blob: 1d08316fdac722f2f37af67691ba3057e36024c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.ratis.server.raftlog.segmented;
import org.apache.ratis.conf.RaftProperties;
import org.apache.ratis.proto.RaftProtos.LogEntryProto;
import org.apache.ratis.server.RaftServerConfigKeys;
import org.apache.ratis.server.metrics.SegmentedRaftLogMetrics;
import org.apache.ratis.server.protocol.TermIndex;
import org.apache.ratis.server.raftlog.LogEntryHeader;
import org.apache.ratis.server.raftlog.LogProtoUtils;
import org.apache.ratis.server.raftlog.RaftLog;
import org.apache.ratis.server.raftlog.segmented.CacheInvalidationPolicy.CacheInvalidationPolicyDefault;
import org.apache.ratis.server.raftlog.segmented.LogSegment.LogRecord;
import org.apache.ratis.util.AutoCloseableLock;
import org.apache.ratis.util.AutoCloseableReadWriteLock;
import org.apache.ratis.util.JavaUtils;
import org.apache.ratis.util.Preconditions;
import org.apache.ratis.util.ReferenceCountedObject;
import org.apache.ratis.util.SizeInBytes;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* In-memory RaftLog Cache. Currently we provide a simple implementation that
* caches all the segments in the memory. The cache is not thread-safe and
* requires external lock protection.
public class SegmentedRaftLogCache {
public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SegmentedRaftLogCache.class);
static final class SegmentFileInfo {
static final SegmentFileInfo[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {};
static final Comparator<SegmentFileInfo> REVERSED_ORDER = Comparator.comparingLong(SegmentFileInfo::getStartIndex)
static SegmentFileInfo[] toSortedArray(List<SegmentFileInfo> list) {
if (list == null) {
final SegmentFileInfo[] array = list.toArray(EMPTY_ARRAY);
Arrays.sort(array, REVERSED_ORDER);
return array;
static SegmentFileInfo newClosedSegmentFileInfo(LogSegment ls) {
Objects.requireNonNull(ls, "ls == null");
Preconditions.assertTrue(!ls.isOpen(), () -> ls + " is OPEN");
return new SegmentFileInfo(ls.getStartIndex(), ls.getEndIndex(), ls.isOpen(), 0, 0);
private final long startIndex; // start index of the segment
private final long endIndex; // original end index
private final boolean isOpen;
private final long targetLength; // position for truncation
private final long newEndIndex; // new end index after the truncation
public long getStartIndex() {
return startIndex;
public long getEndIndex() {
return endIndex;
public boolean isOpen() {
return isOpen;
public long getTargetLength() {
return targetLength;
public long getNewEndIndex() {
return newEndIndex;
private SegmentFileInfo(long start, long end, boolean isOpen, long targetLength, long newEndIndex) {
this.startIndex = start;
this.endIndex = end;
this.isOpen = isOpen;
this.targetLength = targetLength;
this.newEndIndex = newEndIndex;
File getFile(RaftStorage storage) {
return LogSegmentStartEnd.valueOf(startIndex, endIndex, isOpen).getFile(storage);
File getNewFile(RaftStorage storage) {
return LogSegmentStartEnd.valueOf(startIndex, newEndIndex, false).getFile(storage);
public String toString() {
return "(" + startIndex + ", " + endIndex
+ ") isOpen? " + isOpen + ", length=" + targetLength
+ ", newEndIndex=" + newEndIndex;
static class TruncationSegments {
private final SegmentFileInfo toTruncate; // name of the file to be truncated
private final SegmentFileInfo[] toDelete; // names of the files to be deleted
public SegmentFileInfo getToTruncate() {
return toTruncate;
public SegmentFileInfo[] getToDelete() {
return toDelete;
TruncationSegments(SegmentFileInfo toTruncate,
List<SegmentFileInfo> toDelete) {
this.toDelete = SegmentFileInfo.toSortedArray(toDelete);
this.toTruncate = toTruncate;
long maxEndIndex() {
long max = Long.MIN_VALUE;
if (toTruncate != null) {
max = toTruncate.endIndex;
for(SegmentFileInfo d : toDelete) {
max = Math.max(max, d.endIndex);
return max;
public String toString() {
return "toTruncate: " + toTruncate
+ "\n toDelete: " + Arrays.toString(toDelete);
