blob: 1d83516a240a87265be70526bfcfba894515aecf [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Protobuf.ReefProtocol;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Tasks;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Tasks.Events;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Annotations;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Attributes;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Logging;
namespace Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Runtime.Evaluator.Task
internal sealed class TaskRuntime : IObserver<ICloseEvent>, IObserver<ISuspendEvent>, IObserver<IDriverMessage>
private static readonly Logger Logger = Logger.GetLogger(typeof(TaskRuntime));
private readonly TaskStatus _currentStatus;
private readonly Optional<IDriverConnectionMessageHandler> _driverConnectionMessageHandler;
private readonly Optional<IDriverMessageHandler> _driverMessageHandler;
private readonly ITask _userTask;
private readonly IInjectionFuture<IObserver<ISuspendEvent>> _suspendHandlerFuture;
private readonly IInjectionFuture<IObserver<ICloseEvent>> _closeHandlerFuture;
private int _taskRan = 0;
private int _taskClosed = 0;
private TaskRuntime(
ITask userTask,
IDriverMessageHandler driverMessageHandler,
IDriverConnectionMessageHandler driverConnectionMessageHandler,
TaskStatus taskStatus,
[Parameter(typeof(TaskConfigurationOptions.SuspendHandler))] IInjectionFuture<IObserver<ISuspendEvent>> suspendHandlerFuture,
[Parameter(typeof(TaskConfigurationOptions.CloseHandler))] IInjectionFuture<IObserver<ICloseEvent>> closedHandlerFuture)
_currentStatus = taskStatus;
_driverMessageHandler = Optional<IDriverMessageHandler>.Of(driverMessageHandler);
_driverConnectionMessageHandler = Optional<IDriverConnectionMessageHandler>.Of(driverConnectionMessageHandler);
_userTask = userTask;
_suspendHandlerFuture = suspendHandlerFuture;
_closeHandlerFuture = closedHandlerFuture;
public string TaskId
get { return _currentStatus.TaskId; }
public string ContextId
get { return _currentStatus.ContextId; }
/// <summary>
/// For testing only!
/// </summary>
internal ITask Task
get { return _userTask; }
/// <summary>
/// Runs the task asynchronously.
/// </summary>
public Thread StartTaskOnNewThread()
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _taskRan, 1) != 0)
// Return if we have already called StartTaskOnNewThread
throw new InvalidOperationException("TaskRun has already been called on TaskRuntime.");
var taskThread = new Thread(() =>
Logger.Log(Level.Verbose, "Set running status for task");
Logger.Log(Level.Verbose, "Calling into user's task.");
var result = _userTask.Call(null);
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "Task Call Finished");
const Level resultLogLevel = Level.Verbose;
if (Logger.IsLoggable(resultLogLevel) && result != null && result.Length > 0)
"Task running result:\r\n" + System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(result));
catch (TaskStartHandlerException e)
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "TaskRuntime::TaskStartHandlerException");
catch (TaskStopHandlerException e)
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "TaskRuntime::TaskStopHandlerException");
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "TaskRuntime::Exception {0}", e.GetType());
if (_userTask != null)
catch (Exception e)
e, Level.Error, "Exception in disposing Task but ignoring as Task has already completed.", Logger);
return taskThread;
public TaskState GetTaskState()
return _currentStatus.State;
/// <summary>
/// Called by heartbeat manager
/// </summary>
/// <returns> current TaskStatusProto </returns>
public TaskStatusProto GetStatusProto()
return _currentStatus.ToProto();
public bool HasEnded()
return _currentStatus.HasEnded();
public void Close(byte[] message)
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "Trying to close Task {0}", TaskId);
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _taskClosed, 1) != 0)
// Return if we have already called close. This can happen when TaskCloseHandler
// is invoked and throws an Exception before the Task is completed. The control flows
// to failing the Evaluator, which eventually tries to close the Task again on Dispose.
if (_currentStatus.IsNotRunning())
Logger.Log(Level.Warning, "Trying to close an task that is in {0} state. Ignored.", _currentStatus.State);
OnNext(new CloseEventImpl(message));
catch (Exception e)
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.CaughtAndThrow(e, Level.Error, "Error during Close.", Logger);
if (_userTask != null)
catch (Exception e)
new InvalidOperationException("Cannot dispose task properly", e),
"Exception during task dispose.",
public void Suspend(byte[] message)
Logger.Log(Level.Info, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Trying to suspend Task {0}", TaskId));
if (_currentStatus.IsNotRunning())
Logger.Log(Level.Warning, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Trying to suspend an task that is in {0} state. Ignored.", _currentStatus.State));
// An Exception in suspend should crash the Evaluator.
OnNext(new SuspendEventImpl(message));
public void Deliver(byte[] message)
if (_currentStatus.IsNotRunning())
Logger.Log(Level.Warning, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Trying to send a message to an task that is in {0} state. Ignored.", _currentStatus.State));
OnNext(new DriverMessageImpl(message));
public void OnNext(ICloseEvent value)
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "TaskRuntime::OnNext(ICloseEvent value)");
public void OnNext(ISuspendEvent value)
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "TaskRuntime::OnNext(ISuspendEvent value)");
/// <summary>
/// Call Handle on the user's DriverMessageHandler.
/// If the user's handler throws an Exception, the Exception will bubble up as
/// an Evaluator Exception and fail the Evaluator.
/// </summary>
public void OnNext(IDriverMessage value)
Logger.Log(Level.Verbose, "TaskRuntime::OnNext(IDriverMessage value)");
if (!_driverMessageHandler.IsPresent())
/// <summary>
/// Propagates the IDriverConnection message to the Handler as specified by the Task.
/// </summary>
internal void HandleDriverConnectionMessage(IDriverConnectionMessage message)
if (!_driverConnectionMessageHandler.IsPresent())
public void OnError(Exception error)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void OnCompleted()
throw new NotImplementedException();