blob: f5d8cef960586ac6381d54a89454c0c774893c6e [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#1. This file is sourced from, so make sure there are no spaces after the "="
#2. For variable with file path, please provide full path
#JAVA_HOME to be used by Solr. Solr only support JDK 1.7 and above. If JAVA_HOME is not set
#in the env, then please set it here
#The operating system (linux) user used by Solr process. You need to run Solr as the below user
#How long to keep the audit logs. Please note, audit records grows very rapidly. Make sure to
#allocate enough memory and disk space to the server running Solr.
#If you want this script to isntall Solr, set the value to true. If it is already installed, then set this to false
#If it is true, then it will download and install it.
#NOTE: If you want the script to install Solr, then this script needs to be executed as root.
### BEGIN: if SOLR_INSTALL==true ###
#Location to download Solr. If SOLR_INSTALL is true, then SOLR_DOWNLOAD_URL is mandatory
#For open source version, pick a mirror from below. Recommended versions are Apache Solr 5.2.1 or above
#Note: If possible, use the link from one of the mirror site
### END: if SOLR_INSTALL==true ###
#The folder where Solr is installed. If SOLR_INSTALL=false, then Solr need to be preinstalled, else the setup will
#install at the below location
#Note: If you are using RPM from LucidWorks in HDP, then Solr is by default installed in the following location:
#The location for the Solr configuration for Ranger. This script copies required configuration and
#startup scripts to the $SOLR_RANGER_HOME folder.
#NOTE: In SolrCloud mode, the data folders are under this folder. So make sure this is on seperate drive
# with enough disk space. Have 1TB free disk space on this volume. Also regularly monitor available disk space
# for this volume
#Port for Solr instance to be used by Ranger.
#Standalone or SolrCloud. Valid values are "standalone" or "solrcloud"
#### BEGIN: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=standalone ##########################
#Location for the data files. Make sure it has enough disk space. Since audits records can grow dramatically,
#please have 1TB free disk space for the data folder. Also regularly monitor available disk space for this volume
#### END: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=standalone ##########################
#### BEGIN: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=solrcloud ##########################
#Comma seperated list of of zookeeper host and path. Give fully qualified domain name for the host
#Base URL of the Solr. Used for creating collections
SOLR_HOST_URL=http://`hostname -f`:${SOLR_RANGER_PORT}
#Number of shards
#Number of replication
#### END: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=solrcloud ##########################
#Location for the log file. Please note that "solr" or the process owner should have write permission
#to log folder
#Memory for Solr. Both min and max memory to the java process are set to this value.
#Note: In production, please assign enough memory. It is recommended to have at least 2GB RAM.
# Higher the RAM, the better. Solr core can take upto 32GB. For dev test you can use 512m