blob: f7150e542f050da5b3a0d05cacfcd13863a3e69b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Annotations;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Exceptions;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Interface;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Types;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Util;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Logging;
namespace Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.ClassHierarchy
internal static class NodeFactory
private static readonly Logger LOGGER = Logger.GetLogger(typeof(NodeFactory));
public static IPackageNode CreateRootPackageNode()
return new PackageNodeImpl();
public static INode CreateClassNode(INode parent, Type clazz)
// var namedParameter = clazz.GetCustomAttribute<NamedParameterAttribute>();
var unit = null != clazz.GetCustomAttribute<UnitAttribute>();
string simpleName = ReflectionUtilities.GetName(clazz);
string fullName = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(clazz);
//// bool isStatic = true; // clazz.IsSealed && clazz.IsAbstract; always true in C# for Java static class
//// bool injectable = true; // always true in C#
bool isAssignableFromExternalConstructor = ReflectionUtilities.IsAssignableFromIgnoreGeneric(typeof(IExternalConstructor<>), clazz);
// bool parentIsUnit = false;
////No such thing in C#, should be false
////bool foundNonStaticInnerClass = false;
////foreach (Type c in clazz.getNestedTypes()) {
//// if (!Modifier.isStatic(c.getModifiers())) {
//// foundNonStaticInnerClass = true;
//// }
var injectableConstructors = new List<IConstructorDef>();
var allConstructors = new List<IConstructorDef>();
foreach (ConstructorInfo c in clazz.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
var constructorAnnotatedInjectable = null != c.GetCustomAttribute<InjectAttribute>();
bool constructorInjectable = constructorAnnotatedInjectable;
ConstructorDefImpl constructorDef = CreateConstructorDef(c, constructorAnnotatedInjectable);
if (constructorInjectable)
// if (injectableConstructors.Contains(constructorDef))
if (constructorDef.IsInList(injectableConstructors))
var e = new ClassHierarchyException(
"Ambiguous boundConstructors detected in class " + clazz + ": "
+ constructorDef + " differs from some other" + " constructor only "
+ "by parameter order.");
Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
string defaultImplementation = null;
DefaultImplementationAttribute defaultImpl = clazz.GetCustomAttribute<DefaultImplementationAttribute>();
if (null != defaultImpl)
Type defaultImplementationClazz = defaultImpl.Value;
if (defaultImplementationClazz == null)
defaultImplementation = defaultImpl.Name;
if (!ReflectionUtilities.IsAssignableFromIgnoreGeneric(clazz, defaultImplementationClazz))
var e = new ClassHierarchyException(clazz
+ " declares its default implementation to be non-subclass "
+ defaultImplementationClazz);
Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
defaultImplementation = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(defaultImplementationClazz);
defaultImplementation = null;
return new ClassNodeImpl(parent, simpleName, fullName, unit, true, isAssignableFromExternalConstructor,
injectableConstructors, allConstructors, defaultImplementation);
private static ConstructorDefImpl CreateConstructorDef(ConstructorInfo constructor, bool injectable)
var parameters = constructor.GetParameters();
IConstructorArg[] args = new ConstructorArgImpl[parameters.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
// TODO for getInterfaceTarget() call
Type type = parameters[i].ParameterType;
type = ReflectionUtilities.EnsureInterfaceType(type);
////if (type.IsGenericType && type.FullName == null)
//// type = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
bool isFuture;
if (ReflectionUtilities.IsAssignableFromIgnoreGeneric(typeof(IInjectionFuture<>), type))
type = ReflectionUtilities.GetInterfaceTarget(typeof(IInjectionFuture<>), type);
isFuture = true;
isFuture = false;
ParameterAttribute named = parameters[i].GetCustomAttribute<ParameterAttribute>();
if (named != null && !injectable)
Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new ClassHierarchyException(constructor + " is not injectable, but it has an @Parameter annotation."), LOGGER);
if (type == null)
Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new ApplicationException("Exception"), LOGGER);
string typename = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(type);
