blob: 560301bb7f39d6148cc951957704e0a7456cf29c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.ratis.retry;
import org.apache.ratis.util.JavaUtils;
import org.apache.ratis.util.Preconditions;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Exception dependent retry policy.
* If exception is defined in policyMap, will use the retry policy
* configured to that exception or else will use the default policy.
public final class ExceptionDependentRetry implements RetryPolicy {
public static class Builder {
private RetryPolicy defaultPolicy;
private final Map<String, RetryPolicy> exceptionNameToPolicyMap =
new TreeMap<>();
private int maxAttempts = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public Builder setExceptionToPolicy(Class<? extends Throwable> exception,
RetryPolicy retryPolicy) {
Preconditions.assertTrue(retryPolicy != null, "Exception to policy should not be null");
final RetryPolicy previous = exceptionNameToPolicyMap.put(exception.getName(), retryPolicy);
Preconditions.assertNull(previous, () -> "The exception " + exception + " is already set to " + previous);
return this;
public Builder setDefaultPolicy(RetryPolicy retryPolicy) {
Preconditions.assertTrue(retryPolicy != null, "Default Policy should not be null");
this.defaultPolicy = retryPolicy;
return this;
public Builder setMaxAttempts(int attempts) {
this.maxAttempts = attempts;
return this;
public ExceptionDependentRetry build() {
return new ExceptionDependentRetry(defaultPolicy, exceptionNameToPolicyMap, maxAttempts);
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
private final RetryPolicy defaultPolicy;
private final Map<String, RetryPolicy> exceptionNameToPolicyMap;
private final int maxAttempts;
private final Supplier<String> toStringSupplier;
private ExceptionDependentRetry(RetryPolicy defaultPolicy,
Map<String, RetryPolicy> policyMap, int maxAttempts) {
Preconditions.assertTrue(defaultPolicy != null, "Default Policy should not be null");
this.defaultPolicy = defaultPolicy;
this.exceptionNameToPolicyMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(policyMap);
this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
this.toStringSupplier = JavaUtils.memoize(() -> {
final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(JavaUtils.getClassSimpleName(getClass())).append("(")
.append("maxAttempts=").append(maxAttempts).append("; ")
.append("defaultPolicy=").append(defaultPolicy).append("; ")
policyMap.forEach((key, value) -> b.append(key).append("->").append(value).append(", "));
b.setLength(b.length() - 2);
return b.append("})").toString();
public Action handleAttemptFailure(Event event) {
RetryPolicy policy = null;
// If exception is defined in policy map use that or else go with the
// default one. We go with default one in 2 cases.
// 1. If policy map does not have exception mapped to policy.
// 2. If event has exception value null.
if (event.getCause() != null) {
policy = exceptionNameToPolicyMap.get(event.getCause().getClass().getName());
if (policy == null) {
policy = defaultPolicy;
return event.getAttemptCount() < maxAttempts ? policy.handleAttemptFailure(event::getCauseCount) :
public String toString() {
return toStringSupplier.get();