blob: 3ba0c0e01e8b11a76efd73b6e9e7ea6f196fce6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.ratis.server.impl;
import org.apache.ratis.proto.RaftProtos;
import org.apache.ratis.protocol.RaftPeer;
import org.apache.ratis.protocol.RaftPeerId;
import org.apache.ratis.server.DivisionInfo;
import org.apache.ratis.server.impl.LeaderElection.Phase;
import org.apache.ratis.server.protocol.TermIndex;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
class VoteContext {
static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VoteContext.class);
private final RaftServerImpl impl;
private final RaftConfigurationImpl conf;
private final Phase phase;
private final RaftPeerId candidateId;
VoteContext(RaftServerImpl impl, Phase phase, RaftPeerId candidateId) {
this.impl = impl;
this.conf = impl.getRaftConf();
this.phase = phase;
this.candidateId = candidateId;
private boolean reject(String reason) {
return log(false, reason);
private boolean log(boolean accept, String reason) {"{}-{}: {} {} from {}: {}",
impl.getMemberId(), impl.getInfo().getCurrentRole(), accept? "accept": "reject", phase, candidateId, reason);
return accept;
/** Check if the candidate is in the current conf. */
private RaftPeer checkConf() {
if (!conf.containsInConf(candidateId)) {
reject(candidateId + " is not in current conf " + conf.getCurrentPeers());
return null;
return conf.getPeer(candidateId);
enum CheckTermResult {
/** Check the candidate term. */
private CheckTermResult checkTerm(long candidateTerm) {
if (phase == Phase.PRE_VOTE) {
return CheckTermResult.CHECK_LEADER;
// check term
final ServerState state = impl.getState();
final long currentTerm = state.getCurrentTerm();
if (currentTerm > candidateTerm) {
reject("current term " + currentTerm + " > candidate's term " + candidateTerm);
return CheckTermResult.FAILED;
} else if (currentTerm == candidateTerm) {
// check if this server has already voted
final RaftPeerId votedFor = state.getVotedFor();
if (votedFor != null && !votedFor.equals(candidateId)) {
reject("already has voted for " + votedFor + " at current term " + currentTerm);
return CheckTermResult.FAILED;
return CheckTermResult.CHECK_LEADER;
} else {
return CheckTermResult.SKIP_CHECK_LEADER; //currentTerm < candidateTerm
/** Check if there is already a leader. */
private boolean checkLeader() {
// check if this server is the leader
final DivisionInfo info = impl.getInfo();
if (info.isLeader()) {
if (impl.getRole().getLeaderState().map(LeaderStateImpl::checkLeadership).orElse(false)) {
return reject("this server is the leader and still has leadership");
// check if this server is a follower and has a valid leader
if (info.isFollower()) {
final RaftPeerId leader = impl.getState().getLeaderId();
if (leader != null
&& !leader.equals(candidateId)
&& impl.getRole().getFollowerState().map(FollowerState::isCurrentLeaderValid).orElse(false)) {
return reject("this server is a follower and still has a valid leader " + leader
+ " different than the candidate " + candidateId);
return true;
RaftPeer recognizeCandidate(long candidateTerm) {
final RaftPeer candidate = checkConf();
if (candidate == null) {
return null;
final CheckTermResult r = checkTerm(candidateTerm);
if (r == CheckTermResult.FAILED) {
return null;
if (r == CheckTermResult.CHECK_LEADER && !checkLeader()) {
return null;
return candidate;
* A server should vote for candidate if:
* 1. log lags behind candidate, or
* 2. log equals candidate's, and priority less or equal candidate's
* See Section 5.4.1 Election restriction
boolean decideVote(RaftPeer candidate, TermIndex candidateLastEntry) {
if (impl.getRole().getCurrentRole() == RaftProtos.RaftPeerRole.LISTENER) {
return reject("this server is a listener, who is a non-voting member");
if (candidate == null) {
return false;
// Check last log entry
final TermIndex lastEntry = impl.getState().getLastEntry();
final int compare = ServerState.compareLog(lastEntry, candidateLastEntry);
if (compare < 0) {
return log(true, "our last entry " + lastEntry + " < candidate's last entry " + candidateLastEntry);
} else if (compare > 0) {
return reject("our last entry " + lastEntry + " > candidate's last entry " + candidateLastEntry);
// Check priority
final RaftPeer peer = conf.getPeer(impl.getId());
if (peer == null) {
return reject("our server " + impl.getId() + " is not in the conf " + conf);
final int priority = peer.getPriority();
if (priority <= candidate.getPriority()) {
return log(true, "our priority " + priority + " <= candidate's priority " + candidate.getPriority());
} else {
return reject("our priority " + priority + " > candidate's priority " + candidate.getPriority());