blob: dc6b1d32df1dffa9369e2859dd81a9840810f0c3 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "nestedstructure",
"displayName": "nestedstructure",
"implClass": "",
"label": "NestedStructure",
"description": "Plugin to enforce READ and WRITE access control on nested structures such as JSON response objects from microservice API resource calls",
"options": {
"enableDenyAndExceptionsInPolicies": "true"
"configs": [
{ "itemId": 1, "name": "commonNameForCertificate", "type": "string", "mandatory": false },
{ "itemId": 2, "name": "", "type": "string", "mandatory": false }
"resources": [
"itemId": 1,
"name": "schema",
"type": "string",
"level": 10,
"mandatory": true,
"lookupSupported": false,
"recursiveSupported": false,
"excludesSupported": true,
"matcher": "org.apache.ranger.plugin.resourcematcher.RangerDefaultResourceMatcher",
"matcherOptions": { "wildCard": "true", "ignoreCase": "true" },
"label": "NestedStructure Schema",
"description": "Schema of the nested structure returned from Microservice GET, etc",
"accessTypeRestrictions": [],
"isValidLeaf": true
"itemId": 2,
"name": "field",
"type": "string",
"level": 20,
"parent": "schema",
"mandatory": true,
"lookupSupported": false,
"recursiveSupported": false,
"excludesSupported": true,
"matcher": "org.apache.ranger.plugin.resourcematcher.RangerDefaultResourceMatcher",
"matcherOptions": { "wildCard": "true", "ignoreCase": "true" },
"label": "NestedStructure Schema Field",
"description": "NestedStructure Schema Field",
"accessTypeRestrictions": [],
"isValidLeaf": true
"accessTypes": [
{ "itemId": 1, "name": "read", "label": "Read" },
{ "itemId": 2, "name": "write", "label": "Write" }
"policyConditions": [],
"contextEnrichers": [],
"enums": [],
"dataMaskDef": {
"maskTypes": [
"itemId": 1,
"name": "MASK",
"label": "Redact",
"description": "Replace lowercase with 'x', uppercase with 'X', digits with '0'",
"transformer": "mask({field})",
"dataMaskOptions": {}
"itemId": 2,
"name": "MASK_SHOW_LAST_4",
"label": "Partial mask: show last 4",
"description": "Show last 4 characters; replace rest with 'x'",
"transformer": "mask_show_last_n({field}, 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')",
"dataMaskOptions": {}
"itemId": 3,
"name": "MASK_SHOW_FIRST_4",
"label": "Partial mask: show first 4",
"description": "Show first 4 characters; replace rest with 'x'",
"transformer": "mask_show_first_n({field}, 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')",
"dataMaskOptions": {}
"itemId": 4,
"name": "MASK_HASH",
"label": "Hash",
"description": "Hash the value",
"transformer": "mask_hash({field})",
"dataMaskOptions": {}
"itemId": 5,
"name": "MASK_NULL",
"label": "Nullify",
"description": "Replace with NULL",
"dataMaskOptions": {}
"itemId": 6,
"name": "MASK_NONE",
"label": "Unmasked (retain original value)",
"description": "No masking",
"dataMaskOptions": {}
"itemId": 12,
"label": "Date: show only year",
"description": "Date: show only year",
"transformer": "mask({field}, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1', 1, 0, -1)",
"dataMaskOptions": {}
"itemId": 13,
"name": "CUSTOM",
"label": "Custom",
"description": "Custom",
"dataMaskOptions": {}
"accessTypes": [
{ "itemId": 1, "name": "read", "label": "Read" }
"resources": [
"itemId": 1,
"name": "schema",
"type": "string",
"level": 10,
"mandatory": true,
"lookupSupported": false,
"recursiveSupported": false,
"excludesSupported": false,
"matcher": "org.apache.ranger.plugin.resourcematcher.RangerDefaultResourceMatcher",
"matcherOptions": { "wildCard": "false", "ignoreCase": "true" },
"uiHint": "{ \"singleValue\":true }",
"label": "NestedStructure Schema",
"description": "NestedStructure Schema returned from Microservice GET, etc",
"accessTypeRestrictions": [],
"isValidLeaf": false
"itemId": 2,
"name": "field",
"type": "string",
"level": 20,
"parent": "schema",
"mandatory": true,
"lookupSupported": false,
"recursiveSupported": false,
"excludesSupported": false,
"matcher": "org.apache.ranger.plugin.resourcematcher.RangerDefaultResourceMatcher",
"matcherOptions": { "wildCard": "false", "ignoreCase": "true" },
"uiHint": "{ \"singleValue\":true }",
"label": "NestedStructure Schema Field",
"description": "NestedStructure Schema Field",
"accessTypeRestrictions": [],
"isValidLeaf": true
"rowFilterDef": {
"accessTypes": [
{ "itemId": 1, "name": "read", "label": "Read" },
{ "itemId": 2, "name": "write", "label": "Write" }
"resources": [
"itemId": 1,
"name": "schema",
"type": "string",
"level": 10,
"mandatory": true,
"lookupSupported": false,
"recursiveSupported": false,
"excludesSupported": false,
"matcher": "org.apache.ranger.plugin.resourcematcher.RangerDefaultResourceMatcher",
"matcherOptions": { "wildCard": "false", "ignoreCase": "true" },
"uiHint": "{ \"singleValue\":true }",
"label": "NestedStructure Schema",
"description": "NestedStructure Schema returned from Microservice GET, etc",
"accessTypeRestrictions": [],
"isValidLeaf": true