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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.ranger.plugin.errors;
import org.apache.ranger.plugin.model.validation.ValidationFailureDetails;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by alal on 7/30/15.
public class TestValidationErrorCode {
public void testUserMessage() throws Exception {
ValidationErrorCode errorCode = ValidationErrorCode.SERVICE_VALIDATION_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION;
String aParameter = "FOO";
String expected = errorCode._template.replace("{0}", aParameter);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, errorCode.getMessage(aParameter));
* tests if template has any trivial template variable problems, e.g. if template has {3} in it then it
* better also have {0}, {1} and {2} in it else MessageFormat output might be unexpected.
* This check is far from perfect. It may give false alarms if the message itself contains strings of the form {1}
* which have been escaped using single quotes. If that happens we would have to make this test smarter.
public void testTemplates() {
// we check up to 5 substitution variables. If there are more than 5 then you probably have a different set of problems
Set<ValidationErrorCode> may = ImmutableSet.copyOf(ValidationErrorCode.values());
// set of enums that must not hvae any subsequent placeholders in it
Set<ValidationErrorCode> mustNot = new HashSet<ValidationErrorCode>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
String token = String.format("{%d", i);
// check which ones should not have anymore substition varabile placehoders in them, {0}, {1}, etc.
for (ValidationErrorCode anEnum : may) {
if (!anEnum._template.contains(token)) {
// if template does not have {1} then it surely must not have {2}, {3}, etc.
// check for incorrectly numbers substition variable placeholders
for (ValidationErrorCode anEnum : mustNot) {
Assert.assertFalse(anEnum.toString() + ": contains " + token + ". Check for wongly numberd substition variable placeholders.",
* Test if the values assigned to the validation error code are unique or not.
public void testValidationErrorCodesUnique() {
Set<Integer> errorCodes = new HashSet<>();
for (ValidationErrorCode anEnum : ValidationErrorCode.values()) {
int errorCode = anEnum.getErrorCode();
// errorCode that we see must not have been seen so far.
Assert.assertFalse("ValidationErrorCode: error code [" + errorCode + "] used multiple times!", errorCodes.contains(errorCode));