jarPaths);
array<String^>^ rawPaths = pathString->Split(';');
for (int i = 0; i < rawPaths->Length; i++)
String^ oldPath = rawPaths[i];
int oldPathLength = oldPath->Length;
String^ path;
bool shouldExpand = false;
if (oldPath->EndsWith("*"))
path = oldPath + ".jar";
shouldExpand = true;
else if (oldPath->EndsWith("*.jar"))
path = oldPath;
shouldExpand = true;
if (shouldExpand)
auto filesDir = System::IO::Path::GetDirectoryName(path);
auto fileName = System::IO::Path::GetFileName(path);
auto directoryInfo = gcnew System::IO::DirectoryInfo(filesDir);
auto files = directoryInfo->GetFiles(fileName);
for (int i = 0; i < files->Length; i++)
auto fullName = System::IO::Path::Combine(files[i]->Directory->ToString(), files[i]->ToString());
catch (System::IO::DirectoryNotFoundException^)
//Ignore invalid paths.
auto newPaths = sb->ToString();
int len = newPaths->Length;
char* finalPath = new char[len + 1];
auto hglobal = System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(newPaths);
memcpy(finalPath, (void*)hglobal, len + 1);
return finalPath;
JavaVMOption* GetJavaOptions(char *argv[], int& optionCount, int firstOptionOrdinal)
JavaVMOption* options = new JavaVMOption[optionCount + 1];
char classPathBuf[maxPathBufSize];
int sourceOrdinal = firstOptionOrdinal;
for (int i = 0; i < optionCount; i++) {
SetOption(options + i, argv[sourceOrdinal]);
if (0 == strcmp(argv[i + firstOptionOrdinal], JavaOptionClassPath) && ((i + 1) < optionCount)) {
strcpy_s(classPathBuf, argv[++sourceOrdinal]);
for (char* ptr = classPathBuf; *ptr; ptr++) {
if (*ptr == '/') {
*ptr = '\\';
strcat_s(classPathBuf, ";local\\*;global\\*");
auto expandedPath = ExpandJarPaths(classPathBuf);
SetOption(options + i, expandedPath);
SetOption(options + optionCount++, "-verbose:jni");
SetOption(options + optionCount++, "-verbose:class");
return options;
int Get_CreateJavaVM_Function(JNI_CreateJavaVM_FN& fn_JNI_CreateJavaVM)
wchar_t jvmDllPath1[maxPathBufSize];
wchar_t jvmDllPath2[maxPathBufSize];
DWORD rc = GetEnvironmentVariable(JAVA_HOME, jvmDllPath1, maxPathBufSize);
if (0 == rc) {
wprintf(L"Could not GetEnvironmentVariable %ls\n", JAVA_HOME);
return ErrGetEnvironmentVariable;
wcscat_s(jvmDllPath1, maxPathBufSize, JVM_DLL1);
HMODULE jvm_dll = LoadLibrary(jvmDllPath1);
if (jvm_dll == NULL) {
wprintf(L"Could not load dll %ls\n", jvmDllPath1);
GetEnvironmentVariable(JAVA_HOME, jvmDllPath2, maxPathBufSize);
wcscat_s(jvmDllPath2, maxPathBufSize, JVM_DLL2);
jvm_dll = LoadLibrary(jvmDllPath2);
if (jvm_dll == NULL) {
wprintf(L"Could not load dll %ls\n", jvmDllPath2);
return ErrLoadLibraryJVM;
fn_JNI_CreateJavaVM = (JNI_CreateJavaVM_FN)GetProcAddress(jvm_dll, JNI_CreateJavaVM_Func_Name);
if (fn_JNI_CreateJavaVM == NULL) {
printf("Could not GetProcAddress %s\n", JNI_CreateJavaVM_Func_Name);
return ErrGetProcAddress;
return ErrSuccess;
// Creates Java vm with the given options
int CreateJVM(JNIEnv*& env, JavaVM*& jvm, JavaVMOption* options, int optionCount) {
JNI_CreateJavaVM_FN fn_JNI_CreateJavaVM;
int failureCode = 0;
if ((failureCode = Get_CreateJavaVM_Function(fn_JNI_CreateJavaVM)) != ErrSuccess) {
return failureCode;
for (int i = 0; i < optionCount; i++) {
printf("Option %d [%s]\n", i, options[i].optionString);
JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
memset(&vm_args, 0, sizeof(vm_args));
vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6;
vm_args.nOptions = optionCount;
vm_args.options = options;
vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_FALSE;
long status = fn_JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void**)&env, &vm_args);
if (status) {
printf("Could not fn_JNI_CreateJavaVM\n");
return ErrCreateJavaVM;
return ErrSuccess;
// Invokes main method of entry class.
// I.E. org/apache/reef/runtime/common/REEFLauncher
int CallMainMethodOfEntryClass(
JNIEnv* env,
char* argv[],
int firstArgOrdinal,
int argCount)
// int the entry class name, Replace '.' with '/'
char classBuf[maxPathBufSize];
strcpy_s(classBuf, argv[firstArgOrdinal]);
for (char* ptr = classBuf; *ptr; ptr++) {
if (*ptr == '.') {
*ptr = '/';
// Find the entry class
jclass mainClass = env->FindClass(classBuf);
if (!mainClass) {
printf("Failed to find class '%s'", classBuf);
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) {
return ErrFindClassEntry;
// find method 'static void main (String[] args)'
jmethodID mainMethod = env->GetStaticMethodID(mainClass, JavaMainMethodName, JavaMainMethodSignature);
if (!mainMethod) {
printf("Failed to find jmethodID of 'main'");
return ErrGetStaticMethodID;
// Find string class
jclass stringClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/String");
if (!stringClass) {
printf("Failed to find java/lang/String");
return ErrFindClassString;
// Allocate string[] for main method parameter
jobjectArray args = env->NewObjectArray(argCount - 1, stringClass, 0);
if (!args) {
printf("Failed to create args array");
return ErrNewObjectArray;
// Copy parameters for main method
for (int i = 0; i < argCount - 1; ++i) {
env->SetObjectArrayElement(args, i, env->NewStringUTF(argv[firstArgOrdinal + 1 + i]));
// call main method with parameters
env->CallStaticVoidMethod(mainClass, mainMethod, args);
return ErrSuccess;
int main(int cArgs, char *argv[])
int optionCount;
int firstOptionOrdinal;
int argCount;
int firstArgOrdinal;
GetCounts(cArgs, argv, optionCount, firstOptionOrdinal, argCount, firstArgOrdinal);
JavaVMOption* options = GetJavaOptions(argv, optionCount, firstOptionOrdinal);
JNIEnv *env;
JavaVM *jvm;
int failureCode = 0;
if ((failureCode = CreateJVM(env, jvm, options, optionCount)) != ErrSuccess) {
return failureCode;
if ((failureCode = CallMainMethodOfEntryClass(env, argv, firstArgOrdinal, argCount)) != ErrSuccess) {
return failureCode;
// Check for errors.
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) {
// Finally, destroy the JavaVM
return 0;