private static class CacheInfo {
static CacheInfo get(List<LogSegment> list) {
long size = 0L;
long count = 0L;
for (LogSegment segment: list) {
if (segment.hasCache()) {
size += segment.getTotalCacheSize();
return new CacheInfo(size, count);
/** Total cache size in bytes. */
private final long size;
/** The number of cached segments. */
private final long count;
CacheInfo(long size, long count) {
this.size = size;
this.count = count;
public long getSize() {
return size;
public long getCount() {
return count;
static class LogSegmentList {
private final Object name;
private final List<LogSegment> segments = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private final AutoCloseableReadWriteLock lock;
private long sizeInBytes;
LogSegmentList(Object name) { = name;
this.lock = new AutoCloseableReadWriteLock(name);
this.sizeInBytes = 0;
AutoCloseableLock readLock() {
final StackTraceElement caller = LOG.isTraceEnabled()? JavaUtils.getCallerStackTraceElement(): null;
return lock.readLock(caller, LOG::trace);
AutoCloseableLock writeLock() {
final StackTraceElement caller = LOG.isTraceEnabled()? JavaUtils.getCallerStackTraceElement(): null;
return lock.writeLock(caller, LOG::trace);
boolean isEmpty() {
return segments.isEmpty();
int size() {
return segments.size();
long getTotalFileSize() {
return sizeInBytes;
CacheInfo getCacheInfo() {
return CacheInfo.get(segments);
long countCached() {
LogSegment getLast() {
try(AutoCloseableLock readLock = readLock()) {
return segments.isEmpty()? null: segments.get(segments.size() - 1);
LogSegment get(int i) {
return segments.get(i);
int binarySearch(long index) {
try(AutoCloseableLock readLock = readLock()) {
return Collections.binarySearch(segments, index, LogSegment.SEGMENT_TO_INDEX_COMPARATOR);
LogSegment search(long index) {
try(AutoCloseableLock readLock = readLock()) {
final int i = Collections.binarySearch(segments, index, LogSegment.SEGMENT_TO_INDEX_COMPARATOR);
return i < 0? null: segments.get(i);
LogEntryHeader[] getTermIndex(long startIndex, long realEnd, LogSegment openSegment) {
final LogEntryHeader[] entries = new LogEntryHeader[Math.toIntExact(realEnd - startIndex)];
final int searchIndex;
long index = startIndex;
try(AutoCloseableLock readLock = readLock()) {
searchIndex = Collections.binarySearch(segments, startIndex, LogSegment.SEGMENT_TO_INDEX_COMPARATOR);
if (searchIndex >= 0) {
for(int i = searchIndex; i < segments.size() && index < realEnd; i++) {
final LogSegment s = segments.get(i);
final int numberFromSegment = Math.toIntExact(Math.min(realEnd - index, s.getEndIndex() - index + 1));
getFromSegment(s, index, entries, Math.toIntExact(index - startIndex), numberFromSegment);
index += numberFromSegment;
// openSegment is read outside the lock.
if (searchIndex < 0) {
getFromSegment(openSegment, startIndex, entries, 0, entries.length);
} else if (index < realEnd) {
getFromSegment(openSegment, index, entries,
Math.toIntExact(index - startIndex), Math.toIntExact(realEnd - index));
return entries;
boolean add(LogSegment logSegment) {
try(AutoCloseableLock writeLock = writeLock()) {
sizeInBytes += logSegment.getTotalFileSize();
return segments.add(logSegment);
void clear() {
try(AutoCloseableLock writeLock = writeLock()) {
sizeInBytes = 0;
TruncationSegments truncate(long index, LogSegment openSegment, Runnable clearOpenSegment) {
try(AutoCloseableLock writeLock = writeLock()) {
final int segmentIndex = binarySearch(index);
if (segmentIndex == -segments.size() - 1) {
if (openSegment != null && openSegment.getEndIndex() >= index) {
final long oldEnd = openSegment.getEndIndex();
if (index == openSegment.getStartIndex()) {
// the open segment should be deleted
final SegmentFileInfo deleted = deleteOpenSegment(openSegment, clearOpenSegment);
return new TruncationSegments(null, Collections.singletonList(deleted));
} else {
() -> "Illegal state: " + openSegment + " remains open after truncate.");
final SegmentFileInfo info = new SegmentFileInfo(openSegment.getStartIndex(),
