blob: 86d8836e7b5a61bc372da079d503a4070390c9aa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
// option java_generic_services = true;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.apache.reef.bridge.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "DriverClientProtocol";
option csharp_namespace = "Org.Apache.REEF.Bridge.Proto";
package driverbridge;
import "DriverCommonProtocol.proto";
// The java driver service definition.
service DriverClient {
// Inquire if idle
rpc IdlenessCheckHandler (Void) returns (IdleStatus) {}
// Request for resources
rpc StartHandler (StartTimeInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc StopHandler (StopTimeInfo) returns (ExceptionInfo) {}
rpc AlarmTrigger (AlarmTriggerInfo) returns (Void) {}
// Evaluator handlers
rpc AllocatedEvaluatorHandler (EvaluatorInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc CompletedEvaluatorHandler (EvaluatorInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc FailedEvaluatorHandler (EvaluatorInfo) returns (Void) {}
// Context handlers
rpc ActiveContextHandler (ContextInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc ClosedContextHandler (ContextInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc FailedContextHandler (ContextInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc ContextMessageHandler (ContextMessageInfo) returns (Void) {}
// Task handlers
rpc RunningTaskHandler (TaskInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc FailedTaskHandler (TaskInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc CompletedTaskHandler (TaskInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc SuspendedTaskHandler (TaskInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc TaskMessageHandler (TaskMessageInfo) returns (Void) {}
// Client Handlers
rpc ClientMessageHandler (ClientMessageInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc ClientCloseHandler (Void) returns (Void) {}
rpc ClientCloseWithMessageHandler (ClientMessageInfo) returns (Void) {}
// Driver Restart Handlers
rpc DriverRestartHandler (DriverRestartInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc DriverRestartActiveContextHandler (ContextInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc DriverRestartRunningTaskHandler (TaskInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc DriverRestartCompletedHandler (DriverRestartCompletedInfo) returns (Void) {}
rpc DriverRestartFailedEvaluatorHandler (EvaluatorInfo) returns (Void) {}
// Driver restart information
message DriverRestartInfo {
uint32 resubmission_attempts = 1;
StartTimeInfo start_time = 2;
repeated string expected_evaluator_ids = 3;
// Driver restart completed information
message DriverRestartCompletedInfo {
StopTimeInfo completion_time = 1;
bool is_timed_out = 2;
// IdleStatus response to idleness inquiry
message IdleStatus {
bool is_idle = 1;
string reason = 2;
// The request message containing resource request.
message StartTimeInfo {
int64 start_time = 1;
message StopTimeInfo {
int64 stop_time = 1;
// Information associated with an alarm that was set.
message AlarmTriggerInfo {
string alarm_id = 1;
message EvaluatorDescriptorInfo {
// the amount of memory allocated
int32 memory = 1;
// the number of virtual cores allocated
int32 cores = 2;
// name of the runtime
string runtime_name = 3;
message EvaluatorInfo {
string evaluator_id = 1;
message FailureInfo {
string message = 1;
repeated string failedContexts = 2;
string failedTaskId = 3;
FailureInfo failure = 2;
EvaluatorDescriptorInfo descriptor_info = 3;
message ContextInfo {
string context_id = 1;
string evaluator_id = 2;
string parent_id = 3;
// Carry this with us for driver restart
EvaluatorDescriptorInfo evaluator_descriptor_info = 4;
// Optional exception information
ExceptionInfo exception = 5;
message ContextMessageInfo {
string context_id = 1;
bytes payload = 2;
int64 sequence_number = 3;
string message_source_id = 4;
message TaskInfo {
// Task identifier.
string task_id = 1;
// Task result.
bytes result = 2;
/* Carry entire context info since client may not have received it
* when submitting task against allocated evalautor.
ContextInfo context = 5;
// Possible exception encountered in task execution.
ExceptionInfo exception = 10;
message TaskMessageInfo {
string task_id = 1;
bytes payload = 2;
int64 sequence_number = 3;
string context_id = 4;
string message_source_id = 5;
message ClientMessageInfo {
bytes payload = 1;