blob: eeb28a7d6dc2ec6405010c85a47a2a84aec12746 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ratis.client;
import org.apache.ratis.RaftConfigKeys;
import org.apache.ratis.client.impl.ClientImplUtils;
import org.apache.ratis.conf.Parameters;
import org.apache.ratis.conf.RaftProperties;
import org.apache.ratis.protocol.*;
import org.apache.ratis.retry.RetryPolicies;
import org.apache.ratis.retry.RetryPolicy;
import org.apache.ratis.rpc.RpcType;
import org.apache.ratis.proto.RaftProtos.ReplicationLevel;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
/** A client who sends requests to a raft service. */
public interface RaftClient extends Closeable {
Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RaftClient.class);
/** @return the id of this client. */
ClientId getId();
/** @return the client rpct. */
RaftClientRpc getClientRpc();
* Async call to send the given message to the raft service.
* The message may change the state of the service.
* For readonly messages, use {@link #sendReadOnlyAsync(Message)} instead.
* @param message The request message.
* @return a future of the reply.
CompletableFuture<RaftClientReply> sendAsync(Message message);
/** Async call to send the given readonly message to the raft service. */
CompletableFuture<RaftClientReply> sendReadOnlyAsync(Message message);
/** Async call to send the given stale-read message to the given server (not the raft service). */
CompletableFuture<RaftClientReply> sendStaleReadAsync(Message message, long minIndex, RaftPeerId server);
/** Async call to watch the given index to satisfy the given replication level. */
CompletableFuture<RaftClientReply> sendWatchAsync(long index, ReplicationLevel replication);
* Send the given message to the raft service.
* The message may change the state of the service.
* For readonly messages, use {@link #sendReadOnly(Message)} instead.
* @param message The request message.
* @return the reply.
RaftClientReply send(Message message) throws IOException;
/** Send the given readonly message to the raft service. */
RaftClientReply sendReadOnly(Message message) throws IOException;
/** Send the given stale-read message to the given server (not the raft service). */
RaftClientReply sendStaleRead(Message message, long minIndex, RaftPeerId server) throws IOException;
/** Watch the given index to satisfy the given replication level. */
RaftClientReply sendWatch(long index, ReplicationLevel replication) throws IOException;
/** Send set configuration request to the raft service. */
RaftClientReply setConfiguration(RaftPeer[] serversInNewConf) throws IOException;
/** Send groupAdd request to the given server (not the raft service). */
RaftClientReply groupAdd(RaftGroup newGroup, RaftPeerId server) throws IOException;
/** Send groupRemove request to the given server (not the raft service). */
RaftClientReply groupRemove(RaftGroupId groupId, boolean deleteDirectory, RaftPeerId server) throws IOException;
/** Send getGroupList request to the given server.*/
GroupListReply getGroupList(RaftPeerId server) throws IOException;
/** Send getGroupInfo request to the given server.*/
GroupInfoReply getGroupInfo(RaftGroupId group, RaftPeerId server) throws IOException;
/** @return a {@link Builder}. */
static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
/** To build {@link RaftClient} objects. */
class Builder {
private ClientId clientId;
private RaftClientRpc clientRpc;
private RaftGroup group;
private RaftPeerId leaderId;
private RaftProperties properties;
private Parameters parameters;
private RetryPolicy retryPolicy = RetryPolicies.retryForeverNoSleep();
private Builder() {}
/** @return a {@link RaftClient} object. */
public RaftClient build() {
if (clientId == null) {
clientId = ClientId.randomId();
if (properties != null) {
if (clientRpc == null) {
final RpcType rpcType = RaftConfigKeys.Rpc.type(properties, LOG::debug);
final ClientFactory factory = ClientFactory.cast(rpcType.newFactory(parameters));
clientRpc = factory.newRaftClientRpc(clientId, properties);
return ClientImplUtils.newRaftClient(clientId,
Objects.requireNonNull(group, "The 'group' field is not initialized."),
Objects.requireNonNull(clientRpc, "The 'clientRpc' field is not initialized."),
properties, retryPolicy);
/** Set {@link RaftClient} ID. */
public Builder setClientId(ClientId clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;
return this;
/** Set servers. */
public Builder setRaftGroup(RaftGroup grp) { = grp;
return this;
/** Set leader ID. */
public Builder setLeaderId(RaftPeerId leaderId) {
this.leaderId = leaderId;
return this;
/** Set {@link RaftClientRpc}. */
public Builder setClientRpc(RaftClientRpc clientRpc) {
this.clientRpc = clientRpc;
return this;
/** Set {@link RaftProperties}. */
public Builder setProperties(RaftProperties properties) { = properties;
return this;
/** Set {@link Parameters}. */
public Builder setParameters(Parameters parameters) {
this.parameters = parameters;
return this;
/** Set {@link RetryPolicy}. */
public Builder setRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy retryPolicy) {
this.retryPolicy = retryPolicy;
return this;