[REEF-1720] Improve testing documentation for REEF.NET


Pull request:
  This closes #1233
diff --git a/lang/cs/BUILD.md b/lang/cs/BUILD.md
index 07e9fba..249444d 100644
--- a/lang/cs/BUILD.md
+++ b/lang/cs/BUILD.md
@@ -33,31 +33,50 @@
-To build and run tests in Visual Studio, open `lang\cs\Org.Apache.REEF.sln`, build entire solution and run all tests in Test Explore.
+To build and run tests in Visual Studio on local machine:
+1. Open solution `.\lang\cs\Org.Apache.REEF.sln`
+2. Build solution
+3. Open Test Explorer and add search filter `-Trait:Environment` to filter out tests which are supposed to run on Yarn.
+   If not filtered out, these tests will fail.
+4. Use "Run All" to run all tests
 To build REEF.NET from command line, execute
     msbuild .\lang\cs\Org.Apache.REEF.sln
-To run .NET tests from command line, execute
+To run .NET tests on local machine from command line, execute
     msbuild .\lang\cs\TestRunner.proj
+`TestRunner.proj` already has a filter set up to exclude Yarn tests.
 Continuous Integration
-We use [AppVeyor](https://www.appveyor.com/) to run continuous integration for REEF .NET code (i.e. build and run tests
+We use [AppVeyor](https://www.appveyor.com/) to run continuous integration for REEF .NET code (i.e. build code and run tests
 for all pull requests and commits to master branch).
 It can be convenient to set up AppVeyor for your fork of REEF repository, for example, to reproduce a test failure which
-can't be reproduced locally.
+can't be reproduced locally or to get AppVeyor test run results earlier than the official ones.
 1. Log in to [AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/) using your GitHub credentials.
-2. Go to [project creation](https://ci.appveyor.com/projects/new) and select reef repository.
+2. Go to [project creation](https://ci.appveyor.com/projects/new) and select `reef` repository.
 3. Fine-tune configuration as required at Settings tab of repository; you can enable building pushes to your repository
    when you're investigating something and disable them when you don't need them.
 4. Edit [AppVeyor configuration file](../../appveyor.yml) as required (by default you'll use the same configuration as REEF build).
+To isolate a specific test or group of tests, you can modify `test_script` section of `appveyor.yml`.
+For example, to run only one test `Org.Apache.REEF.Tests.Functional.IMRU.IMRUCloseTaskTest.TestTaskCloseOnLocalRuntime`
+modify `test_script` section as follows:
+    test_script:
+      - cmd: cd .\lang\cs
+      - cmd: .\.nuget\nuget.exe restore .\.nuget\packages.config -o .\packages
+      - cmd: .\packages\xunit.runner.console.2.1.0\tools\xunit.console.exe .\bin\x64\Debug\Org.Apache.REEF.Tests\Org.Apache.REEF.Tests.dll -method Org.Apache.REEF.Tests.Functional.IMRU.IMRUCloseTaskTest.TestTaskCloseOnLocalRuntime
+`nuget restore` is necessary to install `xunit.runner.console` package, which by default is installed in `TestRunner.proj`.
 Instructions on Building and Testing REEF .NET from Scratch