blob: 0c5cceb6a762c86aa4a56d52c7ce81f1a1e378c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Context;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Events;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Driver.Context;
using Org.Apache.REEF.IMRU.OnREEF.Driver;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Annotations;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.Tang;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Interface;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Util;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Logging;
using Xunit;
using KillEvaluatorContextStartHandler = Org.Apache.REEF.Tests.Functional.IMRU.TestFailUpdateEvaluatorOnWaitingForEvaluator.KillEvaluatorContextStartHandler;
namespace Org.Apache.REEF.Tests.Functional.IMRU
public sealed class TestFailMapperEvaluatorOnWaitingForEvaluatorAndExecution : TestFailMapperEvaluators
/// <summary>
/// This test is to fail a mapper evaluator at WaitingForEvaluator state, then fail two evaluators during the task execution
/// </summary>
public override void TestFailedMapperOnLocalRuntime()
int chunkSize = 2;
int dims = 10;
int iterations = 1000;
int mapperMemory = 5120;
int updateTaskMemory = 5120;
int numTasks = 8;
string testFolder = DefaultRuntimeFolder + TestId;
TestBroadCastAndReduce(false, numTasks, chunkSize, dims, iterations, mapperMemory, updateTaskMemory, NumberOfRetry, testFolder);
string[] lines = ReadLogFile(DriverStdout, "driver", testFolder, 240);
var completedTaskCount = GetMessageCount(lines, CompletedTaskMessage);
var runningTaskCount = GetMessageCount(lines, RunningTaskMessage);
var failedEvaluatorCount = GetMessageCount(lines, FailedEvaluatorMessage);
var failedTaskCount = GetMessageCount(lines, FailedTaskMessage);
var jobSuccess = GetMessageCount(lines, IMRUDriver<int[], int[], int[], int[]>.DoneActionPrefix);
// on each try each task should fail or complete or disappear with failed evaluator
// and on each try all tasks should start successfully
// There is an additional failed evaluator in the first time before tasks are submitted
Assert.True((NumberOfRetry + 1) * numTasks >= completedTaskCount + failedEvaluatorCount - 1 + failedTaskCount);
Assert.True(NumberOfRetry * numTasks < completedTaskCount + failedEvaluatorCount - 1 + failedTaskCount);
// There is a designed EvaluatorFailure in a childContext in the first run.
// If this failure happens before all the tasks are submitted, after re-request an Evaluator, in the later tries,
// we should always receive 8 running tasks in each try.
// The evaluator can also fail after tasks are submitted. This is because as soon as the driver gets all the active contexts, it will start to submit tasks.
// It is possible the driver gets FailedEvalautor before receiving the RunningTask which is submitted on this failed Evaluator
// for the reason of "Attempting to spawn a child context when an Task with id 'xxxxx' is running"
// In this case, in the first run, we will get only 7 RunningTasks instead of 8.
Assert.True((((NumberOfRetry + 1) * numTasks) - 1) <= runningTaskCount);
// eventually job succeeds
Assert.Equal(1, jobSuccess);
/// <summary>
/// This test is to fail a mapper evaluator at WaitingForEvaluator state, then fail two evaluators during the task execution
/// </summary>
[Trait("Environment", "Yarn")]
public override void TestFailedMapperOnYarn()
int chunkSize = 2;
int dims = 10;
int iterations = 1000;
int mapperMemory = 5120;
int updateTaskMemory = 5120;
int numTasks = 4;
int numberOfRetryInRecovery = 2;
TestBroadCastAndReduce(true, numTasks, chunkSize, dims, iterations, mapperMemory, updateTaskMemory, numberOfRetryInRecovery);
/// <summary>
/// This method defines event handlers for driver. As default, it uses all the handlers defined in IMRUDriver.
/// </summary>
protected override IConfiguration DriverEventHandlerConfigurations<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>()
return REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.ConfigurationModule
.Set(REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.OnTaskCompleted, GenericType<MessageLogger>.Class)
.Set(REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.OnTaskFailed, GenericType<MessageLogger>.Class)
.Set(REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.OnTaskRunning, GenericType<MessageLogger>.Class)
.Set(REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.OnEvaluatorFailed, GenericType<MessageLogger>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
GenericType<IMRUDriver<TMapInput, TMapOutput, TResult, TPartitionType>>.Class)
.Set(REEF.Driver.DriverConfiguration.CustomTraceLevel, TraceLevel.Info.ToString())
/// <summary>
/// Another context handler that will submit a child context if the active context received is the specified mapper context
/// </summary>
private sealed class AnotherContextHandler : IObserver<IActiveContext>
/// <summary>
/// Make sure we only fail the context once
/// </summary>
private static bool done;
private AnotherContextHandler()
public void OnCompleted()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void OnError(Exception error)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void OnNext(IActiveContext activeContext)
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "Receiving IActiveContext with context id {0}, Evaluator id : {1}.", activeContext.Id, activeContext.EvaluatorId);
if (!done && activeContext.Id.StartsWith("DataLoading-Node-1"))
Logger.Log(Level.Info, "Submitting KillEvaluatorContextStartHandler");
var contextConf = ContextConfiguration.ConfigurationModule
.Set(ContextConfiguration.Identifier, "KillEvaluatorContext")
var childContextConf =
.BindSetEntry<ContextConfigurationOptions.StartHandlers, KillEvaluatorContextStartHandler, IObserver<IContextStart>>(GenericType<ContextConfigurationOptions.StartHandlers>.Class, GenericType<KillEvaluatorContextStartHandler>.Class)
done = true;