if (typename == null)
typename = type.Name;
args[i] = new ConstructorArgImpl(typename, named == null ? null : ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(named.Value), isFuture);
return new ConstructorDefImpl(ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(constructor.DeclaringType), args, injectable);
public static INamedParameterNode CreateNamedParameterNode(INode parent, Type clazz, Type argClass)
Type setRawArgType = ReflectionUtilities.GetInterfaceTarget(typeof(ISet<>), argClass);
bool isSet = setRawArgType != null;
if (isSet)
argClass = setRawArgType;
Type listRawArgType = ReflectionUtilities.GetInterfaceTargetForType(typeof(IList<>), argClass);
bool isList = listRawArgType != null;
if (isList)
argClass = listRawArgType;
string simpleName = ReflectionUtilities.GetName(clazz);
string fullName = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(clazz);
string fullArgName = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(argClass);
string simpleArgName = ReflectionUtilities.GetName(argClass);
NamedParameterAttribute namedParameter = clazz.GetCustomAttribute<NamedParameterAttribute>();
if (namedParameter == null)
Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new IllegalStateException("Got name without named parameter post-validation!"), LOGGER);
bool hasStringDefault, hasClassDefault, hasStringSetDefault, hasClassSetDefault;
int default_count = 0;
if (namedParameter.DefaultValue == null || namedParameter.DefaultValue.Equals(NamedParameterAttribute.ReefUninitializedValue))
hasStringDefault = false;
hasStringDefault = true;
if (namedParameter.DefaultClass != null /*Void.class*/)
hasClassDefault = true;
hasClassDefault = false;
if (namedParameter.DefaultValues != null && namedParameter.DefaultValues.Length > 0)
hasStringSetDefault = true;
hasStringSetDefault = false;
if (namedParameter.DefaultClasses != null && namedParameter.DefaultClasses.Length > 0)
hasClassSetDefault = true;
hasClassSetDefault = false;
if (default_count > 1)
var e = new ClassHierarchyException("Named parameter " + fullName + " defines more than one of default_value, default_class, default_values and default_classes");
Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);
string[] defaultInstanceAsStrings = new string[] { };
if (default_count == 0)
defaultInstanceAsStrings = new string[] { };
else if (hasClassDefault)
Type default_class = namedParameter.DefaultClass;
AssertIsSubclassOf(clazz, default_class, argClass);
defaultInstanceAsStrings = new string[] { ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(default_class) };
else if (hasStringDefault)
// Don't know if the string is a class or literal here, so don't bother validating.
defaultInstanceAsStrings = new string[] { namedParameter.DefaultValue };
else if (hasClassSetDefault)
Type[] clzs = namedParameter.DefaultClasses;
defaultInstanceAsStrings = new string[clzs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < clzs.Length; i++)
AssertIsSubclassOf(clazz, clzs[i], argClass);
defaultInstanceAsStrings[i] = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(clzs[i]);
else if (hasStringSetDefault)
defaultInstanceAsStrings = namedParameter.DefaultValues;
Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new IllegalStateException(), LOGGER);
string documentation = namedParameter.Documentation;
string shortName = namedParameter.ShortName;
if (namedParameter.ShortName != null && namedParameter.ShortName.Length == 0)
shortName = null;
return new NamedParameterNodeImpl(parent, simpleName, fullName,
fullArgName, simpleArgName, isSet, isList, documentation, shortName, defaultInstanceAsStrings, namedParameter.Alias, namedParameter.AliasLanguage);
// private static void assertIsSubclassOf(Class<?> named_parameter, Class<?> default_class, Type argClass) {
private static void AssertIsSubclassOf(Type namedparameter, Type defaultclass, Type argClass)
bool isSubclass = false;
string argClassName = ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(argClass);
foreach (Type t in ReflectionUtilities.ClassAndAncestors(defaultclass))
if (argClassName.Equals(ReflectionUtilities.GetAssemblyQualifiedName(t)))
isSubclass = true;
if (!isSubclass)
var e = new ClassHierarchyException(namedparameter + " defines a default class "
+ ReflectionUtilities.GetName(defaultclass) + " with a type that does not extend of its target's type " + argClass);
Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(e, LOGGER);