blob: 6cb06d2291f5da6b0fef84d684d4152e5882ef32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Exceptions;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.ClassHierarchy;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Interface;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Types;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Util;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Logging;
using ProtoBuf;
namespace Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Protobuf
public sealed class ProtocolBufferClassHierarchy : IClassHierarchy
private static readonly Logger LOGGER = Logger.GetLogger(typeof(ProtocolBufferClassHierarchy));
private readonly IPackageNode rootNode;
private readonly IDictionary<string, INode> lookupTable = new Dictionary<string, INode>();
private readonly IDictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> _aliasLookupTable = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>>();
public static void Serialize(string fileName, IClassHierarchy classHierarchy)
Node node = Serialize(classHierarchy);
using (var file = File.Create(fileName))
Serializer.Serialize<Node>(file, node);
public static Node Serialize(IClassHierarchy classHierarchy)
return SerializeNode(classHierarchy.GetNamespace());
private static Node SerializeNode(INode n)
IList<Node> children = new List<Node>();
foreach (INode child in n.GetChildren())
if (n is IClassNode)
IClassNode cn = (IClassNode)n;
IList<IConstructorDef> injectable = cn.GetInjectableConstructors();
IList<IConstructorDef> all = cn.GetAllConstructors();
IList<IConstructorDef> others = new List<IConstructorDef>(all);
foreach (var c in injectable)
IList<ConstructorDef> injectableConstructors = new List<ConstructorDef>();
foreach (IConstructorDef inj in injectable)
IList<ConstructorDef> otherConstructors = new List<ConstructorDef>();
foreach (IConstructorDef other in others)
List<string> implFullNames = new List<string>();
foreach (IClassNode impl in cn.GetKnownImplementations())
implFullNames.Add(impl.GetFullName()); // we use class fully qualifed name
return NewClassNode(cn.GetName(), cn.GetFullName(),
cn.IsInjectionCandidate(), cn.IsExternalConstructor(), cn.IsUnit(),
injectableConstructors, otherConstructors, implFullNames, children);
if (n is INamedParameterNode)
INamedParameterNode np = (INamedParameterNode)n;
return NewNamedParameterNode(np.GetName(), np.GetFullName(),
np.GetSimpleArgName(), np.GetFullArgName(), np.IsSet(), np.IsList(), np.GetDocumentation(),
np.GetShortName(), np.GetDefaultInstanceAsStrings(), children, np.GetAlias(), np.GetAliasLanguage());
if (n is IPackageNode)
return NewPackageNode(n.GetName(), n.GetFullName(), children);
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new IllegalStateException("Encountered unknown type of Node: " + n), LOGGER);
return null;
private static ConstructorDef SerializeConstructorDef(IConstructorDef def)
IList<ConstructorArg> args = new List<ConstructorArg>();
foreach (IConstructorArg arg in def.GetArgs())
args.Add(NewConstructorArg(arg.Gettype(), arg.GetNamedParameterName(), arg.IsInjectionFuture()));
return newConstructorDef(def.GetClassName(), args);
private static ConstructorArg NewConstructorArg(
string fullArgClassName, string namedParameterName, bool isFuture)
ConstructorArg constArg = new ConstructorArg();
constArg.full_arg_class_name = fullArgClassName;
constArg.named_parameter_name = namedParameterName;
constArg.is_injection_future = isFuture;
return constArg;
private static ConstructorDef newConstructorDef(
string fullClassName, IList<ConstructorArg> args)
ConstructorDef constDef = new ConstructorDef();
constDef.full_class_name = fullClassName;
foreach (ConstructorArg arg in args)
return constDef;
private static Node NewClassNode(string name,
string fullName, bool isInjectionCandidate,
bool isExternalConstructor, bool isUnit,
IList<ConstructorDef> injectableConstructors,
IList<ConstructorDef> otherConstructors,
IList<string> implFullNames, IList<Node> children)
ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode();
classNode.is_injection_candidate = isInjectionCandidate;
foreach (var ic in injectableConstructors)
foreach (var oc in otherConstructors)
foreach (var implFullName in implFullNames)
Node n = new Node(); = name;
n.full_name = fullName;
n.class_node = classNode;
foreach (var c in children)
return n;
private static Node NewNamedParameterNode(string name,
string fullName, string simpleArgClassName, string fullArgClassName,
