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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Tasks;
using Org.Apache.REEF.IMRU.API;
using Org.Apache.REEF.IMRU.Examples.PipelinedBroadcastReduce;
using Org.Apache.REEF.IMRU.OnREEF.Driver;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Annotations;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.Tang;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Interface;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Util;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Logging;
using Xunit;
namespace Org.Apache.REEF.Tests.Functional.IMRU
public class TestFailUpdateEvaluator : IMRUBrodcastReduceTestBase
private const int NumberOfRetry = 3;
protected const string FailActionMessage = "The system cannot be recovered after";
/// <summary>
/// This test is to fail update evaluator and then try to resubmit. We don't recover from update evaluator failure.
/// </summary>
public virtual void TestFailedUpdateOnLocalRuntime()
int chunkSize = 2;
int dims = 100;
int iterations = 200;
int mapperMemory = 5120;
int updateTaskMemory = 5120;
int numTasks = 9;
string testFolder = DefaultRuntimeFolder + TestId;
string[] lines = ReadLogFile(DriverStdout, "driver", testFolder, 240);
var completedTaskCount = GetMessageCount(lines, "Received ICompletedTask");
var runningTaskCount = GetMessageCount(lines, RunningTaskMessage);
var failedEvaluatorCount = GetMessageCount(lines, FailedEvaluatorMessage);
var failedTaskCount = GetMessageCount(lines, FailedTaskMessage);
var jobFailure = GetMessageCount(lines, IMRUDriver<int[], int[], int[], int[]>.FailActionPrefix);
// there should be one try with each task either completing or disappearing with failed evaluator
// no task failures
// and on this try all tasks should start successfully
Assert.Equal(numTasks, completedTaskCount + failedEvaluatorCount);
Assert.Equal(0, failedTaskCount);
Assert.Equal(numTasks, runningTaskCount);
// job fails
Assert.True(jobFailure > 0);
/// <summary>
/// This test is for the normal scenarios of IMRUDriver and IMRUTasks on yarn
/// </summary>
[Fact(Skip = "Requires Yarn")]
public virtual void TestFailedUpdateOnYarn()
int chunkSize = 2;
int dims = 100;
int iterations = 200;
int mapperMemory = 5120;
int updateTaskMemory = 5120;
int numTasks = 4;
TestBroadCastAndReduce(true, numTasks, chunkSize, dims, iterations, mapperMemory, updateTaskMemory);
/// <summary>
/// This method defines event handlers for driver. As default, it uses all the handlers defined in IMRUDriver.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TMapInput"></typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TMapOutput"></typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TResult"></typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TPartitionType"></typeparam>
/// <returns></returns>
protected override IConfiguration DriverEventHandlerConfigurations<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>()
return REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.ConfigurationModule
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
.Set(REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.OnTaskCompleted, GenericType<MessageLogger>.Class)
.Set(REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.OnTaskFailed, GenericType<MessageLogger>.Class)
.Set(REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.OnTaskRunning, GenericType<MessageLogger>.Class)
.Set(REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.OnEvaluatorFailed, GenericType<MessageLogger>.Class)
.Set(REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.CustomTraceLevel, TraceLevel.Verbose.ToString())
/// <summary>
/// Mapper function configuration. Subclass can override it to have its own test function.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected override IConfiguration BuildUpdateFunctionConfig()
var c = IMRUUpdateConfiguration<int[], int[], int[]>.ConfigurationModule
.Set(IMRUUpdateConfiguration<int[], int[], int[]>.UpdateFunction,
return TangFactory.GetTang().NewConfigurationBuilder(c)
internal sealed class TestUpdateFunction : IUpdateFunction<int[], int[], int[]>
private int _iterations;
private readonly int _maxIters;
private readonly int _dim;
private readonly int[] _intArr;
private readonly int _workers;
private readonly string _taskId;
private int _failureType;
private TestUpdateFunction(
[Parameter(typeof(BroadcastReduceConfiguration.NumberOfIterations))] int maxIters,
[Parameter(typeof(BroadcastReduceConfiguration.Dimensions))] int dim,
[Parameter(typeof(BroadcastReduceConfiguration.NumWorkers))] int numWorkers,
[Parameter(typeof(TaskConfigurationOptions.Identifier))] string taskId,
[Parameter(typeof(FaultTolerantPipelinedBroadcastAndReduce.FailureType))] int failureType)
_maxIters = maxIters;
_iterations = 0;
_dim = dim;
_intArr = new int[_dim];
_workers = numWorkers;
_taskId = taskId;
_failureType = failureType;
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "TestUpdateFunction: TaskId: {0}", _taskId);
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "Failure type: {0} failure", FaultTolerantPipelinedBroadcastAndReduce.FailureType.IsEvaluatorFailure(_failureType) ? "evaluator" : "task");
/// <summary>
/// Update function
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">integer array</param>
/// <returns>The same integer array</returns>
UpdateResult<int[], int[]> IUpdateFunction<int[], int[], int[]>.Update(int[] input)
if (input[0] != (_iterations + 1) * _workers)
Exceptions.Throw(new Exception("Expected input to update functon not same as actual input"), Logger);
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "Received value {0} in iteration {1}", input[0], _iterations);
if (_iterations < _maxIters)
for (int i = 0; i < _dim; i++)
_intArr[i] = _iterations + 1;
return UpdateResult<int[], int[]>.AnotherRound(_intArr);
return UpdateResult<int[], int[]>.Done(input);
/// <summary>
/// Initialize function. Sends integer array with value 1 to all mappers
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Map input</returns>
UpdateResult<int[], int[]> IUpdateFunction<int[], int[], int[]>.Initialize()
for (int i = 0; i < _dim; i++)
_intArr[i] = _iterations + 1;
return UpdateResult<int[], int[]>.AnotherRound(_intArr);
private void MakeException()
if (_iterations == 10 && !_taskId.EndsWith("-" + NumberOfRetry))
Logger.Log(Level.Warning, "Simulating {0} failure for taskId {1}",
FaultTolerantPipelinedBroadcastAndReduce.FailureType.IsEvaluatorFailure(_failureType) ? "evaluator" : "task",
if (FaultTolerantPipelinedBroadcastAndReduce.FailureType.IsEvaluatorFailure(_failureType))
// simulate evaluator failure
// simulate task failure
throw new ArgumentNullException("Simulating task failure");