oldEnd, true, openSegment.getTotalFileSize(), openSegment.getEndIndex());
sizeInBytes += openSegment.getTotalFileSize();;
return new TruncationSegments(info, Collections.emptyList());
} else if (segmentIndex >= 0) {
final LogSegment ts = segments.get(segmentIndex);
final long oldEnd = ts.getEndIndex();
final List<SegmentFileInfo> list = new ArrayList<>();
sizeInBytes -= ts.getTotalFileSize();
sizeInBytes += ts.getTotalFileSize();
final int size = segments.size();
for(int i = size - 1;
i >= (ts.numOfEntries() == 0? segmentIndex: segmentIndex + 1);
i--) {
LogSegment s = segments.remove(i);
sizeInBytes -= s.getTotalFileSize();
final long endOfS = i == segmentIndex? oldEnd: s.getEndIndex();
list.add(new SegmentFileInfo(s.getStartIndex(), endOfS, false, 0, s.getEndIndex()));
if (openSegment != null) {
list.add(deleteOpenSegment(openSegment, clearOpenSegment));
SegmentFileInfo t = ts.numOfEntries() == 0? null:
new SegmentFileInfo(ts.getStartIndex(), oldEnd, false, ts.getTotalFileSize(), ts.getEndIndex());
return new TruncationSegments(t, list);
return null;
TruncationSegments purge(long index) {
try (AutoCloseableLock writeLock = writeLock()) {
int segmentIndex = binarySearch(index);
List<SegmentFileInfo> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (segmentIndex == -segments.size() - 1) {
for (LogSegment ls : segments) {
sizeInBytes = 0;
} else if (segmentIndex >= 0) {
// we start to purge the closedSegments which do not overlap with index.
LogSegment overlappedSegment = segments.get(segmentIndex);
// if a segment's end index matches the passed in index, it is OK
// to purge that.
int startIndex = (overlappedSegment.getEndIndex() == index) ?
segmentIndex : segmentIndex - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= startIndex; i++) {
LogSegment segment = segments.remove(0); // must remove the first segment to avoid gaps.
sizeInBytes -= segment.getTotalFileSize();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected gap in segments: binarySearch(" + index + ") returns "
+ segmentIndex + ", segments=" + segments);
return list.isEmpty() ? null : new TruncationSegments(null, list);
static SegmentFileInfo deleteOpenSegment(LogSegment openSegment, Runnable clearOpenSegment) {
final long oldEnd = openSegment.getEndIndex();
final SegmentFileInfo info = new SegmentFileInfo(openSegment.getStartIndex(), oldEnd, true,
0, openSegment.getEndIndex());;
return info;
public String toString() {
return name + ":" + segments;
private final String name;
private volatile LogSegment openSegment;
private final LogSegmentList closedSegments;
private final RaftStorage storage;
private final SizeInBytes maxOpSize;
private final SegmentedRaftLogMetrics raftLogMetrics;
private final int maxCachedSegments;
private final CacheInvalidationPolicy evictionPolicy = new CacheInvalidationPolicyDefault();
private final long maxSegmentCacheSize;
SegmentedRaftLogCache(Object name, RaftStorage storage, RaftProperties properties,
SegmentedRaftLogMetrics raftLogMetrics) { = name + "-" + JavaUtils.getClassSimpleName(getClass());
this.closedSegments = new LogSegmentList(name); = storage;
this.raftLogMetrics = raftLogMetrics;
this.maxCachedSegments = RaftServerConfigKeys.Log.segmentCacheNumMax(properties);
this.maxSegmentCacheSize = RaftServerConfigKeys.Log.segmentCacheSizeMax(properties).getSize();
this.maxOpSize = RaftServerConfigKeys.Log.Appender.bufferByteLimit(properties);
int getMaxCachedSegments() {
return maxCachedSegments;
void loadSegment(LogSegmentPath pi, boolean keepEntryInCache,
Consumer<LogEntryProto> logConsumer) throws IOException {
final LogSegment logSegment = LogSegment.loadSegment(storage, pi.getPath().toFile(), pi.getStartEnd(),
maxOpSize, keepEntryInCache, logConsumer, raftLogMetrics);
if (logSegment != null) {
long getCachedSegmentNum() {
return closedSegments.countCached();
long getClosedSegmentsSizeInBytes() {
return closedSegments.getTotalFileSize();
long getOpenSegmentSizeInBytes() {
return openSegment == null ? 0 : openSegment.getTotalFileSize();