bool isSet, bool isList, string documentation, // can be null
string shortName, // can be null
string[] instanceDefault, // can be null
IList<Node> children,
string alias, Language aliasLanguage)
NamedParameterNode namedParameterNode = new NamedParameterNode();
namedParameterNode.simple_arg_class_name = simpleArgClassName;
namedParameterNode.full_arg_class_name = fullArgClassName;
namedParameterNode.is_set = isSet;
namedParameterNode.is_list = isList;
if (documentation != null)
namedParameterNode.documentation = documentation;
if (shortName != null)
namedParameterNode.short_name = shortName;
if (alias != null)
namedParameterNode.alias_name = alias;
namedParameterNode.alias_language = aliasLanguage.ToString();
foreach (var id in instanceDefault)
Node n = new Node(); = name;
n.full_name = fullName;
n.named_parameter_node = namedParameterNode;
foreach (var c in children)
return n;
private static Node NewPackageNode(string name,
string fullName, IList<Node> children)
PackageNode packageNode = new PackageNode();
Node n = new Node(); = name;
n.full_name = fullName;
n.package_node = packageNode;
foreach (var c in children)
return n;
public static IClassHierarchy DeSerialize(string fileName)
Node root;
using (var file = File.OpenRead(fileName))
root = Serializer.Deserialize<Node>(file);
return new ProtocolBufferClassHierarchy(root);
// create a ProtocolBufferClassHierarchy with empty nodes and lookup table. It can be used to merge other class hierarchy to it
public ProtocolBufferClassHierarchy()
this.rootNode = new PackageNodeImpl();
public ProtocolBufferClassHierarchy(Node root)
this.rootNode = new PackageNodeImpl();
if (root.package_node == null)
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new ArgumentException("Expected a package node. Got: " + root), LOGGER);
// Register all the classes.
foreach (Node child in root.children)
ParseSubHierarchy(rootNode, child);
foreach (Node child in root.children)
public void BuildHashTable(INode n)
foreach (INode child in n.GetChildren())
lookupTable.Add(child.GetFullName(), child);
if (child is INamedParameterNode)
private void AddAlias(INamedParameterNode np)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(np.GetAlias()))
IDictionary<string, string> mapping = null;
_aliasLookupTable.TryGetValue(np.GetAliasLanguage().ToString(), out mapping);
if (mapping == null)
mapping = new Dictionary<string, string>();
_aliasLookupTable.Add(np.GetAliasLanguage().ToString(), mapping);
mapping.Add(np.GetAlias(), np.GetFullName());
catch (Exception)
var e = new ApplicationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Duplicated alias {0} on named parameter {1}.", np.GetAlias(), np.GetFullName()));
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
private static void ParseSubHierarchy(INode parent, Node n)
INode parsed = null;
if (n.package_node != null)
parsed = new PackageNodeImpl(parent,, n.full_name);
else if (n.named_parameter_node != null)
NamedParameterNode np = n.named_parameter_node;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(np.alias_name) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(np.alias_language))
Language language;
Enum.TryParse(np.alias_language, true, out language);
catch (Exception)
string msg = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Language {0} passed in is not supported", np.alias_language);
throw new ArgumentException(msg);
parsed = new NamedParameterNodeImpl(parent,,
n.full_name, np.full_arg_class_name, np.simple_arg_class_name,
np.is_set, np.is_list, np.documentation, np.short_name,
np.instance_default.ToArray(), np.alias_name, language);
parsed = new NamedParameterNodeImpl(parent,,
n.full_name, np.full_arg_class_name, np.simple_arg_class_name,
np.is_set, np.is_list, np.documentation, np.short_name,
else if (n.class_node != null)
ClassNode cn = n.class_node;
IList<IConstructorDef> injectableConstructors = new List<IConstructorDef>();
IList<IConstructorDef> allConstructors = new List<IConstructorDef>();
foreach (ConstructorDef injectable in cn.InjectableConstructors)
IConstructorDef def = ParseConstructorDef(injectable, true);
foreach (ConstructorDef other in cn.OtherConstructors)
IConstructorDef def = ParseConstructorDef(other, false);
IConstructorDef[] dummy = new ConstructorDefImpl[0];
parsed = new ClassNodeImpl(parent,, n.full_name,
cn.is_unit, cn.is_injection_candidate,
cn.is_external_constructor, injectableConstructors,
allConstructors, cn.default_implementation);
