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<h1>Apache Rampart - Configuration Guide</h1>
<h2>Rampart Configurations</h2>
<p>RampartConfig element can have any of the following child elements. Schema is available <a href="rampart-config.xsd">here</a></p>
<table class="bodyTable"><tbody>
<tr class="a"><td><b>Parameter</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td><td><b>Example</b></td></tr>
<tr class="b"><td>user</td><td>The user's name</td><td>Set username of UsernameToken to be used <br></br>
&lt;user&gt; bob&lt;/user&gt;</td></tr>
<tr class="a"><td>userCertAlias</td><td>The user's cert alias</td><td>Set alias of the key to be used to sign<br></br>
&lt;userCertAlias&gt; bob&lt;/userCertAlias&gt;</td></tr>
<tr class="b"><td>encryptionUser</td><td>The user's name for encryption.</td><td>
<tr class="a"><td>passwordCallbackClass</td><td>Callback class used to provide the password required to create the
UsernameToken or to sign the message</td><td>
<tr class="b"><td>policyValidatorCbClass</td><td>Callback class used to provide custom validater </td><td>
<tr class="a"><td>signatureCrypto</td><td>properties to needed perform signature, such as crypto
provider, keystore and its password</td><td>
&lt;crypto provider=""&gt;
&lt;property name=""&gt;JKS&lt;/property&gt;
&lt;property name=""&gt;client.jks&lt;/property&gt;
&lt;property name=""&gt;apache&lt;/property&gt;
<tr class="b"><td>encryptionCypto</td><td>properties to needed perform signature, such as crypto
provider, keystore and its password</td><td>
....crypto element ......
<tr class="a"><td>decryptionCrypto</td><td>properties to needed perform signature, such as crypto
provider, keystore and its password</td><td>
....crypto element ......
<tr class="b"><td>timestampTTL</td><td>Time to live of Timestamp</td><td>The default timestamp time to live is 300 seconds</td></tr>
<tr class="a"><td>timestampMaxSkew</td><td>The maximum tolerence limit for timeskew of the timestamp</td><td>Rampart allows timestamps created slightly ahead of the reciever's time.<br/> This parameter allows to specify the tolerence limit</td></tr>
<tr class="b"><td>timestampPrecisionInMilliseconds</td><td> Whether the timestamps precision should be milliseconds </td><td>When this value is set false, generated timestamps doesn't contain milliseconds </td></tr>
<tr class="a"><td>optimizeParts</td><td></td><td></td></tr>
<tr class="b"><td>tokenStoreClass</td><td></td><td></td></tr>
<tr class="a"><td>sslConfig</td><td>SSL Configuration need for Transportbinding</td><td>Can specify the properties such as "" and "". Please see below for more information.</td></tr>
<h3>Crypto Provider</h3>
<p> defines the implementation of
the interface to provide the
crypto information required by WSS4J. The other properties defined are the
configuration properties used by the implementation class
<a name="ref"></a><a name="references"></a></p>
<a name="References"></a>
<h3>References</h3>1. <a href="">Apache WSS4J -Home</a>