boolean shouldEvict() {
final CacheInfo closedSegmentsCacheInfo = closedSegments.getCacheInfo();
if (closedSegmentsCacheInfo.getCount() > maxCachedSegments) {
return true;
final long size = closedSegmentsCacheInfo.getSize()
+ Optional.ofNullable(openSegment).map(LogSegment::getTotalCacheSize).orElse(0L);
return size > maxSegmentCacheSize;
void evictCache(long[] followerIndices, long safeEvictIndex, long lastAppliedIndex) {
List<LogSegment> toEvict = evictionPolicy.evict(followerIndices,
safeEvictIndex, lastAppliedIndex, closedSegments, maxCachedSegments);
for (LogSegment s : toEvict) {
private void validateAdding(LogSegment segment) {
final LogSegment lastClosed = closedSegments.getLast();
if (lastClosed != null) {
() -> "Unexpected log segment state: the log segment " + lastClosed
+ " is open but it is not the last segment. The next log segment is " + segment);
Preconditions.assertTrue(lastClosed.getEndIndex() + 1 == segment.getStartIndex(),
() -> "Found a gap between logs: the last log segment " + lastClosed + " ended at " + lastClosed.getEndIndex()
+ " but the next log segment " + segment + " started at " + segment.getStartIndex());
void addSegment(LogSegment segment) {
if (segment.isOpen()) {
} else {
void addOpenSegment(long startIndex) {
setOpenSegment(LogSegment.newOpenSegment(storage, startIndex, maxOpSize, raftLogMetrics));
private void setOpenSegment(LogSegment openSegment) {
LOG.trace("{}: setOpenSegment to {}", name, openSegment);
Preconditions.assertNull(this.openSegment, "this.openSegment");
this.openSegment = Objects.requireNonNull(openSegment);
private void clearOpenSegment() {
LOG.trace("{}: clearOpenSegment {}", name, openSegment);
this.openSegment = null;
LogSegment getOpenSegment() {
return openSegment;
* finalize the current open segment, and start a new open segment
void rollOpenSegment(boolean createNewOpen) {
Preconditions.assertTrue(openSegment != null && openSegment.numOfEntries() > 0,
() -> "The number of entries of " + openSegment + " is " + openSegment.numOfEntries());
final long nextIndex = openSegment.getEndIndex() + 1;
if (createNewOpen) {
LogSegment getSegment(long index) {
if (openSegment != null && index >= openSegment.getStartIndex()) {
return openSegment;
} else {
LogRecord getLogRecord(long index) {
LogSegment segment = getSegment(index);
return segment == null ? null : segment.getLogRecord(index);
* @param startIndex inclusive
* @param endIndex exclusive
LogEntryHeader[] getTermIndices(final long startIndex, final long endIndex) {
if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex < getStartIndex()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("startIndex = " + startIndex
+ ", log cache starts from index " + getStartIndex());
if (startIndex > endIndex) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("startIndex(" + startIndex
+ ") > endIndex(" + endIndex + ")");
final long realEnd = Math.min(getEndIndex() + 1, endIndex);
if (startIndex >= realEnd) {
return LogEntryHeader.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return closedSegments.getTermIndex(startIndex, realEnd, openSegment);
private static void getFromSegment(LogSegment segment, long startIndex,
LogEntryHeader[] entries, int offset, int size) {
long endIndex = segment.getEndIndex();
endIndex = Math.min(endIndex, startIndex + size - 1);
int index = offset;
for (long i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
entries[index++] = Optional.ofNullable(segment.getLogRecord(i)).map(LogRecord::getLogEntryHeader).orElse(null);
long getStartIndex() {
try (AutoCloseableLock readLock = closedSegments.readLock()) {
if (closedSegments.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.ofNullable(openSegment).map(LogSegment::getStartIndex).orElse(RaftLog.INVALID_LOG_INDEX);
} else {
return closedSegments.get(0).getStartIndex();
long getEndIndex() {
try (AutoCloseableLock readLock = closedSegments.readLock()) {
return openSegment != null ? openSegment.getEndIndex() :
(closedSegments.isEmpty() ?
