blob: 78ebe3847d02c3a6e7317ab17e47f04e2144617c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Metrics.Api;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Metrics.MetricsSystem;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.Tang;
using Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Util;
using Xunit;
namespace Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Tests.Metrics
/// <summary>
/// Tests for <see cref="MetricsCollectorMutable"/>, <see cref="MetricsRecord"/>
/// and <see cref="MetricsRecordBuilder"/>.
/// </summary>
public sealed class MetricsCollectorTests
/// <summary>
/// Tests <see cref="MetricsRecord"/>. Creates immutable metrics of
/// various types and verifies that they are properly passed and stored
/// in the record.
/// </summary>
public void TestMetricsRecord()
const string name = "recname";
const string desc = "rec desc";
const long timeStamp = 1000;
const string context = "context";
const string counterName = "counter";
const long counterValue = 2;
const string gaugeName = "gauge";
const double gaugeValue = 3.0;
const string tagName = "tagName";
const string tagValue = "tagValue";
IList<IImmutableMetric> metrics = new List<IImmutableMetric>();
metrics.Add(new ImmutableCounter(new MetricsInfoImpl(counterName, counterName), counterValue));
metrics.Add(new ImmutableDoubleGauge(new MetricsInfoImpl(gaugeName, gaugeName), gaugeValue));
IList<MetricsTag> tags = new List<MetricsTag>();
tags.Add(new MetricsTag(new MetricsInfoImpl(tagName, tagName), tagValue));
MetricsInfoImpl info = new MetricsInfoImpl(name, desc);
MetricsRecord record = new MetricsRecord(info, timeStamp, metrics, tags, context);
Assert.Equal(name, record.Name);
Assert.Equal(desc, record.Description);
Assert.Equal(context, record.Context);
Assert.Equal(timeStamp, record.Timestamp);
Assert.Equal(metrics, record.Metrics);
Assert.Equal(tags, record.Tags);
/// <summary>
/// Tests various functions of <see cref="MetricsRecordBuilder"/>. Adds various
/// metrics using function calls in <see cref="MetricsRecordBuilder"/> and then verify
/// that the created record has all the metric values pushed via relevant function calls.
/// </summary>
public void TestMetricsRecordBuilder()
const string name = "collName";
const string desc = "coll desc";
const string context = "context";
IList<string> counterName = new List<string>() { "counter1", "counter2" };
IList<long> counterValue = new List<long>() { 2, 6 };
const string doubleGaugeName = "doublegauge";
const double doubleGaugeValue = 3.0;
const string longGaugeName = "longgauge";
const long longGaugeValue = 4;
IList<string> tagName = new List<string>() { "tagName1", "tagName2", "tagName3" };
IList<string> tagValue = new List<string>() { "tagValue1", "tagValue2", "tagValue3" };
IList<string> tagDesc = new List<string>() { "tagName1", "tagDesc2", "tagDesc3" };
var collector = new MetricTestUtils.MetricsCollectorTestImpl();
MetricsRecordBuilder rb = new MetricsRecordBuilder(collector, new MetricsInfoImpl(name, desc));
// Push different metrics via relevant function calls.
rb.AddCounter(new MetricsInfoImpl(counterName[0], counterName[0]), counterValue[0])
.Add(new ImmutableCounter(new MetricsInfoImpl(counterName[1], counterName[1]), counterValue[1]))
.AddGauge(new MetricsInfoImpl(longGaugeName, longGaugeName), longGaugeValue)
.AddGauge(new MetricsInfoImpl(doubleGaugeName, doubleGaugeName), doubleGaugeValue)
.AddTag(tagName[0], tagValue[0])
.AddTag(new MetricsInfoImpl(tagName[1], tagDesc[1]), tagValue[1])
.Add(new MetricsTag(new MetricsInfoImpl(tagName[2], tagDesc[2]), tagValue[2]))
TimeSpan t = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));
long expectedTimeStamp = (long)t.TotalSeconds;
// Get the created record.
var record = rb.GetRecord();
Assert.Equal(name, record.Name);
Assert.Equal(desc, record.Description);
Assert.True(record.Timestamp >= expectedTimeStamp);
Assert.Equal(context, record.Context);
int counter = 0;
Assert.Equal(tagName.Count + 1, record.Tags.Count());
// Verify that relevant tags are present.
foreach (var tag in record.Tags)
if (counter < tagName.Count)
Assert.Equal(tagName[counter], tag.Name);
Assert.Equal(tagValue[counter], tag.Value);
Assert.Equal(tagDesc[counter], tag.Description);
Assert.Equal(MetricsSystemConstants.Context, tag.Name);
Assert.Equal(MetricsSystemConstants.Context, tag.Description);
Assert.Equal(context, tag.Value);
counter = 0;
Assert.Equal(counterName.Count + 2, record.Metrics.Count());
// Verify that relevant counters and gauges are there.
foreach (var metric in record.Metrics)
if (counter < 2)
Assert.Equal(MetricType.Counter, metric.TypeOfMetric);
Assert.Equal(counterName[counter], metric.Info.Name);
Assert.Equal(counterValue[counter], metric.LongValue);
Assert.Equal(MetricType.Gauge, metric.TypeOfMetric);
if (counter == 2)
Assert.Equal(longGaugeName, metric.Info.Name);
Assert.Equal(longGaugeValue, metric.LongValue);
Assert.Equal(doubleGaugeName, metric.Info.Name);
Assert.Equal(doubleGaugeValue, metric.NumericValue);
/// <summary>
/// Tests various fucntions of <see cref="MetricsCollectorMutable"/>. Creates two records
/// using the collector and verify that they are correctly created and returned.
/// </summary>
public void TestMetricsCollector()
IList<string> recNames = new List<string>() { "recName1", "recName2" };
const string counterName = "counter";
const long counterValue = 2;
const string doubleGaugeName = "gauge";
const double doubleGaugeValue = 3.0;
var collector =
.AddCounter(new MetricsInfoImpl(counterName, counterName), counterValue)
.CreateRecord(new MetricsInfoImpl(recNames[1], recNames[1]))
.AddGauge(new MetricsInfoImpl(doubleGaugeName, doubleGaugeName), doubleGaugeValue)
var records = collector.GetRecords();
Assert.Equal(recNames.Count, records.Count());
int counter = 0;
foreach (var record in records)
Assert.Equal(recNames[counter], record.Name);
if (counter == 0)
Assert.Equal(counterValue, record.Metrics.First().LongValue);
Assert.Equal(doubleGaugeValue, record.Metrics.First().NumericValue);
Assert.Equal(0, collector.GetRecords().Count());