blob: 7dd3fd5787c565c8fbae929f4170d6a4172e9b0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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using System;
using System.Reactive;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Annotations;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Attributes;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Logging;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Wake.Time;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Wake.Time.Event;
namespace Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Poison
/// <summary>
/// Handler to process an event in a way that has certain probability of failure within certain inverval of time.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of event</typeparam>
public class PoisonedEventHandler<T> : IObserver<T>
private static readonly Logger Logger = Logger.GetLogger(typeof(PoisonedEventHandler<T>));
private readonly double _crashProbability;
private readonly int _crashTimeout;
private readonly int _crashMinDelay;
private readonly IClock _clock;
private readonly Random _rand = new Random();
private PoisonedEventHandler(
[Parameter(typeof(CrashProbability))] double crashProbability,
[Parameter(typeof(CrashTimeout))] int crashTimeout,
[Parameter(typeof(CrashMinDelay))] int crashMinDelay,
IClock clock)
_crashProbability = crashProbability;
_crashTimeout = crashTimeout;
_crashMinDelay = crashMinDelay;
_clock = clock;
/// <summary>
/// Throws a PoisonException with probability CrashProbability between time CrashMinDelay and CrashMinDelay + CrashTimeout.
/// Uses a separate thread to throw the exception.
/// </summary>
public void OnNext(T value)
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "Poisoned handler for {0}", typeof(T).FullName);
if (_rand.NextDouble() <= _crashProbability)
int timeToCrash = _rand.Next(_crashTimeout) + _crashMinDelay;
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "Poisoning successful, crashing in {0} msec.", timeToCrash);
IObserver<Alarm> poisonedAlarm = Observer.Create<Alarm>(
x =>
Logger.Log(Level.Verbose, "Alarm firing");
throw new PoisonException("Crashed at " + DateTime.Now);
_clock.ScheduleAlarm(timeToCrash, poisonedAlarm);
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "No poisoning happens");
public void OnError(Exception error)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void OnCompleted()
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// <summary>
/// Exception thrown by PoisonedEventHandler.
/// </summary>
public class PoisonException : Exception
public PoisonException(string s) : base(s)
public PoisonException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
: base(info, context)
[NamedParameter("The probability with which a crash will occur", "CrashProbability", "0.5")]
public class CrashProbability : Name<double>
[NamedParameter("The time window (in msec) after crash delay completes in which the crash will occur", "CrashTimeout", "1000")]
public class CrashTimeout : Name<int>
[NamedParameter("The time period (in msec) after event in which the crash is guaranteed to not occur", "CrashMinDelay", "0")]
public class CrashMinDelay : Name<int>