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new IllegalStateException("Bad protocol buffer: got abstract node" + n), LOGGER);
foreach (Node child in n.children)
ParseSubHierarchy(parsed, child);
private static IConstructorDef ParseConstructorDef(ConstructorDef def, bool isInjectable)
IList<IConstructorArg> args = new List<IConstructorArg>();
foreach (ConstructorArg arg in def.args)
args.Add(new ConstructorArgImpl(arg.full_arg_class_name, arg.named_parameter_name, arg.is_injection_future));
return new ConstructorDefImpl(def.full_class_name, args.ToArray(), isInjectable);
private void WireUpInheritanceRelationships(Node n)
if (n.class_node != null)
ClassNode cn = n.class_node;
IClassNode iface = null;
iface = (IClassNode)GetNode(n.full_name);
catch (NameResolutionException e)
Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(e, Level.Error, LOGGER);
var ex = new IllegalStateException("When reading protocol buffer node "
+ n.full_name + " does not exist. Full record is " + n, e);
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
foreach (string impl in cn.impl_full_names)
catch (NameResolutionException e)
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(e, Level.Error, LOGGER);
var ex = new IllegalStateException("When reading protocol buffer node "
+ n + " refers to non-existent implementation:" + impl);
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
catch (InvalidCastException e)
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(e, Level.Error, LOGGER);
var ex = new IllegalStateException(
"When reading protocol buffer node " + n
+ " found implementation" + GetNode(impl)
+ " which is not a ClassNode!");
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
catch (NameResolutionException ne)
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(ne, Level.Error, LOGGER);
var ex = new IllegalStateException(
"Got 'cant happen' exception when producing error message for " + e);
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
public INode GetNode(string fullName)
INode ret;
lookupTable.TryGetValue(fullName, out ret);
if (ret == null)
var ex = new NameResolutionException(fullName, "Cannot resolve the name from the class hierarchy during deserialization: " + fullName);
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// This method get INode from deSerialized class hierarchy by fullName.
/// If the name is not found, it will found alias for aliasLanguage. If alias is found,
/// it will use the alias to do look up again.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fullName"></param>
/// <param name="aliasLanguage"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public INode GetNode(string fullName, string aliasLanguage)
INode ret = null;
lookupTable.TryGetValue(fullName, out ret);
if (ret == null)
IDictionary<string, string> mapping = null;
string assemblyName = null;
_aliasLookupTable.TryGetValue(aliasLanguage, out mapping);
if (mapping != null)
mapping.TryGetValue(fullName, out assemblyName);
if (assemblyName != null)
lookupTable.TryGetValue(assemblyName, out ret);
if (mapping == null || assemblyName == null || ret == null)
var ex = new NameResolutionException(fullName, "Cannot resolve the name from the class hierarchy during de-serialization: " + fullName);
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);
return ret;
public INode GetNamespace()
return rootNode;
public bool IsImplementation(IClassNode inter, IClassNode impl)
return impl.IsImplementationOf(inter);
public IClassHierarchy Merge(IClassHierarchy ch)
if (this == ch)
return this;
if (!(ch is ProtocolBufferClassHierarchy))
Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new NotSupportedException(
"Cannot merge ExternalClassHierarchies yet!"), LOGGER);
ProtocolBufferClassHierarchy pch = (ProtocolBufferClassHierarchy)ch;
foreach (var pair in pch.lookupTable)
if (!this.lookupTable.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
foreach (INode n in ch.GetNamespace().GetChildren())
if (!rootNode.Contains(n.GetFullName()))
if (n is INamedParameterNode)
INamedParameterNode np = (INamedParameterNode)n;
new NamedParameterNodeImpl(this.rootNode, np.GetName(),
np.GetFullName(), np.GetFullArgName(), np.GetSimpleArgName(),
np.IsSet(), np.IsList(), np.GetDocumentation(), np.GetShortName(),
else if (n is IClassNode)
IClassNode cn = (IClassNode)n;
new ClassNodeImpl(rootNode, cn.GetName(), cn.GetFullName(),
cn.IsUnit(), cn.IsInjectionCandidate(),
cn.IsExternalConstructor(), cn.GetInjectableConstructors(),
cn.GetAllConstructors(), cn.GetDefaultImplementation());
return this;