blob: 011d4e0885240c41bb89ab9f7dd7790b78f0a025 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Org.Apache.REEF.Driver
public class Constants
public const ulong NullHandler = 0;
public const string ClassHierarachyBin = "clrClassHierarchy.bin";
public const string GlobalUserSuppliedJavaLibraries = "userSuppliedGlobalLibraries.txt";
public const int DefaultMemoryGranularity = 1024;
public const int HandlersNumber = 17;
public const string EvaluatorRequestorHandler = "EvaluatorRequestor";
public const string AllocatedEvaluatorHandler = "AllocatedEvaluator";
public const string CompletedEvaluatorHandler = "CompletedEvaluator";
public const string ActiveContextHandler = "ActiveContext";
public const string ClosedContextHandler = "ClosedContext";
public const string FailedContextHandler = "FailedContext";
public const string ContextMessageHandler = "ContextMessage";
public const string TaskMessageHandler = "TaskMessage";
public const string FailedTaskHandler = "FailedTask";
public const string RunningTaskHandler = "RunningTask";
public const string FailedEvaluatorHandler = "FailedEvaluator";
public const string CompletedTaskHandler = "CompletedTask";
public const string SuspendedTaskHandler = "SuspendedTask";
public const string HttpServerHandler = "HttpServerHandler";
public const string DriverRestartHandler = "DriverRestart";
public const string DriverRestartActiveContextHandler = "DriverRestartActiveContext";
public const string DriverRestartRunningTaskHandler = "DriverRestartRunningTask";
[Obsolete(message:"Use REEFFileNames instead.")]
public const string DriverBridgeConfiguration = Common.Constants.ClrBridgeRuntimeConfiguration;
public const string DriverAppDirectory = "ReefDriverAppDlls";
public const string JavaBridgeJarFileName = "reef-bridge-java-0.11.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar";
public const string BridgeLaunchClass = "org.apache.reef.javabridge.generic.Launch";
public const string BridgeLaunchHeadlessClass = "org.apache.reef.javabridge.generic.LaunchHeadless";
public const string DirectLauncherClass = "org.apache.reef.runtime.common.Launcher";
public const string JavaToCLRLoggingConfig = "-Djava.util.logging.config.class=org.apache.reef.util.logging.CLRLoggingConfig";
public const string JavaVerboseLoggingConfig = "-Djava.util.logging.config.class=org.apache.reef.util.logging.Config";
public static Dictionary<string, int> Handlers
new Dictionary<string, int>()
{ EvaluatorRequestorHandler, 0 },
{ AllocatedEvaluatorHandler, 1 },
{ ActiveContextHandler, 2 },
{ TaskMessageHandler, 3 },
{ FailedTaskHandler, 4 },
{ FailedEvaluatorHandler, 5 },
{ HttpServerHandler, 6 },
{ CompletedTaskHandler, 7 },
{ RunningTaskHandler, 8 },
{ SuspendedTaskHandler, 9 },
{ CompletedEvaluatorHandler, 10 },
{ ClosedContextHandler, 11 },
{ FailedContextHandler, 12 },
{ ContextMessageHandler, 13 },
{ DriverRestartHandler, 14 },
{ DriverRestartActiveContextHandler, 15 },
{ DriverRestartRunningTaskHandler, 16 },