closedSegments.get(closedSegments.size() - 1).getEndIndex());
long getLastIndexInClosedSegments() {
try (AutoCloseableLock readLock = closedSegments.readLock()) {
return (closedSegments.isEmpty() ? RaftLog.INVALID_LOG_INDEX :
closedSegments.get(closedSegments.size() - 1).getEndIndex());
TermIndex getLastTermIndex() {
try (AutoCloseableLock readLock = closedSegments.readLock()) {
return (openSegment != null && openSegment.numOfEntries() > 0) ?
openSegment.getLastTermIndex() :
(closedSegments.isEmpty() ? null :
closedSegments.get(closedSegments.size() - 1).getLastTermIndex());
void appendEntry(LogSegment.Op op, ReferenceCountedObject<LogEntryProto> entry) {
// SegmentedRaftLog does the segment creation/rolling work. Here we just
// simply append the entry into the open segment.
Preconditions.assertNotNull(openSegment, "openSegment");
openSegment.appendToOpenSegment(op, entry);
* truncate log entries starting from the given index (inclusive)
TruncationSegments truncate(long index) {
return closedSegments.truncate(index, openSegment, this::clearOpenSegment);
TruncationSegments purge(long index) {
return closedSegments.purge(index);
Iterator<TermIndex> iterator(long startIndex) {
return new EntryIterator(startIndex);
static class TruncateIndices {
private final int arrayIndex;
private final long truncateIndex;
TruncateIndices(int arrayIndex, long truncateIndex) {
this.arrayIndex = arrayIndex;
this.truncateIndex = truncateIndex;
int getArrayIndex() {
return arrayIndex;
long getTruncateIndex() {
return truncateIndex;
TruncateIndices computeTruncateIndices(Consumer<TermIndex> failClientRequest, List<LogEntryProto> entries) {
int arrayIndex = 0;
long truncateIndex = -1;
try(AutoCloseableLock readLock = closedSegments.readLock()) {
final Iterator<TermIndex> i = iterator(entries.get(0).getIndex());
for(; i.hasNext() && arrayIndex < entries.size(); arrayIndex++) {
final TermIndex storedEntry =;
LogEntryProto logEntryProto = entries.get(arrayIndex);
Preconditions.assertTrue(storedEntry.getIndex() == logEntryProto.getIndex(),
"The stored entry's index %s is not consistent with the received entries[%s]'s index %s",
storedEntry.getIndex(), arrayIndex, logEntryProto.getIndex());
if (storedEntry.getTerm() != logEntryProto.getTerm()) {
// we should truncate from the storedEntry's arrayIndex
truncateIndex = storedEntry.getIndex();
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("{}: truncate to {}, arrayIndex={}, ti={}, storedEntry={}, entries={}",
name, truncateIndex, arrayIndex,
TermIndex.valueOf(logEntryProto), storedEntry,
// fail all requests starting at truncateIndex
for(; i.hasNext(); ) {
return new TruncateIndices(arrayIndex, truncateIndex);
private class EntryIterator implements Iterator<TermIndex> {
private long nextIndex;
private LogSegment currentSegment;
private int segmentIndex;
EntryIterator(long start) {
this.nextIndex = start;
segmentIndex = closedSegments.binarySearch(nextIndex);
if (segmentIndex >= 0) {
currentSegment = closedSegments.get(segmentIndex);
} else {
segmentIndex = -segmentIndex - 1;
if (segmentIndex == closedSegments.size()) {
currentSegment = openSegment;
} else {
// the start index is smaller than the first closed segment's start
// index. We no longer keep the log entry (because of the snapshot) or
// the start index is invalid.
Preconditions.assertTrue(segmentIndex == 0,
() -> "segmentIndex is expected to be 0 but segmentIndex = " + segmentIndex);
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
public boolean hasNext() {
return currentSegment != null &&
currentSegment.getLogRecord(nextIndex) != null;
public TermIndex next() {
LogRecord record;
if (currentSegment == null ||
(record = currentSegment.getLogRecord(nextIndex)) == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
if (++nextIndex > currentSegment.getEndIndex()) {
if (currentSegment != openSegment) {
currentSegment = segmentIndex == closedSegments.size() ?
openSegment : closedSegments.get(segmentIndex);
return record.getTermIndex();
int getNumOfSegments() {
return closedSegments.size() + (openSegment == null ? 0 : 1);
boolean isEmpty() {
return closedSegments.isEmpty() && openSegment == null;
void close() {
if (openSegment != null) {